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  8 minute read  

Using the Alicloud provider extension with Gardener as end-user

The core.gardener.cloud/v1beta1.Shoot resource declares a few fields that are meant to contain provider-specific configuration.

This document describes the configurable options for Alicloud and provides an example Shoot manifest with minimal configuration that can be used to create an Alicloud cluster (modulo the landscape-specific information like cloud profile names, secret binding names, etc.).

Alicloud Provider Credentials

In order for Gardener to create a Kubernetes cluster using Alicloud infrastructure components, a Shoot has to provide credentials with sufficient permissions to the desired Alicloud project. Every shoot cluster references a SecretBinding which itself references a Secret, and this Secret contains the provider credentials of the Alicloud project.

This Secret must look as follows:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: core-alicloud
  namespace: garden-dev
type: Opaque
  accessKeyID: base64(access-key-id)
  accessKeySecret: base64(access-key-secret)

The SecretBinding is configurable in the Shoot cluster with the field secretBindingName.

The required credentials for the Alicloud project are an AccessKey Pair associated with a Resource Access Management (RAM) User. A RAM user is a special account that can be used by services and applications to interact with Alicloud Cloud Platform APIs. Applications can use AccessKey pair to authorize themselves to a set of APIs and perform actions within the permissions granted to the RAM user.

Make sure to create a Resource Access Management User, and create an AccessKey Pair that shall be used for the Shoot cluster.


Please make sure the provided credentials have the correct privileges. You can use the following Alicloud RAM policy document and attach it to the RAM user backed by the credentials you provided.

Click to expand the Alicloud RAM policy document!
    "Statement": [
            "Action": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Resource": [
            "Action": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Resource": [
            "Action": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Resource": [
            "Action": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Resource": [
            "Action": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Resource": [
    "Version": "1"


The infrastructure configuration mainly describes how the network layout looks like in order to create the shoot worker nodes in a later step, thus, prepares everything relevant to create VMs, load balancers, volumes, etc.

An example InfrastructureConfig for the Alicloud extension looks as follows:

apiVersion: alicloud.provider.extensions.gardener.cloud/v1alpha1
kind: InfrastructureConfig
  vpc: # specify either 'id' or 'cidr'
  # id: my-vpc
  # gardenerManagedNATGateway: true
  - name: eu-central-1a
  # natGateway:
    # eipAllocationID: eip-ufxsdg122elmszcg

The networks.vpc section describes whether you want to create the shoot cluster in an already existing VPC or whether to create a new one:

  • If networks.vpc.id is given then you have to specify the VPC ID of the existing VPC that was created by other means (manually, other tooling, …).
  • If networks.vpc.cidr is given then you have to specify the VPC CIDR of a new VPC that will be created during shoot creation. You can freely choose a private CIDR range.
  • Either networks.vpc.id or networks.vpc.cidr must be present, but not both at the same time.
  • When networks.vpc.id is present, in addition, you can also choose to set networks.vpc.gardenerManagedNATGateway. It is by default false. When it is set to true, Gardener will create an Enhanced NATGateway in the VPC and associate it with a VSwitch created in the first zone in the networks.zones.
  • Please note that when networks.vpc.id is present, and networks.vpc.gardenerManagedNATGateway is false or not set, you have to manually create an Enhance NATGateway and associate it with a VSwitch that you manually created. In this case, make sure the worker CIDRs in networks.zones do not overlap with the one you created. If a NATGateway is created manually and a shoot is created in the same VPC with networks.vpc.gardenerManagedNATGateway set true, you need to manually adjust the route rule accordingly. You may refer to here.

The networks.zones section describes which subnets you want to create in availability zones. For every zone, the Alicloud extension creates one subnet:

  • The workers subnet is used for all shoot worker nodes, i.e., VMs which later run your applications.

For every subnet, you have to specify a CIDR range contained in the VPC CIDR specified above, or the VPC CIDR of your already existing VPC. You can freely choose these CIDR and it is your responsibility to properly design the network layout to suit your needs.

If you want to use multiple availability zones then add a second, third, … entry to the networks.zones[] list and properly specify the AZ name in networks.zones[].name.

Apart from the VPC and the subnets the Alicloud extension will also create a NAT gateway (only if a new VPC is created), a key pair, elastic IPs, VSwitches, a SNAT table entry, and security groups.

By default, the Alicloud extension will create a corresponding Elastic IP that it attaches to this NAT gateway and which is used for egress traffic. The networks.zones[].natGateway.eipAllocationID field allows you to specify the Elastic IP Allocation ID of an existing Elastic IP allocation in case you want to bring your own. If provided, no new Elastic IP will be created and, instead, the Elastic IP specified by you will be used.

