DNS services
Gardener extension controller for DNS services for shoot clusters

Project Gardener implements the automated management and operation of Kubernetes clusters as a service. Its main principle is to leverage Kubernetes concepts for all of its tasks.
Recently, most of the vendor specific logic has been developed in-tree. However, the project has grown to a size where it is very hard to extend, maintain, and test. With GEP-1 we have proposed how the architecture can be changed in a way to support external controllers that contain their very own vendor specifics. This way, we can keep Gardener core clean and independent.
Example extension resource:
apiVersion: extensions.gardener.cloud/v1alpha1
kind: Extension
name: "extension-dns-service"
namespace: shoot--project--abc
type: shoot-dns-service
How to start using or developing this extension controller locally
You can run the controller locally on your machine by executing make start
. Please make sure to have the kubeconfig to the cluster you want to connect to ready in the ./dev/kubeconfig
Static code checks and tests can be executed by running make verify
. We are using Go modules for Golang package dependency management and Ginkgo/Gomega for testing.
Feedback and Support
Feedback and contributions are always welcome. Please report bugs or suggestions as GitHub issues or join our Slack channel #gardener (please invite yourself to the Kubernetes workspace here).
Learn more!
Please find further resources about out project here:
1 - Configuration
Deployment of the shoot DNS service extension
Disclaimer: This document is NOT a step by step deployment guide for the shoot DNS service extension and only contains some configuration specifics regarding the deployment of different components via the helm charts residing in the shoot DNS service extension repository.
Authentication against the Garden cluster
There are several authentication possibilities depending on whether or not the concept of Virtual Garden is used.
Virtual Garden is not used, i.e., the runtime
Garden cluster is also the target
Garden cluster.
Automounted Service Account Token
The easiest way to deploy the gardener-extension-admission-shoot-dns-service
component will be to not provide kubeconfig
at all. This way in-cluster configuration and an automounted service account token will be used. The drawback of this approach is that the automounted token will not be automatically rotated.
Service Account Token Volume Projection
Another solution will be to use Service Account Token Volume Projection combined with a kubeconfig
referencing a token file (see example below).
apiVersion: v1
kind: Config
- cluster:
certificate-authority-data: <CA-DATA>
server: https://default.kubernetes.svc.cluster.local
name: garden
- context:
cluster: garden
user: garden
name: garden
current-context: garden
- name: garden
tokenFile: /var/run/secrets/projected/serviceaccount/token
This will allow for automatic rotation of the service account token by the kubelet
. The configuration can be achieved by setting both .Values.global.serviceAccountTokenVolumeProjection.enabled: true
and .Values.global.kubeconfig
in the respective chart’s values.yaml
Virtual Garden is used, i.e., the runtime
Garden cluster is different from the target
Garden cluster.
Service Account
The easiest way to setup the authentication will be to create a service account and the respective roles will be bound to this service account in the target
cluster. Then use the generated service account token and craft a kubeconfig
which will be used by the workload in the runtime
cluster. This approach does not provide a solution for the rotation of the service account token. However, this setup can be achieved by setting .Values.global.virtualGarden.enabled: true
and following these steps:
- Deploy the
part of the charts in the target
cluster. - Get the service account token and craft the
. - Set the crafted
and deploy the runtime
part of the charts in the runtime
Client Certificate
Another solution will be to bind the roles in the target
cluster to a User
subject instead of a service account and use a client certificate for authentication. This approach does not provide a solution for the client certificate rotation. However, this setup can be achieved by setting both .Values.global.virtualGarden.enabled: true
and .Values.global.virtualGarden.user.name
, then following these steps:
- Generate a client certificate for the
cluster for the respective user. - Deploy the
part of the charts in the target
cluster. - Craft a
using the already generated client certificate. - Set the crafted
and deploy the runtime
part of the charts in the runtime
Projected Service Account Token
This approach requires an already deployed and configured oidc-webhook-authenticator for the target
cluster. Also the runtime
cluster should be registered as a trusted identity provider in the target
cluster. Then projected service accounts tokens from the runtime
cluster can be used to authenticate against the target
cluster. The needed steps are as follows:
- Deploy OWA and establish the needed trust.
