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Posts in 2020

  • PingCAP’s Experience in Implementing Their Managed TiDB Service with Gardener

    Wednesday, May 27, 2020 in 2020

    Gardener is showing successful collaboration with its growing community of contributors and adopters. With this come some success stories, including PingCAP using Gardener to implement its managed service. About PingCAP and Its TiDB Cloud PingCAP …

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  • New Website, Same Green Flower

    Monday, May 11, 2020 in 2020

    The Gardener project website just received a serious facelift. Here are some of the highlights: A completely new landing page, emphasizing both on Gardener’s value proposition and the open community behind it. The Community page was …

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Posts in 2019

  • Organizing Access Using kubeconfig Files

    Tuesday, June 11, 2019 in 2019

    The kubectl command-line tool uses kubeconfig files to find the information it needs in order to choose a cluster and communicate with its API server. What happens if the kubeconfig file of your production cluster is leaked or published by accident? …

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  • Feature Flags in Kubernetes Applications

    Tuesday, June 11, 2019 in 2019

    Feature flags are used to change the behavior of a program at runtime without forcing a restart. Although they are essential in a native cloud environment, they cannot be implemented without significant effort on some platforms. Kubernetes has made …

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Posts in 2018

  • Gardener Cookies

    Tuesday, December 25, 2018 in 2018

    Green Tea Matcha Cookies For a team event during the Christmas season we decided to completely reinterpret the topic cookies. :-) Matcha cookies have the delicate flavor and color of green tea. These soft, pillowy and chewy green tea cookies are …

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  • Cookies Are Dangerous...

    Saturday, December 22, 2018 in 2018

    …they mess up the figure. For a team event during the Christmas season we decided to completely reinterpret the topic cookies… since the vegetables have gone on a well-deserved vacation. :-) Get the recipe at Gardener Cookies.

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  • Hibernate a Cluster to Save Money

    Wednesday, July 11, 2018 in 2018

    You want to experiment with Kubernetes or set up a customer scenario, but don’t want to run the cluster 24 / 7 due to cost reasons? Gardener gives you the possibility to scale your cluster down to zero nodes. Learn more on Hibernate a Cluster.

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  • Watching Logs of Several Pods

    Monday, June 11, 2018 in 2018

    One thing that always bothered me was that I couldn’t get the logs of several pods at once with kubectl. A simple tail -f <path-to-logfile> isn’t possible. Certainly, you can use kubectl logs -f <pod-id>, but it doesn’t …

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  • Shared Storage with S3 Backend

    Monday, June 11, 2018 in 2018

    The storage is definitely the most complex and important part of an application setup. Once this part is completed, one of the most problematic parts could be solved. Mounting an S3 bucket into a pod using FUSE allows you to access data stored in S3 …

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  • ReadWriteMany - Dynamically Provisioned Persistent Volumes Using Amazon EFS

    Monday, June 11, 2018 in 2018

    The efs-provisioner allows you to mount EFS storage as PersistentVolumes in Kubernetes. It consists of a container that has access to an AWS EFS resource. The container reads a configmap containing the EFS filesystem ID, the AWS region and the name …

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