Community Call - Gardener Extension Development


This community call was led by Jens Schneider and Lothar Gesslein.


Starting the development of a new Gardener extension can be challenging, when you are not an expert in the Gardener ecosystem yet. Therefore, the first half of this community call led by Jens Schneider aims to provide a “getting started tutorial” at a beginner level. 23Technologies have developed a minimal working example for Gardener extensions, gardener-extension-mwe, hosted in a Github repository. Jens is following the Getting started with Gardener extension development tutorial, which aims to provide exactly that.

In the second part of the community call, Lothar Gesslein introduces the gardener-extension-shoot-flux, which allows for the automated installation of arbitrary Kubernetes resources into shoot clusters. As this extension relies on Flux, an overview of Flux’s capabilities is also provided.

If you are left with any questions regarding the content, you might find the answers at the Q&A session and discussion held at the end.

You can find the tutorials in this community call at:

If you are left with any questions regarding the content, you might find the answers at the Q&A session and discussion held at the end of the meeting.