- Set
.Values.global.virtualGarden.enabled: true
and .Values.global.virtualGarden.user.name
. Note: username value will depend on the trust configuration, e.g., <prefix>:system:serviceaccount:<namespace>:<serviceaccount>
- Set
.Values.global.serviceAccountTokenVolumeProjection.enabled: true
and .Values.global.serviceAccountTokenVolumeProjection.audience
. Note: audience value will depend on the trust configuration, e.g., <cliend-id-from-trust-config>
. - Craft a kubeconfig (see example below).
- Deploy the
part of the charts in the target
cluster. - Deploy the
part of the charts in the runtime
apiVersion: v1
kind: Config
- cluster:
certificate-authority-data: <CA-DATA>
server: https://virtual-garden.api
name: virtual-garden
- context:
cluster: virtual-garden
user: virtual-garden
name: virtual-garden
current-context: virtual-garden
- name: virtual-garden
tokenFile: /var/run/secrets/projected/serviceaccount/token
2 - Deployment
Gardener DNS Management for Shoots
Gardener allows Shoot clusters to request DNS names for Ingresses and Services out of the box.
To support this the gardener must be installed with the shoot-dns-service
This extension uses the seed’s dns management infrastructure to maintain DNS
names for shoot clusters. So, far only the external DNS domain of a shoot
(already used for the kubernetes api server and ingress DNS names) can be used
for managed DNS names.
To generally enable the DNS management for shoot objects the
extension must be registered by providing an
appropriate extension registration in the garden cluster.
Here it is possible to decide whether the extension should be always available
for all shoots or whether the extension must be separately enabled per shoot.
If the extension should be used for all shoots, the registration must set the globallyEnabled flag to true
- kind: Extension
type: shoot-dns-service
globallyEnabled: true
Deployment of DNS controller manager
If you are using Gardener version >= 1.54
, please make sure to deploy the DNS controller manager by
adding the dnsControllerManager
section to the providerConfig.values
For example:
apiVersion: core.gardener.cloud/v1beta1
kind: ControllerDeployment
name: extension-shoot-dns-service
type: helm
chart: ...
repository: europe-docker.pkg.dev/gardener-project/releases/dns-controller-manager
tag: v0.16.0
cacheTtl: 300
controllers: dnscontrollers,dnssources
dnsPoolResyncPeriod: 30m
#poolSize: 20
#providersPoolResyncPeriod: 24h
serverPortHttp: 8080
createCRDs: false
deploy: true
replicaCount: 1
# requests:
# cpu: 50m
# memory: 500Mi
enabled: true
Providing Base Domains usable for a Shoot
So, far only the external DNS domain of a shoot already used
for the kubernetes api server and ingress DNS names can be used for managed
DNS names. This is either the shoot domain as subdomain of the default domain
configured for the gardener installation, or a dedicated domain with dedicated
access credentials configured for a dedicated shoot via the shoot manifest.
Alternatively, you can specify DNSProviders
and its credentials
directly in the shoot, if this feature is enabled.
By default, DNSProvider
replication is disabled, but it can be enabled globally in the ControllerDeployment
or for a shoot cluster in the shoot manifest (details see further below).
apiVersion: core.gardener.cloud/v1beta1
kind: ControllerDeployment
name: extension-shoot-dns-service
type: helm
chart: ...
enabled: true
See example files (20-* and 30-*)
for details for the various provider types.
Shoot Feature Gate
If the shoot DNS feature is not globally enabled by default (depends on the
extension registration on the garden cluster), it must be enabled per shoot.
To enable the feature for a shoot, the shoot manifest must explicitly add the
- type: shoot-dns-service
Enable/disable DNS provider replication for a shoot
The DNSProvider` replication feature enablement can be overwritten in the
shoot manifest, e.g.
