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Cilium CNI

Gardener extension controller for the Cilium CNI network plugin

Gardener Extension for cilium Networking

REUSE status CI Build status Go Report Card

This controller operates on the Network resource in the API group. It manages those objects that are requesting cilium Networking configuration (.spec.type=cilium):

kind: Network
  name: cilium-network
  namespace: shoot--foo--bar
  type: cilium
    kind: NetworkConfig
#    hubble:
#      enabled: true
#    store: kubernetes

Please find a concrete example in the example folder. All the cilium specific configuration should be configured in the providerConfig section. If additional configuration is required, it should be added to the networking-cilium chart in controllers/networking-cilium/charts/internal/cilium/values.yaml and corresponding code parts should be adapted (for example in controllers/networking-cilium/pkg/charts/utils.go).

Once the network resource is applied, the networking-cilium controller would then create all the necessary managed-resources which should be picked up by the gardener-resource-manager which will then apply all the network extensions resources to the shoot cluster.

Finally after successful reconciliation an output similar to the one below should be expected.

      description: Successfully reconciled network
      lastUpdateTime: "..."
      progress: 100
      state: Succeeded
      type: Reconcile
    observedGeneration: 1

How to start using or developing this extension controller locally

You can run the controller locally on your machine by executing make start. Please make sure to have the kubeconfig pointed to the cluster you want to connect to. Static code checks and tests can be executed by running make verify. We are using Go modules for Golang package dependency management and Ginkgo/Gomega for testing.

Feedback and Support

Feedback and contributions are always welcome. Please report bugs or suggestions as GitHub issues or join our Slack channel #gardener (please invite yourself to the Kubernetes workspace here).

Learn more!

Please find further resources about out project here:

1 - Usage

Using the Networking Cilium extension with Gardener as end-user

The resource declares a networking field that is meant to contain network-specific configuration.

In this document we are describing how this configuration looks like for Cilium and provide an example Shoot manifest with minimal configuration that you can use to create a cluster.

Cilium Hubble

Hubble is a fully distributed networking and security observability platform build on top of Cilium and BPF. It is optional and is deployed to the cluster when enabled in the NetworkConfig. If the dashboard is not externally exposed

kubectl port-forward -n kube-system deployment/hubble-ui 8081

can be used to acess it locally.

Example NetworkingConfig manifest

An example NetworkingConfig for the Cilium extension looks as follows:

kind: NetworkConfig
  enabled: true
#debug: false
#tunnel: vxlan
#store: kubernetes

NetworkingConfig options

The hubble.enabled field describes whether hubble should be deployed into the cluster or not (default).

The debug field describes whether you want to run cilium in debug mode or not (default), change this value to true to use debug mode.

The tunnel field describes the encapsulation mode for communication between nodes. Possible values are vxlan (default), geneve or disabled.

The bpfSocketLBHostnsOnly.enabled field describes whether socket LB will be skipped for services when inside a pod namespace (default), in favor of service LB at the pod interface. Socket LB is still used when in the host namespace. This feature is required when using cilium with a service mesh like istio or linkerd.

Setting the field cni.exclusive to false might be useful when additional plugins, such as Istio or Linkerd, wish to chain after Cilium. This action disables the default behavior of Cilium, which is to overwrite changes to the CNI configuration file.

The egressGateway.enabled field describes whether egress gateways are enabled or not (default). To use this feature kube-proxy must be disabled. This can be done with the following configuration in the Shoot:

      enabled: false

The egress gateway feature is only supported in gardener with an overlay network (shoot.spec.networking.providerConfig.overlay.enabled: true) at the moment. This is due to the reason that bpf masquerading is required for the egress gateway feature. Once the overlay network is enabled bpf.masquerade is set to true in the cilium configmap.

The snatToUpstreamDNS.enabled field describes whether the traffic to the upstream dns server should be masqueraded or not (default). This is needed on some infrastructures where traffic to the dns server with the pod CIDR range is blocked.

Example Shoot manifest

Please find below an example Shoot manifest with cilium networking configuration:

kind: Shoot
  name: aws-cilium
  namespace: garden-dev
    type: cilium
      kind: NetworkConfig
        enabled: true

If you would like to see a provider specific shoot example, please check out the documentation of the well-known extensions. A list of them can be found here.