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Posts in 2024

  • Innovation Unleashed: A Deep Dive into the 5th Gardener Community Hackathon

    Tuesday, May 21, 2024 in 2024

    The Gardener community recently concluded its 5th Hackathon, a week-long event that brought together multiple companies to collaborate on common topics of interest. The Hackathon, held at Schlosshof Freizeitheim in Schelklingen, Germany, was a …

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  • Gardener's Registry Cache Extension: Another Cost Saving Win and More

    Monday, April 22, 2024 in 2024

    Use Cases In Kubernetes, on every Node the container runtime daemon pulls the container images that are configured in the Pods’ specifications running on the corresponding Node. Although these container images are cached on the Node’s …

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  • SpinKube on Gardener - Serverless WASM on Kubernetes

    Thursday, April 18, 2024 in 2024

    With the rising popularity of WebAssembly (WASM) and WebAssembly System Interface (WASI) comes a variety of integration possibilities. WASM is now not only suitable for the browser, but can be also utilized for running workloads on the server. In …

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  • KubeCon / CloudNativeCon Europe 2024 Highlights

    Friday, April 05, 2024 in 2024

    KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2024, recently held in Paris, was a testament to the robustness of the open-source community and its pivotal role in driving advancements in AI and cloud-native technologies. With a record attendance of over +12,000 …

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Posts in 2023

  • High Availability and Zone Outage Toleration

    Monday, March 27, 2023 in 2023

    Developing highly available workload that can tolerate a zone outage is no trivial task. In this blog, we will explore various recommendations to get closer to that goal. While many recommendations are general enough, the examples are specific in how …

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Posts in 2022

  • Community Call - Get more computing power in Gardener by overcoming Kubelet limitations with CRI-resource-manager

    Thursday, October 20, 2022 in 2022

    Presenters This community call was led by Pawel Palucki and Alexander D. Kanevskiy. Topics Alexander Kanevskiy begins the community call by giving an overview of CRI-resource-manager, describing it as a “hardware aware container runtime”, …

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  • Community Call - Cilium / Isovalent Presentation

    Thursday, October 06, 2022 in 2022

    Presenters This community call was led by Raymond de Jong. Topics This meeting explores the uses of Cilium, an open source software used to secure the network connectivity between application services deployed using Kubernetes, and Hubble, the …

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  • Community Call - Gardener Extension Development

    Friday, June 17, 2022 in 2022

    Presenters This community call was led by Jens Schneider and Lothar Gesslein. Overview Starting the development of a new Gardener extension can be challenging, when you are not an expert in the Gardener ecosystem yet. Therefore, the first half of …

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  • Community Call - Deploying and Developing Gardener Locally

    Wednesday, March 23, 2022 in 2022

    Presenters This community call was led by Tim Ebert and Rafael Franzke. Overview So far, deploying Gardener locally was not possible end-to-end. While you certainly could run the Gardener components in a minikube or kind cluster, creating shoot …

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  • Community Call - Gardenctl-v2

    Thursday, February 17, 2022 in 2022

    Presenters This community call was led by Holger Kosser, Lukas Gross and Peter Sutter. Overview Watch the recording of our February 2022 Community call to see how to get started with the gardenctl-v2 and watch a walkthrough for gardenctl-v2 features. …

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