Kind: Shoot
- type: shoot-dns-service
apiVersion: service.dns.extensions.gardener.cloud/v1alpha1
kind: DNSConfig
enabled: true
3 - DNS Names
Request DNS Names in Shoot Clusters
Within a shoot cluster, it is possible to request DNS records via the following resource types:
It is necessary that the Gardener installation your shoot cluster runs in is equipped with a shoot-dns-service
extension. This extension uses the seed’s dns management infrastructure to maintain DNS names for shoot clusters. Please ask your Gardener operator if the extension is available in your environment.
Shoot Feature Gate
In some Gardener setups the shoot-dns-service
extension is not enabled globally and thus must be configured per shoot cluster. Please adapt the shoot specification by the configuration shown below to activate the extension individually.
kind: Shoot
- type: shoot-dns-service
Before you start
You should :
- Have created a shoot cluster
- Have created and correctly configured a DNS Provider (Please consult this page for more information)
- Have a basic understanding of DNS (see link under References)
There are 2 types of DNS that you can use within Kubernetes :
- internal (usually managed by coreDNS)
- external (managed by a public DNS provider).
This page, and the extension, exclusively works for external DNS handling.
Gardener allows 2 way of managing your external DNS:
- Manually, which means you are in charge of creating / maintaining your Kubernetes related DNS entries
- Via the Gardener DNS extension
Gardener DNS extension
The managed external DNS records feature of the Gardener clusters makes all this easier. You do not need DNS service provider specific knowledge, and in fact you do not need to leave your cluster at all to achieve that. You simply annotate the Ingress / Service that needs its DNS records managed and it will be automatically created / managed by Gardener.
Managed external DNS records are supported with the following DNS provider types:
- aws-route53
- azure-dns
- azure-private-dns
- google-clouddns
- openstack-designate
- alicloud-dns
- cloudflare-dns
Request DNS records for Ingress resources
To request a DNS name for Ingress
, Service
or Gateway
(Istio or Gateway API) objects in the shoot cluster it must be annotated with the DNS class garden
and an annotation denoting the desired DNS names.
Example for an annotated Ingress resource:
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
name: amazing-ingress
# Let Gardener manage external DNS records for this Ingress.
dns.gardener.cloud/dnsnames: special.example.com # Use "*" to collects domains names from .spec.rules[].host
dns.gardener.cloud/ttl: "600"
dns.gardener.cloud/class: garden
# If you are delegating the certificate management to Gardener, uncomment the following line
#cert.gardener.cloud/purpose: managed
- host: special.example.com
- pathType: Prefix
path: "/"
name: amazing-svc
number: 8080
# Uncomment the following part if you are delegating the certificate management to Gardener
# - hosts:
# - special.example.com
# secretName: my-cert-secret-name
For an Ingress, the DNS names are already declared in the specification. Nevertheless the dnsnames annotation must be present. Here a subset of the DNS names of the ingress can be specified. If DNS names for all names are desired, the value all
can be used.
Keep in mind that ingress resources are ignored unless an ingress controller is set up. Gardener does not provide an ingress controller by default. For more details, see Ingress Controllers and Service in the Kubernetes documentation.
Request DNS records for service type LoadBalancer
Example for an annotated Service (it must have the type LoadBalancer
) resource:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: amazing-svc
# Let Gardener manage external DNS records for this Service.
dns.gardener.cloud/dnsnames: special.example.com
dns.gardener.cloud/ttl: "600"
dns.gardener.cloud/class: garden
app: amazing-app
- protocol: TCP
port: 80
targetPort: 8080
type: LoadBalancer
Request DNS records for Gateway resources
Please see Istio Gateways or Gateway API for details.
