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Using the Equinix Metal provider extension with Gardener as operator

The core.gardener.cloud/v1beta1.CloudProfile resource declares a providerConfig field that is meant to contain provider-specific configuration.

In this document we are describing how this configuration looks like for Equinix Metal and provide an example CloudProfile manifest with minimal configuration that you can use to allow creating Equinix Metal shoot clusters.

Example CloudProfile manifest

Please find below an example CloudProfile manifest:

apiVersion: core.gardener.cloud/v1beta1
kind: CloudProfile
  name: equinix-metal
  type: equinixmetal
    - version: 1.27.2
      #expirationDate: "2023-03-15T23:59:59Z"
  - name: flatcar
    - version: 0.0.0-stable
  - name: t1.small
    cpu: "4"
    gpu: "0"
    memory: 8Gi
    usable: true
  regions: # List of offered metros
  - name: ny
    zones: # List of offered facilities within the respective metro
    - name: ewr1
    - name: ny5
    - name: ny7
    apiVersion: equinixmetal.provider.extensions.gardener.cloud/v1alpha1
    kind: CloudProfileConfig
    - name: flatcar
      - version: 0.0.0-stable
        id: flatcar_stable
      - version: 3510.2.2
        ipxeScriptUrl: https://stable.release.flatcar-linux.net/amd64-usr/3510.2.2/flatcar_production_packet.ipxe


The cloud profile configuration contains information about the real machine image IDs in the Equinix Metal environment (IDs). You have to map every version that you specify in .spec.machineImages[].versions here such that the Equinix Metal extension knows the ID for every version you want to offer.

Equinix Metal supports two different options to specify the image:

  1. Supported Operating System: Images that are provided by Equinix Metal. They are referenced by their ID (slug). See (Operating Systems Reference)[https://deploy.equinix.com/developers/docs/metal/operating-systems/supported/#operating-systems-reference] for all supported operating system and their ids.
  2. Custom iPXE Boot: Equinix Metal supports passing custom iPXE scripts during provisioning, which allows you to install a custom operating system manually. This is useful if you want to have a custom image or want to pin to a specific version. See Custom iPXE Boot for details.

An example CloudProfileConfig for the Equinix Metal extension looks as follows:

apiVersion: equinixmetal.provider.extensions.gardener.cloud/v1alpha1
kind: CloudProfileConfig
- name: flatcar
  - version: 0.0.0-stable
    id: flatcar_stable
  - version: 3510.2.2
    ipxeScriptUrl: https://stable.release.flatcar-linux.net/amd64-usr/3510.2.2/flatcar_production_packet.ipxe

NOTE: CloudProfileConfig is not a Custom Resource, so you cannot create it directly.