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The web UI for managing your projects and clusters

Gardener Dashboard

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Gardener Dashboard Documentation


Apache License 2.0

Copyright 2020 The Gardener Authors

1 - Architecture

Dashboard Architecture Overview


The dashboard frontend is a Single Page Application (SPA) built with Vue.js. The dashboard backend is a web server built with Express and Node.js. The backend serves the bundled frontend as static content. The dashboard uses Socket.IO to enable real-time, bidirectional and event-based communication between the frontend and the backend. For the communication from the backend to different kube-apiservers the http/2 network protocol is used. Authentication at the apiserver of the garden cluster is done via JWT tokens. These can either be an ID Token issued by an OpenID Connect Provider or the token of a Kubernetes Service Account.


The dashboard frontend consists of many Vue.js single file components that manage their state via a centralized store. The store defines mutations to modify the state synchronously. If several mutations have to be combined or the state in the backend has to be modified at the same time, the store provides asynchronous actions to do this job. The synchronization of the data with the backend is done by plugins that also use actions.


The backend is currently a monolithic Node.js application, but it performs several tasks that are actually independent.

  • Static web server for the frontend single page application
  • Forward real time events of the apiserver to the frontend
  • Provide an HTTP API
  • Initiate and manage the end user login flow in order to obtain an ID Token
  • Bidirectional integration with the GitHub issue management

It is planned to split the backend into several independent containers to increase stability and performance.


The following diagram shows the authorization code flow in the Gardener dashboard. When the user clicks the login button, he is redirected to the authorization endpoint of the openid connect provider. In the case of Dex IDP, authentication is delegated to the connected IDP. After a successful login, the OIDC provider redirects back to the dashboard backend with a one time authorization code. With this code, the dashboard backend can now request an ID token for the logged in user. The ID token is encrypted and stored as a secure httpOnly session cookie.

2 - Access Restrictions

Access Restrictions

The dashboard can be configured with access restrictions.

Access restrictions are shown for regions that have a matching label in the CloudProfile

  - name: pangaea-north-1
    - name: pangaea-north-1a
    - name: pangaea-north-1b
    - name: pangaea-north-1c
    labels: "true"
  • If the user selects the access restriction, spec.seedSelector.matchLabels[key] will be set.
  • When selecting an option, metadata.annotations[optionKey] will be set.

The value that is set depends on the configuration. See 2. under Configuration section below.

kind: Shoot
  annotations: "true" "true"
    matchLabels: "true"

In order for the shoot (with enabled access restriction) to be scheduled on a seed, the seed needs to have the label set. E.g.

kind: Seed
  labels: "true"

Configuration As gardener administrator:

  1. you can control the visibility of the chips with the accessRestriction.items[].display.visibleIf and accessRestriction.items[].options[].display.visibleIf property. E.g. in this example the access restriction chip is shown if the value is true and the option is shown if the value is false.
  2. you can control the value of the input field (switch / checkbox) with the accessRestriction.items[].input.inverted and accessRestriction.items[].options[].input.inverted property. Setting the inverted property to true will invert the value. That means that when selecting the input field the value will be'false' instead of 'true'.
  3. you can configure the text that is displayed when no access restriction options are available by setting accessRestriction.noItemsText example values.yaml:
  noItemsText: No access restriction options available for region {region} and cloud profile {cloudProfile}
  - key:
      visibleIf: true
      # title: foo # optional title, if not defined key will be used
      # description: bar # optional description displayed in a tooltip
      title: EU Access
      description: |
                This service is offered to you with our regular SLAs and 24x7 support for the control plane of the cluster. 24x7 support for cluster add-ons and nodes is only available if you meet the following conditions:
    - key:
        visibleIf: false
        # title: bar # optional title, if not defined key will be used
        # description: baz # optional description displayed in a tooltip
        title: No personal data is used as name or in the content of Gardener or Kubernetes resources (e.g. Gardener project name or Kubernetes namespace, configMap or secret in Gardener or Kubernetes)
        description: |
                    If you can't comply, only third-level/dev support at usual 8x5 working hours in EEA will be available to you for all cluster add-ons such as DNS and certificates, Calico overlay network and network policies, kube-proxy and services, and everything else that would require direct inspection of your cluster through its API server
        inverted: true
    - key:
        visibleIf: false
        title: No personal data is stored in any Kubernetes volume except for container file system, emptyDirs, and persistentVolumes (in particular, not on hostPath volumes)
        description: |
                    If you can't comply, only third-level/dev support at usual 8x5 working hours in EEA will be available to you for all node-related components such as Docker and Kubelet, the operating system, and everything else that would require direct inspection of your nodes through a privileged pod or SSH
        inverted: true

3 - Automating Project Resource Management


The project resource operations that are performed manually in the dashboard or via kubectl can be automated using the Gardener API and a Service Account authorized to perform them.

Create a Service Account



  1. Select your project and choose MEMBERS from the menu on the left.

  2. Locate the section Service Accounts and choose +.

    Add service account

  3. Enter the service account details.

    Enter service account details

    The following Roles are available:

RoleGranted Permissions
OwnerCombines the Admin, UAM and Service Account Manager roles. There can only be one owner per project. You can change the owner on the project administration page.
AdminAllows to manage resources inside the project (e.g. secrets, shoots, configmaps and similar) and to manage permissions for service accounts. Note that the Admin role has read-only access to service accounts.
ViewerProvides read access to project details and shoots. Has access to shoots but is not able to create new ones. Cannot read cloud provider secrets.
UAMAllows to add/modify/remove human users, service accounts or groups to/from the project member list. In case an external UAM system is connected via a service account, only this account should get the UAM role.
Service Account ManagerAllows to manage service accounts inside the project namespace and request tokens for them. The permissions of the created service accounts are instead managed by the Admin role. For security reasons this role should not be assigned to service accounts. In particular it should be ensured that the service account is not able to refresh service account tokens forever.
  1. Choose CREATE.