⚠️ If you change this field for an already existing infrastructure then it will disrupt egress traffic while Alicloud applies this change, because the NAT gateway must be recreated with the new Elastic IP association. Also, please note that the existing Elastic IP will be permanently deleted if it was earlier created by the Alicloud extension.


The control plane configuration mainly contains values for the Alicloud-specific control plane components. Today, the Alicloud extension deploys the cloud-controller-manager and the CSI controllers.

An example ControlPlaneConfig for the Alicloud extension looks as follows:

apiVersion: alicloud.provider.extensions.gardener.cloud/v1alpha1
kind: ControlPlaneConfig
  enableADController: true
# cloudControllerManager:
#   featureGates:
#     SomeKubernetesFeature: true

The csi.enableADController is used as the value of environment DISK_AD_CONTROLLER, which is used for AliCloud csi-disk-plugin. This field is optional. When a new shoot is creatd, this field is automatically set true. For an existing shoot created in previous versions, it remains unchanged. If there are persistent volumes created before year 2021, please be cautious to set this field true because they may fail to mount to nodes.

The cloudControllerManager.featureGates contains a map of explicitly enabled or disabled feature gates. For production usage it’s not recommend to use this field at all as you can enable alpha features or disable beta/stable features, potentially impacting the cluster stability. If you don’t want to configure anything for the cloudControllerManager simply omit the key in the YAML specification.


The Alicloud extension does not support a specific WorkerConfig. However, it supports additional data volumes (plus encryption) per machine. By default (if not stated otherwise), all the disks are unencrypted. For each data volume, you have to specify a name. It also supports encrypted system disk. However, only Customized image is currently supported to be used as a basic image for encrypted system disk. Please be noted that the change of system disk encryption flag will cause reconciliation of a shoot, and it will result in nodes rolling update within the worker group.

The following YAML is a snippet of a Shoot resource:

    - name: cpu-worker
        type: cloud_efficiency
        size: 20Gi
        encrypted: true
      - name: kubelet-dir
        type: cloud_efficiency
        size: 25Gi
        encrypted: true

Example Shoot manifest (one availability zone)

Please find below an example Shoot manifest for one availability zone:

apiVersion: core.gardener.cloud/v1beta1
kind: Shoot
  name: johndoe-alicloud
  namespace: garden-dev
  cloudProfileName: alicloud
  region: eu-central-1
  secretBindingName: core-alicloud
    type: alicloud
      apiVersion: alicloud.provider.extensions.gardener.cloud/v1alpha1
      kind: InfrastructureConfig
        - name: eu-central-1a
      apiVersion: alicloud.provider.extensions.gardener.cloud/v1alpha1
      kind: ControlPlaneConfig
    - name: worker-xoluy
        type: ecs.sn2ne.large
      minimum: 2
      maximum: 2
        size: 50Gi
        type: cloud_efficiency
      - eu-central-1a
    type: calico
    version: 1.28.2
      kubernetesVersion: true
      machineImageVersion: true
      enabled: true
      enabled: true

Example Shoot manifest (two availability zones)

Please find below an example Shoot manifest for two availability zones:

apiVersion: core.gardener.cloud/v1beta1
kind: Shoot
  name: johndoe-alicloud
  namespace: garden-dev
  cloudProfileName: alicloud
  region: eu-central-1
  secretBindingName: core-alicloud
    type: alicloud
      apiVersion: alicloud.provider.extensions.gardener.cloud/v1alpha1
      kind: InfrastructureConfig
        - name: eu-central-1a
        - name: eu-central-1b
      apiVersion: alicloud.provider.extensions.gardener.cloud/v1alpha1
      kind: ControlPlaneConfig
    - name: worker-xoluy
        type: ecs.sn2ne.large
      minimum: 2
      maximum: 4
        size: 50Gi
        type: cloud_efficiency
        # NOTE: Below comment is for the case when encrypted field of an existing shoot is updated from false to true.
        # It will cause affected nodes to be rolling updated. Users must trigger a MAINTAIN operation of the shoot.
        # Otherwise, the shoot will fail to reconcile.
        # You could do it either via Dashboard or annotating the shoot with gardener.cloud/operation=maintain
        encrypted: true
      - eu-central-1a
      - eu-central-1b
    type: calico
    version: 1.28.2
      kubernetesVersion: true
      machineImageVersion: true
      enabled: true
      enabled: true

Kubernetes Versions per Worker Pool

This extension supports gardener/gardener’s WorkerPoolKubernetesVersion feature gate, i.e., having worker pools with overridden Kubernetes versions since gardener-extension-provider-alicloud@v1.33.

Shoot CA Certificate and ServiceAccount Signing Key Rotation

This extension supports gardener/gardener’s ShootCARotation feature gate since gardener-extension-provider-alicloud@v1.36 and ShootSARotation feature gate since gardener-extension-provider-alicloud@v1.37.