Creating a DNSEntry resource explicitly
It is also possible to create a DNS entry via the Kubernetes resource called DNSEntry
apiVersion: dns.gardener.cloud/v1alpha1
kind: DNSEntry
# Let Gardener manage this DNS entry.
dns.gardener.cloud/class: garden
name: special-dnsentry
namespace: default
dnsName: special.example.com
ttl: 600
If one of the accepted DNS names is a direct subname of the shoot’s ingress domain, this is already handled by the standard wildcard entry for the ingress domain. Therefore this name should be excluded from the dnsnames list in the annotation. If only this DNS name is configured in the ingress, no explicit DNS entry is required, and the DNS annotations should be omitted at all.
You can check the status of the DNSEntry
$ kubectl get dnsentry
mydnsentry special.example.com aws-route53 default/aws Ready 24s
As soon as the status of the entry is Ready
, the provider has accepted the new DNS record. Depending on the provider and your DNS settings and cache, it may take up to 24 hours for the new entry to be propagated over all internet.
More examples can be found here
Request DNS records for Service/Ingress resources using a DNSAnnotation resource
In rare cases it may not be possible to add annotations to a Service
or Ingress
resource object.
E.g.: the helm chart used to deploy the resource may not be adaptable for some reasons or some automation is used, which always restores the original content of the resource object by dropping any additional annotations.
In these cases, it is recommended to use an additional DNSAnnotation
resource in order to have more flexibility that DNSentry resources
. The DNSAnnotation
resource makes the DNS shoot service behave as if annotations have been added to the referenced resource.
For the Ingress example shown above, you can create a DNSAnnotation
resource alternatively to provide the annotations.
apiVersion: dns.gardener.cloud/v1alpha1
kind: DNSAnnotation
dns.gardener.cloud/class: garden
name: test-ingress-annotation
namespace: default
kind: Ingress
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
name: test-ingress
namespace: default
dns.gardener.cloud/dnsnames: '*'
dns.gardener.cloud/class: garden
Note that the DNSAnnotation resource itself needs the dns.gardener.cloud/class=garden
annotation. This also only works for annotations known to the DNS shoot service (see Accepted External DNS Records Annotations).
For more details, see also DNSAnnotation objects
Accepted External DNS Records Annotations
Here are all of the accepted annotation related to the DNS extension:
Annotation | Description |
dns.gardener.cloud/dnsnames | Mandatory for service and ingress resources, accepts a comma-separated list of DNS names if multiple names are required. For ingress you can use the special value '*' . In this case, the DNS names are collected from .spec.rules[].host . |
dns.gardener.cloud/class | Mandatory, in the context of the shoot-dns-service it must always be set to garden . |
dns.gardener.cloud/ttl | Recommended, overrides the default Time-To-Live of the DNS record. |
dns.gardener.cloud/cname-lookup-interval | Only relevant if multiple domain name targets are specified. It specifies the lookup interval for CNAMEs to map them to IP addresses (in seconds) |
dns.gardener.cloud/realms | Internal, for restricting provider access for shoot DNS entries. Typcially not set by users of the shoot-dns-service. |
dns.gardener.cloud/ip-stack | Only relevant for provider type aws-route53 if target is an AWS load balancer domain name. Can be set for service, ingress and DNSEntry resources. It specify which DNS records with alias targets are created instead of the usual CNAME records. If the annotation is not set (or has the value ipv4 ), only an A record is created. With value dual-stack , both A and AAAA records are created. With value ipv6 only an AAAA record is created. |
service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-ip-address-type=dualstack | For services, behaves similar to dns.gardener.cloud/ip-stack=dual-stack . |
loadbalancer.openstack.org/load-balancer-address | Internal, for services only: support for PROXY protocol on Openstack (which needs a hostname as ingress). Typcially not set by users of the shoot-dns-service. |
If one of the accepted DNS names is a direct subdomain of the shoot’s ingress domain, this is already handled by the standard wildcard entry for the ingress domain. Therefore, this name should be excluded from the dnsnames list in the annotation. If only this DNS name is configured in the ingress, no explicit DNS entry is required, and the DNS annotations should be omitted at all.