Use the Service Account

To use the service account, download or copy its kubeconfig. With it you can connect to the API endpoint of your Gardener project.

Download service account kubeconfig

Note: The downloaded kubeconfig contains the service account credentials. Treat with care.

Delete the Service Account

Choose Delete Service Account to delete it.

Delete service account

4 - Connect Kubectl

Connect Kubectl

In Kubernetes, the configuration for accessing your cluster is in a format known as kubeconfig, which is stored as a file. It contains details such as cluster API server addresses and access credentials or a command to obtain access credentials from a kubectl credential plugin. In general, treat a kubeconfig as sensitive data. Tools like kubectl use the kubeconfig to connect and authenticate to a cluster and perform operations on it. Learn more about kubeconfig and kubectl on


In this guide, we reference the following tools:

  • kubectl: Command-line tool for running commands against Kubernetes clusters. It allows you to control various aspects of your cluster, such as creating or modifying resources, viewing resource status, and debugging your applications.
  • kubelogin: kubectl credential plugin used for OIDC authentication, which is required for the (OIDC) Garden cluster kubeconfig
  • gardenlogin: kubectl credential plugin used for Shoot authentication as system:masters, which is required for the (gardenlogin) Shoot cluster kubeconfig
  • gardenctl: Optional. Command-line tool to administrate one or many Garden, Seed and Shoot clusters. Use this tool to setup gardenlogin and gardenctl itself, configure access to clusters and configure cloud provider CLI tools.

Connect Kubectl to a Shoot Cluster

In order to connect to a Shoot cluster, you first have to install and setup gardenlogin.

You can obtain the kubeconfig for the Shoot cluster either by downloading it from the Gardener dashboard or by copying the gardenctl target command from the dashboard and executing it.

Setup Gardenlogin

  • You are logged on to the Gardener dashboard.
  • The dashboard admin has configured OIDC for the dashboard.
  • You have installed kubelogin
  • You have installed gardenlogin

To setup gardenlogin, you need to:

Download Kubeconfig for the Garden Cluster
  1. Navigate to the MY ACCOUNT page on the dashboard by clicking on the user avatar -> MY ACCOUNT.
  2. Under the Access section, download the kubeconfig.
Configure Gardenlogin

Configure gardenlogin by following the installation instruction on the dashboard:

  1. Select your project from the dropdown on the left
  2. Choose CLUSTERS and select your cluster in the list.
  3. Choose the Show information about gardenlogin info icon and follow the configuration hints.

[!IMPORTANT] Use the previously downloaded kubeconfig for the Garden cluster as the kubeconfig path. Do not use the gardenlogin Shoot cluster kubeconfig here.

Download and Setup Kubeconfig for a Shoot Cluster

The gardenlogin kubeconfig for the Shoot cluster can be obtained in various ways:

Copy and Run gardenctl target Command

Using the gardenctl target command you can quickly set or switch between clusters. The command sets the scope for the next operation, e.g., it ensures that the KUBECONFIG env variable always points to the current targeted cluster.

To target a Shoot cluster:

  1. Copy the gardenctl target command from the dashboard

  2. Paste and run the command in the terminal application, for example:

$ gardenctl target --garden landscape-dev --project core --shoot mycluster
Successfully targeted shoot "mycluster"

Your KUBECONFIG env variable is now pointing to the current target (also visible with gardenctl target view -o yaml). You can now run kubectl commands against your Shoot cluster.

$ kubectl get namespaces

The command connects to the cluster and list its namespaces.

KUBECONFIG Env Var not Setup Correctly

If your KUBECONFIG env variable does not point to the current target, you will see the following message after running the gardenctl target command:

WARN The KUBECONFIG environment variable does not point to the current target of gardenctl. Run `gardenctl kubectl-env --help` on how to configure the KUBECONFIG environment variable accordingly

In this case you would need to run the following command (assuming bash as your current shell). For other shells, consult the gardenctl kubectl-env –help documentation.

$ eval "$(gardenctl kubectl-env bash)"

Download from Dashboard

  1. Select your project from the dropdown on the left, then choose CLUSTERS and locate your cluster in the list. Choose the key icon to bring up a dialog with the access options.

    In the Kubeconfig - Gardenlogin section the options are to show gardenlogin info, download, copy or view the kubeconfig for the cluster.

    The same options are available also in the Access section in the cluster details screen. To find it, choose a cluster from the list.

  2. Choose the download icon to download the kubeconfig as file on your local system.

Connecting to the Cluster

In the following command, change <path-to-gardenlogin-kubeconfig> with the actual path to the file where you stored the kubeconfig downloaded in the previous step 2.

$ kubectl --kubeconfig=<path-to-gardenlogin-kubeconfig> get namespaces

The command connects to the cluster and list its namespaces.

Exporting KUBECONFIG environment variable

Since many kubectl commands will be used, it’s a good idea to take advantage of every opportunity to shorten the expressions. The kubectl tool has a fallback strategy for looking up a kubeconfig to work with. For example, it looks for the KUBECONFIG environment variable with value that is the path to the kubeconfig file meant to be used. Export the variable:

$ export KUBECONFIG=<path-to-gardenlogin-kubeconfig>

Again, replace <path-to-gardenlogin-kubeconfig> with the actual path to the kubeconfig for the cluster you want to connect to.

What’s next?

5 - Custom Fields

Custom Shoot Fields

The Dashboard supports custom shoot fields, which can be configured to be displayed on the cluster list and cluster details page. Custom fields do not show up on the ALL_PROJECTS page.

