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Dashboard Architecture Overview


The dashboard frontend is a Single Page Application (SPA) built with Vue.js. The dashboard backend is a web server built with Express and Node.js. The backend serves the bundled frontend as static content. The dashboard uses Socket.IO to enable real-time, bidirectional and event-based communication between the frontend and the backend. For the communication from the backend to different kube-apiservers the http/2 network protocol is used. Authentication at the apiserver of the garden cluster is done via JWT tokens. These can either be an ID Token issued by an OpenID Connect Provider or the token of a Kubernetes Service Account.


The dashboard frontend consists of many Vue.js single file components that manage their state via a centralized store. The store defines mutations to modify the state synchronously. If several mutations have to be combined or the state in the backend has to be modified at the same time, the store provides asynchronous actions to do this job. The synchronization of the data with the backend is done by plugins that also use actions.


The backend is currently a monolithic Node.js application, but it performs several tasks that are actually independent.

  • Static web server for the frontend single page application
  • Forward real time events of the apiserver to the frontend
  • Provide an HTTP API
  • Initiate and manage the end user login flow in order to obtain an ID Token
  • Bidirectional integration with the GitHub issue management

It is planned to split the backend into several independent containers to increase stability and performance.


The following diagram shows the authorization code flow in the Gardener dashboard. When the user clicks the login button, he is redirected to the authorization endpoint of the openid connect provider. In the case of Dex IDP, authentication is delegated to the connected IDP. After a successful login, the OIDC provider redirects back to the dashboard backend with a one time authorization code. With this code, the dashboard backend can now request an ID token for the logged in user. The ID token is encrypted and stored as a secure httpOnly session cookie.