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Using the GCP provider extension with Gardener as operator

The core.gardener.cloud/v1beta1.CloudProfile resource declares a providerConfig field that is meant to contain provider-specific configuration. The core.gardener.cloud/v1beta1.Seed resource is structured similarly. Additionally, it allows configuring settings for the backups of the main etcds’ data of shoot clusters control planes running in this seed cluster.

This document explains the necessary configuration for this provider extension.

CloudProfile resource

This section describes, how the configuration for CloudProfiles looks like for GCP by providing an example CloudProfile manifest with minimal configuration that can be used to allow the creation of GCP shoot clusters.


The cloud profile configuration contains information about the real machine image IDs in the GCP environment (image URLs). You have to map every version that you specify in .spec.machineImages[].versions here such that the GCP extension knows the image URL for every version you want to offer. For each machine image version an architecture field can be specified which specifies the CPU architecture of the machine on which given machine image can be used.

An example CloudProfileConfig for the GCP extension looks as follows:

apiVersion: gcp.provider.extensions.gardener.cloud/v1alpha1
kind: CloudProfileConfig
- name: coreos
  - version: 2135.6.0
    image: projects/coreos-cloud/global/images/coreos-stable-2135-6-0-v20190801
    # architecture: amd64 # optional

Example CloudProfile manifest

If you want to allow that shoots can create VMs with local SSDs volumes then you have to specify the type of the disk with SCRATCH in the .spec.volumeTypes[] list. Please find below an example CloudProfile manifest:

apiVersion: core.gardener.cloud/v1beta1
kind: CloudProfile
  name: gcp
  type: gcp
    - version: 1.32.0
    - version: 1.31.2
      expirationDate: "2026-03-31T23:59:59Z"
  - name: coreos
    - version: 2135.6.0
  - name: n1-standard-4
    cpu: "4"
    gpu: "0"
    memory: 15Gi
  - name: pd-standard
    class: standard
  - name: pd-ssd
    class: premium
  - name: SCRATCH
    class: standard
  - region: europe-west1
    - europe-west1-b
    - europe-west1-c
    - europe-west1-d
    apiVersion: gcp.provider.extensions.gardener.cloud/v1alpha1
    kind: CloudProfileConfig
    - name: coreos
      - version: 2135.6.0
        image: projects/coreos-cloud/global/images/coreos-stable-2135-6-0-v20190801
        # architecture: amd64 # optional

Seed resource

This provider extension does not support any provider configuration for the Seed’s .spec.provider.providerConfig field. However, it supports to managing of backup infrastructure, i.e., you can specify a configuration for the .spec.backup field.

Backup configuration

A Seed of type gcp can be configured to perform backups for the main etcds’ of the shoot clusters control planes using Google Cloud Storage buckets.

The location/region where the backups will be stored defaults to the region of the Seed (spec.provider.region), but can also be explicitly configured via the field spec.backup.region. The region of the backup can be different from where the seed cluster is running. However, usually it makes sense to pick the same region for the backup bucket as used for the Seed cluster.

Please find below an example Seed manifest (partly) that configures backups using Google Cloud Storage buckets.

apiVersion: core.gardener.cloud/v1beta1
kind: Seed
  name: my-seed
    type: gcp
    region: europe-west1
    provider: gcp
    region: europe-west1 # default region
      name: backup-credentials
      namespace: garden

An example of the referenced secret containing the credentials for the GCP Cloud storage can be found in the example folder.

Permissions for GCP Cloud Storage

Please make sure the service account associated with the provided credentials has the following IAM roles.

Rolling Update Triggers

Changes to the Shoot worker-pools are applied in-place where possible. In case this is not possible a rolling update of the workers will be performed to apply the new configuration, as outlined in the Gardener documentation. The exact fields that trigger this behaviour depend on whether the feature gate NewWorkerPoolHash is enabled. If it is not enabled, only the fields mentioned in the Gardener doc are used. If the feature gate is enabled, instead of the complete provider config only the following fields are used:

  • .spec.provider.workers[].dataVolumes[].name
  • .spec.provider.workers[].dataVolumes[].size
  • .spec.provider.workers[].dataVolumes[].type
  • .spec.provider.workers[].dataVolumes[].encrypted
  • .spec.provider.workers[].providerConfig.volume.encryption
  • .spec.provider.workers[].providerConfig.volume.localSsdInterface
  • .spec.provider.workers[].providerConfig.dataVolumes[].name
  • .spec.provider.workers[].providerConfig.dataVolumes[].sourceImage
  • .spec.provider.workers[].providerConfig.dataVolumes[].provisionedIops
  • .spec.provider.workers[].providerConfig.minCpuPlatform
  • .spec.provider.workers[].providerConfig.gpu
  • .spec.provider.workers[].providerConfig.serviceAccount