Project administration page:

Each custom field configuration is shown with its own chip.

Click on the chip to show more details for the custom field configuration.

Custom fields can be shown on the cluster list, if showColumn is enabled. See configuration below for more details. In this example, a custom field for the Shoot status was configured.

Custom fields can be shown in a dedicated card (Custom Fields) on the cluster details page, if showDetails is enabled. See configuration below for more details.


nameString✔️Name of the custom field
pathString✔️Path in shoot resource, of which the value must be of primitive type (no object / array). Use lodash get path syntax, e.g. metadata.labels[""] or spec.networking.type
iconStringMDI icon for field on the cluster details page. See for available icons. Must be in the format: mdi-<icon-name>.
tooltipStringTooltip for the custom field that appears when hovering with the mouse over the value
defaultValueString/NumberDefault value, in case there is no value for the given path
showColumnBooltrueField shall appear as column in the cluster list
columnSelectedByDefaultBooltrueIndicates if field shall be selected by default on the cluster list (not hidden by default)
weightNumber0Defines the order of the column. The built-in columns start with a weight of 100, increasing by 100 (200, 300, etc.)
sortableBooltrueIndicates if column is sortable on the cluster list
searchableBooltrueIndicates if column is searchable on the cluster list
showDetailsBooltrueIndicates if field shall appear in a dedicated card (Custom Fields) on the cluster details page

Editor for Custom Shoot Fields

The Gardener Dashboard now includes an editor for custom shoot fields, allowing users to configure these fields directly from the dashboard without needing to use kubectl. This editor can be accessed from the project administration page.

Accessing the Editor

  1. Navigate to the project administration page.
  2. Scroll down to the Custom Fields for Shoots section.
  3. Click on the gear icon to open the configuration panel for custom fields.

Adding a New Custom Field

  1. In the Configure Custom Fields for Shoot Clusters panel, click on the + ADD NEW FIELD button.
  1. Fill in the details for the new custom field in the Add New Field form. Refer to the Configuration section for detailed descriptions of each field.

  2. Click the ADD button to save the new custom field.


Custom shoot fields can be defined per project by specifying metadata.annotations[""]. The following is an example project yaml:

kind: Project
  annotations: |
        "shootStatus": {
          "name": "Shoot Status",
          "path": "metadata.labels[\"\"]",
          "icon": "mdi-heart-pulse",
          "tooltip": "Indicates the health status of the cluster",
          "defaultValue": "unknown",
          "showColumn": true,
          "columnSelectedByDefault": true,
          "weight": 950,
          "searchable": true,
          "sortable": true,
          "showDetails": true
        "networking": {
          "name": "Networking Type",
          "path": "spec.networking.type",
          "icon": "mdi-table-network",
          "showColumn": false

6 - Customization

Theming and Branding


Gardener landscape administrators should have the possibility to change the appearance and the branding of the Gardener Dashboard via configuration without the need to touch the code.


It is possible to change the branding of the Gardener Dashboard when using the helm chart in the frontendConfig.branding map. The following configuration properties are supported:

documentTitleTitle of the browser windowGardener Dashboard
productNameName of the Gardener productGardener
productTitleTitle of the Gardener product displayed below the logo. It could also contain information about the specific Gardener instance (e.g. Development, Canary, Live)Gardener
productTitleSuperscriptSuperscript next to the product title. To supress the superscript set to falseProduction version (e.g 1.73.1)
productSloganSlogan that is displayed under the product title and on the login pageUniversal Kubernetes at Scale
productLogoUrlURL for the product logo. You can also use data: scheme for development. For production it is recommended to provide static assets/static/assets/logo.svg
teaserHeightHeight of the teaser in the GMainNavigation component200
teaserTemplateCustom HTML template to replace to teaser contentrefer to GTeaser
loginTeaserHeightHeight of the login teaser in the GLogin component260
loginTeaserTemplateCustom HTML template to replace to login teaser contentrefer to GLoginTeaser
loginFooterHeightHeight of the login footer in the GLogin component24
loginFooterTemplateCustom HTML template to replace to login footer contentrefer to GLoginFooter
loginHintsLinks { title: string; href: string; } to product related sites shown below the login buttonundefined
oidcLoginTitleTitle of tabstrip for loginType OIDCOIDC
oidcLoginTextText show above the login button on the OIDC tabstripPress Login to be redirected to
configured OpenID Connect Provider.


Gardener Dashboard has been built with Vuetify. We use Vuetify’s built-in theming support to centrally configure colors that are used throughout the web application. Colors can be configured for both light and dark themes. Configuration is done via the helm chart, see the respective theme section there. Colors can be specified as HTML color code (e.g. #FF0000 for red) or by referencing a color (e.g grey.darken3 or shades.white) from Vuetify’s Material Design Color Pack.

The following colors can be configured:

primaryicons, chips, buttons, popovers, etc.
main-backgroundmain navigation, login page
main-navigation-titletext color on main navigation
toolbar-backgroundbackground color for toolbars in cards, dialogs, etc.
toolbar-titletext color for toolbars in cards, dialogs, etc.
action-buttonbuttons in tables and cards, e.g. cluster details page
infonotification info popups, texts and status tags
successnotification success popups, texts and status tags
warningnotification warning popups, texts and status tags
errornotification error popups, texts and status tags
unknownstatus tags with unknown severity
all other Vuetify theme colors

If you use the helm chart, you can configure those with frontendConfig.themes.light for the light theme and frontendConfig.themes.dark for the dark theme. The customization example below shows a possible custom color theme configuration.

Logos and Icons

It is also possible to exchange the Dashboard logo and icons. You can replace the assets folder when using the helm chart in the frontendConfig.assets map.

