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Posts in 2021

  • Happy Anniversary, Gardener! Three Years of Open Source Kubernetes Management

    Monday, February 01, 2021 in 2021

    Happy New Year Gardeners! As we greet 2021, we also celebrate Gardener’s third anniversary. Gardener was born with its first open source commit on 10.1.2018 (its inception within SAP was of course some 9 months earlier): commit …

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  • Machine Controller Manager

    Monday, January 25, 2021 in 2021

    Kubernetes is a cloud-native enabler built around the principles for a resilient, manageable, observable, highly automated, loosely coupled system. We know that Kubernetes is infrastructure agnostic with the help of a provider specific Cloud …

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Posts in 2020

  • STACKIT Kubernetes Engine with Gardener

    Thursday, December 03, 2020 in 2020

    STACKIT is a digital brand of Europe’s biggest retailer, the Schwarz Group, which consists of Lidl, Kaufland, as well as production and recycling companies. Following the industry trend, the Schwarz Group is in the process of a digital …

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  • Gardener v1.13 Released

    Monday, November 23, 2020 in 2020

    Dear community, we’re happy to announce a new minor release of Gardener, in fact, the 16th in 2020! v1.13 came out just today after a couple of weeks of code improvements and feature implementations. As usual, this blog post provides brief …

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  • Case Study: Migrating ETCD Volumes in Production

    Friday, November 20, 2020 in 2020

    This is a guest commentary from metal-stack. metal-stack is a software that provides an API for provisioning and managing physical servers in the data center. To categorize this product, the terms “Metal-as-a-Service” (MaaS) or …

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  • Gardener v1.11 and v1.12 Released

    Wednesday, November 04, 2020 in 2020

    Two months after our last Gardener release update, we are happy again to present release v1.11 and v1.12 in this blog post. Control plane migration, load balancer consolidation, and new security features are just a few topics we progressed with. As …

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  • Shoot Reconciliation Details

    Monday, October 19, 2020 in 2020

    Do you want to understand how Gardener creates and updates Kubernetes clusters (Shoots)? Well, it’s complicated, but if you are not afraid of large diagrams and are a visual learner like me, this might be useful to you. Introduction In this …

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  • Gardener Integrates with KubeVirt

    Monday, October 19, 2020 in 2020

    The Gardener team is happy to announce that Gardener now offers support for an additional, often requested, infrastructure/virtualization technology, namely KubeVirt! Gardener can now provide Kubernetes-conformant clusters using KubeVirt managed …

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  • Gardener v1.9 and v1.10 Released

    Friday, September 11, 2020 in 2020

    Summer holidays aren’t over yet, still, the Gardener community was able to release two new minor versions in the past weeks. Despite being limited in capacity these days, we were able to reach some major milestones, like adding Kubernetes v1.19 …

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  • Gardener v1.8.0 Released

    Thursday, August 06, 2020 in 2020

    Even if we are in the midst of the summer holidays, a new Gardener release came out yesterday: v1.8.0! It’s main themes are the large change of our logging stack to Loki (which was already explained in detail on a blog post on grafana.com), …

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