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  3 minute read  

Custom Shoot Fields

The Dashboard supports custom shoot fields, that can be defined per project by specifying metadata.annotations["dashboard.gardener.cloud/shootCustomFields"]. The fields can be configured to be displayed on the cluster list and cluster details page. Custom fields do not show up on the ALL_PROJECTS page.

Project administration page:

Each custom field configuration is shown with it’s own chip.

Click on the chip to show more details for the custom field configuration.

Custom fields can be shown on the cluster list, if showColumn is enabled. See configuration below for more details. In this example, a custom field for the Shoot status was configured.

Custom fields can be shown in a dedicated card (Custom Fields) on the cluster details page, if showDetails is enabled. See configuration below for more details.


nameString✔️Name of the custom field
pathString✔️Path in shoot resource, of which the value must be of primitive type (no object / array). Use lodash get path syntax, e.g. metadata.labels["shoot.gardener.cloud/status"] or spec.networking.type
iconStringMDI icon for field on the cluster details page. See https://materialdesignicons.com/ for available icons. Must be in the format: mdi-<icon-name>.
tooltipStringTooltip for the custom field that appears when hovering with the mouse over the value
defaultValueString/NumberDefault value, in case there is no value for the given path
showColumnBooltrueField shall appear as column in the cluster list
columnSelectedByDefaultBooltrueIndicates if field shall be selected by default on the cluster list (not hidden by default)
weightNumber0Defines the order of the column. The standard columns start with weight 100 and continue in 100 increments (200, 300, ..)
sortableBooltrueIndicates if column is sortable on the cluster list
searchableBooltrueIndicates if column is searchable on the cluster list
showDetailsBooltrueIndicates if field shall appear in a dedicated card (Custom Fields) on the cluster details page

As there is currently no way to configure the custom shoot fields for a project in the gardener dashboard, you have to use kubectl to update the project resource. See Project Operations on how to get a kubeconfig for the garden cluster in order to edit the project.


The following is an example project yaml:

apiVersion: core.gardener.cloud/v1beta1
kind: Project
    dashboard.gardener.cloud/shootCustomFields: |
        "shootStatus": {
          "name": "Shoot Status",
          "path": "metadata.labels[\"shoot.gardener.cloud/status\"]",
          "icon": "mdi-heart-pulse",
          "tooltip": "Indicates the health status of the cluster",
          "defaultValue": "unknown",
          "showColumn": true,
          "columnSelectedByDefault": true,
          "weight": 950,
          "searchable": true,
          "sortable": true,
          "showDetails": true
        "networking": {
          "name": "Networking Type",
          "path": "spec.networking.type",
          "icon": "mdi-table-network",
          "showColumn": false