Attention: You need to set values for all files as mapping the volume will overwrite all files. It is not possible to exchange single files.

The files have to be encoded as base64 for the chart - to generate the encoded files for the values.yaml of the helm chart, you can use the following shorthand with bash or zsh on Linux systems. If you use macOS, install coreutils with brew (brew install coreutils) or remove the -w0 parameter.

cat << EOF

    favicon-16x16.png: |
      $(cat frontend/public/static/assets/favicon-16x16.png | base64 -w0)
    favicon-32x32.png: |
      $(cat frontend/public/static/assets/favicon-32x32.png | base64 -w0)
    favicon-96x96.png: |
      $(cat frontend/public/static/assets/favicon-96x96.png | base64 -w0)
    favicon.ico: |
      $(cat frontend/public/static/assets/favicon.ico | base64 -w0)
    logo.svg: |
      $(cat frontend/public/static/assets/logo.svg | base64 -w0)

Then, swap in the base64 encoded version of your files where needed.

Customization Example

The following example configuration in values.yaml shows most of the possibilities to achieve a custom theming and branding:

      # ...
        productName: Nucleus
        productTitle: Nucleus
        productSlogan: Supercool Cluster Service
        teaserHeight: 160
        teaserTemplate: |
            class="text-center px-2"
                src="{{ productLogoUrl }}"
                alt="{{ productName }} Logo"
                class="font-weight-thin text-grey-lighten-4"
                style="font-size: 32px; line-height: 32px; letter-spacing: 2px;"
                {{ productTitle }}
              <div class="text-body-1 font-weight-normal text-primary mt-1">
                {{ productSlogan }}
        loginTeaserHeight: 296
        loginTeaserTemplate: |
            class="d-flex flex-column align-center justify-center bg-main-background-darken-1 pa-3"
            style="min-height: {{ minHeight }}px"
              src="{{ productLogoUrl }}"
              alt="Login to {{ productName }}"
            <div class="text-h3 text-center font-weight-thin text-white mt-4">
              {{ productTitle }}
            <div class="text-h5 text-center font-weight-light text-primary mt-1">
              {{ productSlogan }}
        loginFooterTemplate: |
          <div class="text-anchor text-caption">
            Copyright 2023 by Nucleus Corporation
          - title: Support
          - title: Documentation
        oidcLoginTitle: IDS
        oidcLoginText: Press LOGIN to be redirected to the Nucleus Identity Service.
          primary: '#354a5f'
          anchor: '#5b738b'
          main-background: '#354a5f'
          main-navigation-title: '#f5f6f7'
          toolbar-background: '#354a5f'
          toolbar-title: '#f5f6f7'
          action-button: '#354a5f'
          primary: '#5b738b'
          anchor: '#5b738b'
          background: '#273849'
          surface: '#1d2b37'
          main-background: '#1a2733'
          main-navigation-title: '#f5f6f7'
          toolbar-background: '#0e1e2a'
          toolbar-title: '#f5f6f7'
          action-button: '#5b738b'
        favicon-16x16.png: |
        favicon-32x32.png: |
        favicon-96x96.png: |
        favicon.ico: |
        logo.svg: |

Login Screen

In this example, the login screen now displays the custom logo in a different size. The product title is also shown, and the OIDC tabstrip title and text have been changed to a custom-specific one. Product-related links are displayed below the login button. The footer contains a copyright notice for the custom company.

Teaser in Main Navigation

The template approach is also used in this case to change the font-size and line-height of the product title and slogan. The product version (superscript) is omitted.

About Dialog

By changing the productLogoUrl and the productName, the changes automatically effect the apperance of the About Dialog and the document title.

7 - Local Setup

Local development


Develop new feature and fix bug on the Gardener Dashboard.


  • Yarn. For the required version, refer to .engines.yarn in package.json.
  • Node.js. For the required version, refer to .engines.node in package.json.


1. Clone repository

Clone the gardener/dashboard repository

git clone

2. Install dependencies

Run yarn at the repository root to install all dependencies.

cd dashboard

3. Configuration

Place the Gardener Dashboard configuration under ${HOME}/.gardener/config.yaml or alternatively set the path to the configuration file using the GARDENER_CONFIG environment variable.

A local configuration example could look like follows:

port: 3030
logLevel: debug
logFormat: text
apiServerUrl: https://my-local-cluster # garden cluster kube-apiserver url - kubectl config view --minify -ojsonpath='{.clusters[].cluster.server}'
sessionSecret: c2VjcmV0                # symmetric key used for encryption
    pathname: /api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/services/kubernetes-dashboard/proxy/
    - start: 00 17 * * 1,2,3,4,5
    - start: 00 17 * * 1,2,3,4,5
      end: 00 08 * * 1,2,3,4,5
    production: ~

4. Run it locally

The Gardener Dashboard backend server requires a kubeconfig for the Garden cluster. You can set it e.g. by using the KUBECONFIG environment variable.

If you want to run the Garden cluster locally, follow the getting started locally documentation. Gardener Dashboard supports the local infrastructure provider that comes with the local Gardener cluster setup. See 6. Login to the dashboard for more information on how to use the Dashboard with a local gardener or any other Gardener landscape.

Start the backend server (http://localhost:3030).

cd backend
export KUBECONFIG=/path/to/garden/cluster/kubeconfig.yaml
yarn serve

To start the frontend server, you have two options for handling the server certificate:

  1. Recommended Method: Run yarn setup in the frontend directory to generate a new self-signed CA and TLS server certificate before starting the frontend server for the first time. The CA is automatically added to the keychain on macOS. If you prefer not to add it to the keychain, you can use the --skip-keychain flag. For other operating systems, you will need to manually add the generated certificates to the local trust store.

