Community Call - Cilium / Isovalent Presentation


This community call was led by Raymond de Jong.


This meeting explores the uses of Cilium, an open source software used to secure the network connectivity between application services deployed using Kubernetes, and Hubble, the networking and security observability platform built on top of it.

Raymond de Jong begins the meeting by giving an introduction of Cillium and eBPF and how they are both used in Kubernetes networking and services. He then goes over the ways of running Cillium - either by using a supported cloud provider or by CNI chaining.

The next topic introduced is the Cluster Mesh and the different use cases for it, offering high availability, shared services, local and remote service affinity, and the ability to split services.

In regards to security, being an identity-based security solution utilizing API-aware authorization, Cillium implements Hubble in order to increase its observability. Hubble combines hubble UI, hubble API and hubble Metrics - Grafana and Prometheus, in order to provide service dependency maps, detailed flow visibility and built-in metrics for operations and applications stability.

The final topic covered is the Service Mesh, offering service maps and the ability to integrate Cluster Mesh features.

If you are left with any questions regarding the content, you might find the answers at the Q&A session and discussion held at the end, as well as the questions asked and answered throughout the meeting.