  2. Alternative Method: If you prefer not to run yarn setup, a temporary self-signed certificate will be generated automatically. This certificate will not be added to the keychain. Note that you will need to click through the insecure warning in your browser to access the dashboard.

We need to start a TLS dev server because we use cookie names with __Host- prefix. This requires the secure attribute to be set. For more information, see OWASP Host Prefix.

Start the frontend dev server (https://localhost:8443) with https and hot reload enabled.

cd frontend
# yarn setup
yarn serve

You can now access the UI on https://localhost:8443/

5. Login to the dashboard

To login to the dashboard you can either configure oidc, or alternatively login using a token:

To login using a token, first create a service account.

kubectl -n garden create serviceaccount dashboard-user

Assign it a role, e.g. cluster-admin.

kubectl set subject clusterrolebinding cluster-admin --serviceaccount=garden:dashboard-user

Get the token of the service account.

kubectl -n garden create token dashboard-user --duration 24h

Copy the token and login to the dashboard.


Build docker image locally.

make build


Push docker image to Google Container Registry.

make push

This command expects a valid gcloud configuration named gardener.

gcloud config configurations describe gardener
is_active: true
name: gardener
    project: johndoe-1008

8 - Process


This document describes how to contribute hotfixes

Cherry Picks

This section explains how to initiate cherry picks on hotfix branches within the gardener/dashboard repository.


Before you initiate a cherry pick, make sure that the following prerequisites are accomplished.

  • A pull request merged against the master branch.
  • The hotfix branch exists (check in the branches section).
  • Have the gardener/dashboard repository cloned as follows:
    • the origin remote should point to your fork (alternatively this can be overwritten by passing FORK_REMOTE=<fork-remote>).
    • the upstream remote should point to the Gardener GitHub org (alternatively this can be overwritten by passing UPSTREAM_REMOTE=<upstream-remote>).
  • Have hub installed, e.g. brew install hub assuming you have a standard golang development environment.
  • A GitHub token which has permissions to create a PR in an upstream branch.

Initiate a Cherry Pick

  • Run the [cherry pick script][cherry-pick-script].

    This example applies a master branch PR #1824 to the remote branch upstream/hotfix-1.74:

    GITHUB_USER=<your-user> hack/ upstream/hotfix-1.74 1824
    • Be aware the cherry pick script assumes you have a git remote called upstream that points at the Gardener GitHub org.

    • You will need to run the cherry pick script separately for each patch release you want to cherry pick to. Cherry picks should be applied to all active hotfix branches where the fix is applicable.

    • When asked for your GitHub password, provide the created GitHub token rather than your actual GitHub password. Refer

  • cherry-pick-script

9 - Project Operations

Project Operations

This section demonstrates how to use the standard Kubernetes tool for cluster operation kubectl for common cluster operations with emphasis on Gardener resources. For more information on kubectl, see kubectl on


  • You’re logged on to the Gardener Dashboard.
  • You’ve created a cluster and its status is operational.

It’s recommended that you get acquainted with the resources in the Gardener API.

Using kubeconfig for remote project operations

The kubeconfig for project operations is different from the one for cluster operations. It has a larger scope and allows a different set of operations that are applicable for a project administrator role, such as lifecycle control on clusters and managing project members.

Depending on your goal, you can create a service account suitable for automation and use it for your pipelines, or you can get a user-specific kubeconfig and use it to manage your project resources via kubectl.

Downloading your kubeconfig

Kubernetes doesn’t offer an own resource type for human users that access the API server. Instead, you either have to manage unique user strings, or use an OpenID-Connect (OIDC) compatible Identity Provider (IDP) to do the job.

Once the latter is set up, each Gardener user can use the kubelogin plugin for kubectl to authenticate against the API server:

  1. Set up kubelogin if you don’t have it yet. More information: kubelogin setup.

  2. Open the menu at the top right of the screen, then choose MY ACCOUNT.

    Show account details

  3. On the Access card, choose the arrow to see all options for the personalized command-line interface access.

    Show details of OICD login

    The personal bearer token that is also offered here only provides access for a limited amount of time for one time operations, for example, in curl commands. The kubeconfig provided for the personalized access is used by kubelogin to grant access to the Gardener API for the user permanently by using a refresh token.

  4. Check that the right Project is chosen and keep the settings otherwise. Download the kubeconfig file and add its path to the KUBECONFIG environment variable.

You can now execute kubectl commands on the garden cluster using the identity of your user.

Note: You can also manage your Gardener project resources automatically using a Gardener service account. For more information, see Automating Project Resource Management.

List Gardener API resources

  1. Using a kubeconfig for project operations, you can list the Gardner API resources using the following command:

    kubectl api-resources | grep garden

    The response looks like this:

    backupbuckets                     bbc               false        BackupBucket
    backupentries                     bec               true         BackupEntry
    cloudprofiles                     cprofile,cpfl            false        CloudProfile
    controllerinstallations           ctrlinst            false        ControllerInstallation
    controllerregistrations           ctrlreg            false        ControllerRegistration
    plants                            pl                true         Plant
    projects                                            false        Project
    quotas                            squota            true         Quota
    secretbindings                    sb                true         SecretBinding
    seeds                                               false        Seed
    shoots                                              true         Shoot
    shootstates                                         true         ShootState
    terminals                                      true         Terminal
    clusteropenidconnectpresets       coidcps        false        ClusterOpenIDConnectPreset
    openidconnectpresets              oidcps        true         OpenIDConnectPreset
  2. Enter the following command to view the Gardener API versions:

    kubectl api-versions | grep garden

    The response looks like this:

Check your permissions

  1. The operations on project resources are limited by the role of the identity that tries to perform them. To get an overview over your permissions, use the following command:

    kubectl auth can-i --list | grep garden

    The response looks like this:                      []                       []                 [create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]                      []                       []                 [create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]              []                       []                 [create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]                      []                       []                 [create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]              []                       []                 [create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]    []                       []                 [create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]               []                       []                 [get list watch]                    []                       [flowering]             [get patch update delete]
    namespaces                                      []                       [garden-flowering]      [get]
  2. Try to execute an operation that you aren’t allowed, for example:

    kubectl get projects

    You receive an error message like this:

    Error from server (Forbidden): is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:garden-flowering:robot" cannot list resource "projects" in API group "" at the cluster scope

Working with projects

  1. You can get the details for a project, where you (or the service account) is a member.

    kubectl get project flowering

    The response looks like this:

    NAME        NAMESPACE          STATUS   OWNER                    CREATOR                         AGE
    flowering   garden-flowering   Ready    [PROJECT-ADMIN]@domain   [PROJECT-ADMIN]@domain system   45m

    For more information, see Project in the API reference.

  2. To query the names of the members of a project, use the following command:

    kubectl get project docu -o jsonpath='{.spec.members[*].name }'

    The response looks like this:

    [PROJECT-ADMIN]@domain system:serviceaccount:garden-flowering:robot

    For more information, see members in the API reference.

Working with clusters

The Gardener domain object for a managed cluster is called Shoot.

List project clusters

To query the clusters in a project:

kubectl get shoots

The output looks like this:

geranium   aws            1.18.3    aws-eu1   geranium.flowering.shoot.<truncated>   Awake         Succeeded   100        True        True      True    True     74m

Create a new cluster

To create a new cluster using the command line, you need a YAML definition of the Shoot resource.

  1. To get started, copy the following YAML definition to a new file, for example, daffodil.yaml (or copy file shoot.yaml to daffodil.yaml) and adapt it to your needs.

    kind: Shoot
      name: daffodil
      namespace: garden-flowering
      secretBindingName: trial-secretbinding-gcp
      cloudProfileName: gcp
      region: europe-west1
      purpose: evaluation
        type: gcp
          kind: InfrastructureConfig
          zone: europe-west1-c
          kind: ControlPlaneConfig
        - name: cpu-worker
          maximum: 2
          minimum: 1
          maxSurge: 1
          maxUnavailable: 0
            type: n1-standard-2
              name: coreos
              version: 2303.3.0
            type: pd-standard
            size: 50Gi
            - europe-west1-c
        type: calico
          begin: 220000+0100
          end: 230000+0100
          kubernetesVersion: true
          machineImageVersion: true
        enabled: true
          - start: '00 17 * * 1,2,3,4,5'
            location: Europe/Kiev
        allowPrivilegedContainers: true
          nodeCIDRMaskSize: 24
          mode: IPTables
        version: 1.18.3
          enabled: false
          enabled: false
  2. In your new YAML definition file, replace the value of field metadata.namespace with your namespace following the convention garden-[YOUR-PROJECTNAME].

  3. Create a cluster using this manifest (with flag --wait=false the command returns immediately, otherwise it doesn’t return until the process is finished):

    kubectl apply -f daffodil.yaml --wait=false

    The response looks like this: created
  4. It takes 5–10 minutes until the cluster is created. To watch the progress, get all shoots and use the -w flag.

    kubectl get shoots -w

For a more extended example, see Gardener example shoot manifest.

Delete cluster

To delete a shoot cluster, you must first annotate the shoot resource to confirm the operation with "true":

  1. Add the annotation to your manifest (daffodil.yaml in the previous example):

      kind: Shoot
        name: daffodil
        namespace: garden-flowering
  2. Apply your changes of daffodil.yaml.

    kubectl apply -f daffodil.yaml

    The response looks like this: configured
  3. Trigger the deletion.

    kubectl delete shoot daffodil --wait=false

    The response looks like this: "daffodil" deleted
  4. It takes 5–10 minutes to delete the cluster. To watch the progress, get all shoots and use the -w flag.

    kubectl get shoots -w

Get kubeconfig for a Shoot Cluster

To get the kubeconfig for a shoot cluster in Gardener from the command line, use one of the following methods:

  1. Using shoots/admin/kubeconfig Subresource:

    • You can obtain a temporary admin kubeconfig by using the shoots/admin/kubeconfig subresource. Detailed instructions can be found in the Gardener documentation here.
  2. Using gardenctl and gardenlogin: gardenctl simplifies targeting Shoot clusters. It automatically downloads a kubeconfig that uses the gardenlogin kubectl auth plugin. This plugin transparently manages Shoot cluster authentication and certificate renewal without embedding any credentials in the kubeconfig file.

    • When installing gardenctl via Homebrew or Chocolatey, gardenlogin will be installed as a dependency. Refer to the installation instructions here.
    • Both tools can share the same configuration. To set up the tools, refer to the documentation here.
    • To get the kubeconfig, use either the target or kubeconfig command:
      • Target Command: This command targets the specified Shoot cluster and automatically downloads the kubeconfig.

        gardenctl target --garden landscape-dev --project my-project --shoot my-shoot

        To set the KUBECONFIG environment variable to point to the downloaded kubeconfig file, use the following command (for bash):

        eval $(gardenctl kubectl-env bash)

        Detailed instructions can be found here.

      • Kubeconfig Command: This command directly downloads the kubeconfig for the specified Shoot cluster and outputs it in raw format.

        gardenctl kubeconfig --garden landscape-dev --project my-project --shoot my-shoot --raw

10 - Terminal Shortcuts

Terminal Shortcuts

As user and/or gardener administrator you can configure terminal shortcuts, which are preconfigured terminals for frequently used views.

You can launch the terminal shortcuts directly on the shoot details screen.

You can view the definition of a terminal terminal shortcut by clicking on they eye icon

What also has improved is, that when creating a new terminal you can directly alter the configuration.

With expanded configuration

On the Create Terminal Session dialog you can choose one or multiple terminal shortcuts.

Project specific terminal shortcuts created (by a member of the project) have a project icon badge and are listed as Unverified.

A warning message is displayed before a project specific terminal shortcut is ran informing the user about the risks.

How to create a project specific terminal shortcut

Disclaimer: “Project specific terminal shortcuts” is experimental feature and may change in future releases (we plan to introduce a dedicated custom resource).

You need to create a secret with the name terminal.shortcuts within your project namespace, containing your terminal shortcut configurations. Under data.shortcuts you add a list of terminal shortcuts (base64 encoded). Example terminal.shortcuts secret:

kind: Secret
type: Opaque
  name: terminal.shortcuts
  namespace: garden-myproject
apiVersion: v1
  shortcuts: 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

How to configure the dashboard with terminal shortcuts Example values.yaml:

    terminalEnabled: true
    projectTerminalShortcutsEnabled: true # members can create a `terminal.shortcuts` secret containing the project specific terminal shortcuts
    - title: "Control Plane Pods"
      description: Using K9s to view the pods of the control plane for this cluster
      target: cp
        - "--headless"
        - "--command=pods"
    - title: "Cluster Overview"
      description: This gives a quick overview about the status of your cluster using K9s pulse feature
      target: shoot
        - "--headless"
        - "--command=pulses"
    - title: "Nodes"
      description: View the nodes for this cluster
      target: shoot
        - bin/sh
        - -c
        - sleep 1 && while true; do k9s --headless --command=nodes; done
#      shootSelector:
#        matchLabels:
#          foo: bar
terminal: # is generally required for the terminal feature
    - image: /.*/ops-toolbelt:.*/
      description: Run `ghelp` to get information about installed tools and packages
    seedRef: my-soil
        name: dashboard-terminal-admin
        namespace: garden

11 - Testing



We use Jest JavaScript Testing Framework

  • Jest can collect code coverage information​
  • Jest support snapshot testing out of the box​
  • All in One solution. Replaces Mocha, Chai, Sinon and Istanbul​
  • It works with Vue.js and Node.js projects​

To execute all tests, simply run

yarn workspaces foreach --all run test

or to include test coverage generation

yarn workspaces foreach --all run test-coverage

You can also run tests for frontend, backend and charts directly inside the respective folder via

yarn test


We use ESLint for static code analyzing.

To execute, run

yarn workspaces foreach --all run lint

12 - Using Terminal

Using the Dashboard Terminal

The dashboard features an integrated web-based terminal to your clusters. It allows you to use kubectl without the need to supply kubeconfig. There are several ways to access it and they’re described on this page.


  • You are logged on to the Gardener Dashboard.
  • You have created a cluster and its status is operational.
  • The landscape administrator has enabled the terminal feature
  • The cluster you want to connect to is reachable from the dashboard

On this page:

Open from cluster list

  1. Choose your project from the menu on the left and choose CLUSTERS.

  2. Locate a cluster for which you want to open a Terminal and choose the key icon.

  3. In the dialog, choose the icon on the right of the Terminal label.

Open from cluster details page

  1. Choose your project from the menu on the left and choose CLUSTERS.

  2. Locate a cluster for which you want to open a Terminal and choose to display its details.

  3. In the Access section, choose the icon on the right of the Terminal label.


Opening up the terminal in either of the ways discussed here results in the following screen:

It provides a bash environment and range of useful tools and an installed and configured kubectl (with alias k) to use right away with your cluster.

Try to list the namespaces in the cluster.

$ k get ns

You get a result like this:

13 - Webterminals



Architecture Overview


We want to give garden operators and “regular” users of the Gardener dashboard an easy way to have a preconfigured shell directly in the browser.

This has several advantages:

  • no need to set up any tools locally
  • no need to download / store kubeconfigs locally
  • Each terminal session will have its own “access” service account created. This makes it easier to see “who” did “what” when using the web terminals.
  • The “access” service account is deleted when the terminal session expires
  • Easy “privileged” access to a node (privileged container, hostPID, and hostNetwork enabled, mounted host root fs) in case of troubleshooting node. If allowed by PSP.

How it’s done - TL;DR

On the host cluster, we schedule a pod to which the dashboard frontend client attaches to (similar to kubectl attach). Usually the ops-toolbelt image is used, containing all relevant tools like kubectl. The Pod has a kubeconfig secret mounted with the necessary privileges for the target cluster - usually cluster-admin.

Target types

There are currently three targets, where a user can open a terminal session to:

  • The (virtual) garden cluster - Currently operator only
  • The shoot cluster
  • The control plane of the shoot cluster - operator only


There are different factors on where the host cluster (and namespace) is chosen by the dashboard:

  • Depending on, the selected target and the role of the user (operator or “regular” user) the host is chosen.
  • For performance / low latency reasons, we want to place the “terminal” pods as near as possible to the target kube-apiserver.

For example, the user wants to have a terminal for a shoot cluster. The kube-apiserver of the shoot is running in the seed-shoot-ns on the seed.

  • If the user is an operator, we place the “terminal” pod directly in the seed-shoot-ns on the seed.
  • However, if the user is a “regular” user, we don’t want to have “untrusted” workload scheduled on the seeds, that’s why the “terminal” pod is scheduled on the shoot itself, in a temporary namespace that is deleted afterwards.

Lifecycle of a Web Terminal Session

1. Browser / Dashboard Frontend - Open Terminal

User chooses the target and clicks in the browser on Open terminal button. A POST request is made to the dashboard backend to request a new terminal session.

2. Dashboard Backend - Create Terminal Resource

According to the privileges of the user (operator / enduser) and the selected target, the dashboard backend creates a terminal resource on behalf of the user in the (virtual) garden and responds with a handle to the terminal session.

3. Browser / Dashboard Frontend

The frontend makes another POST request to the dashboard backend to fetch the terminal session. The Backend waits until the terminal resource is in a “ready” state (timeout 10s) before sending a response to the frontend. More to that later.

4. Terminal Resource

The terminal resource, among other things, holds the information of the desired host and target cluster. The credentials to these clusters are declared as references (secretRef / serviceAccountRef). The terminal resource itself doesn’t contain sensitive information.

5. Admission

A validating webhook is in place to ensure that the user, that created the terminal resource, has the permission to read the referenced credentials. There is also a mutating webhook in place. Both admission configurations have failurePolicy: Fail.

6. Terminal-Controller-Manager - Apply Resources on Host & Target Cluster

Sidenote: The terminal-controller-manager has no knowledge about the gardener, its shoots, and seeds. In that sense it can be considered as independent from the gardener.

The terminal-controller-manager watches terminal resources and ensures the desired state on the host and target cluster. The terminal-controller-manager needs the permission to read all secrets / service accounts in the virtual garden. As additional safety net, the terminal-controller-manager ensures that the terminal resource was not created before the admission configurations were created.

The terminal-controller-manager then creates the necessary resources in the host and target cluster.

  • Target Cluster:
    • “Access” service account + (cluster)rolebinding usually to cluster-admin cluster role
      • used from within the “terminal” pod
  • Host Cluster:
    • “Attach” service Account + rolebinding to “attach” cluster role (privilege to attach and get pod)
      • will be used by the browser to attach to the pod
    • Kubeconfig secret, containing the “access” token from the target cluster
    • The “terminal” pod itself, having the kubeconfig secret mounted

7. Dashboard Backend - Responds to Frontend

As mentioned in step 3, the dashboard backend waits until the terminal resource is “ready”. It then reads the “attach” token from the host cluster on behalf of the user. It responds with:

  • attach token
  • hostname of the host cluster’s api server
  • name of the pod and namespace

8. Browser / Dashboard Frontend - Attach to Pod

Dashboard frontend attaches to the pod located on the host cluster by opening a WebSocket connection using the provided parameter and credentials. As long as the terminal window is open, the dashboard regularly annotates the terminal resource (heartbeat) to keep it alive.

9. Terminal-Controller-Manager - Cleanup

When there is no heartbeat on the terminal resource for a certain amount of time (default is 5m) the created resources in the host and target cluster are cleaned up again and the terminal resource will be deleted.

Browser Trusted Certificates for Kube-Apiservers

When the dashboard frontend opens a secure WebSocket connection to the kube-apiserver, the certificate presented by the kube-apiserver must be browser trusted. Otherwise, the connection can’t be established due to browser policy. Most kube-apiservers have self-signed certificates from a custom Root CA.

The Gardener project now handles the responsibility of exposing the kube-apiservers with browser trusted certificates for Seeds (gardener/gardener#7764) and Shoots (gardener/gardener#7712). For this to work, a Secret must exist in the garden namespace of the Seed cluster. This Secret should have a label The Secret is expected to contain the wildcard certificate for Seeds ingress domain.

Allowlist for Hosts


When a user starts a terminal session, the dashboard frontend establishes a secure WebSocket connection to the corresponding kube-apiserver. This connection is controlled by the connectSrc directive of the content security policy, which governs the hosts that the browser can connect to.

By default, the connectSrc directive only permits connections to the same host. However, to enable the webterminal feature to function properly, connections to additional trusted hosts are required. This is where the allowedHostSourceList configuration becomes relevant. It directly impacts the connectSrc directive by specifying the hostnames that the browser is allowed to connect to during a terminal session. By defining this list, you can extend the range of terminal connections to include the necessary trusted hosts, while still preventing any unauthorized or potentially harmful connections.


The allowedHostSourceList can be configured within the global.terminal section of the gardener-dashboard Helm values.yaml file. The list should consist of permitted hostnames (without the scheme) for terminal connections.

It is important to consider that the usage of wildcards follows the rules defined by the content security policy.

Here is an example of how to configure the allowedHostSourceList:

    - "*"

In this example, any host under the domain is allowed for terminal connections.

14 - Working With Projects

Working with Projects


Projects are used to group clusters, onboard IaaS resources utilized by them, and organize access control. To work with clusters, first you need to create a project that they will belong to.

Creating Your First Project


  • You have access to the Gardener Dashboard and have permissions to create projects


  1. Logon to the Gardener Dashboard and choose CREATE YOUR FIRST PROJECT.

  2. Provide a project Name, and optionally a Description and a Purpose, and choose CREATE.

⚠️ You will not be able to change the project name later. The rest of the details will be editable.


After completing the steps above, you will arrive at a similar screen:

Creating More Projects

If you need to create more projects, expand the Projects list dropdown on the left. When expanded, it reveals a CREATE PROJECT button that brings up the same dialog as above.

Rotating Your Project’s Secrets

After rotating your Gardener credentials and updating the corresponding secret in Gardener, you also need to reconcile all the shoots so that they can start using the updated secret. Updating the secret on its own won’t trigger shoot reconciliation and the shoot will use the old credentials until reconciliation, which is why you need to either trigger reconciliation or wait until it is performed in the next maintenance time window.

For more information, see Credentials Rotation for Shoot Clusters.

Deleting Your Project

When you need to delete your project, go to ADMINISTRATON, choose the trash bin icon and, confirm the operation.