To check the DNS resolution, use the nslookup
or dig
$ nslookup special.your-domain.com
or with dig
$ dig +short special.example.com
Depending on your network settings, you may get a successful response faster using a public DNS server (e.g.,, or
dig @ +short special.example.com
DNS record events
The DNS controller publishes Kubernetes events for the resource which requested the DNS record (Ingress, Service, DNSEntry). These events reveal more information about the DNS requests being processed and are especially useful to check any kind of misconfiguration, e.g. requests for a domain you don’t own.
Events for a successfully created DNS record:
$ kubectl describe service my-service
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal dns-annotation 19s dns-controller-manager special.example.com: dns entry is pending
Normal dns-annotation 19s (x3 over 19s) dns-controller-manager special.example.com: dns entry pending: waiting for dns reconciliation
Normal dns-annotation 9s (x3 over 10s) dns-controller-manager special.example.com: dns entry active
Please note, events vanish after their retention period (usually 1h
DNSEntry status
resources offer a .status
sub-resource which can be used to check the current state of the object.
Status of a erroneous DNSEntry
message: No responsible provider found
observedGeneration: 3
provider: remote
state: Error
4 - DNS Providers
DNS Providers
Gardener can manage DNS records on your behalf, so that you can request them via different resource types (see here) within the shoot cluster. The domains for which you are permitted to request records, are however restricted and depend on the DNS provider configuration.
Shoot provider
By default, every shoot cluster is equipped with a default provider. It is the very same provider that manages the shoot cluster’s kube-apiserver
public DNS record (DNS address in your Kubeconfig).
kind: Shoot
domain: shoot.project.default-domain.gardener.cloud
You are permitted to request any sub-domain of .dns.domain
that is not already taken (e.g. api.shoot.project.default-domain.gardener.cloud
, *.ingress.shoot.project.default-domain.gardener.cloud
) with this provider.
Additional providers
If you need to request DNS records for domains not managed by the default provider, additional providers can
be configured in the shoot specification.
Alternatively, if it is enabled, it can be added as DNSProvider
resources to the shoot cluster.
Additional providers in the shoot specification
To add a providers in the shoot spec, you need set them in the spec.dns.providers
For example:
kind: Shoot
domain: shoot.project.default-domain.gardener.cloud
- secretName: my-aws-account
type: aws-route53
- secretName: my-gcp-account
type: google-clouddns
Please consult the API-Reference to get a complete list of supported fields and configuration options.
Referenced secrets should exist in the project namespace in the Garden cluster and must comply with the provider specific credentials format. The External-DNS-Management project provides corresponding examples (20-secret-<provider-name>-credentials.yaml) for known providers.
Additional providers as resources in the shoot cluster
If it is not enabled globally, you have to enable the feature in the shoot manifest:
Kind: Shoot
- type: shoot-dns-service
apiVersion: service.dns.extensions.gardener.cloud/v1alpha1
kind: DNSConfig
enabled: true
To add a provider directly in the shoot cluster, provide a DNSProvider
in any namespace together
with Secret
containing the credentials.
For example if the domain is hosted with AWS Route 53 (provider type aws-route53
apiVersion: dns.gardener.cloud/v1alpha1
kind: DNSProvider
dns.gardener.cloud/class: garden
name: my-own-domain
namespace: my-namespace
type: aws-route53
name: my-own-domain-credentials
- my.own.domain.com
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: my-own-domain-credentials
namespace: my-namespace
type: Opaque
# replace '...' with values encoded as base64
The External-DNS-Management project provides examples with more details for DNSProviders
and credential Secrets
(20-secret-<provider-name>.yaml) at https://github.com/gardener/external-dns-management//examples
for all supported provider types.
5 - Gateway Api Gateways
Using annotated Gateway API Gateway and/or HTTPRoutes as Source
This tutorial describes how to use annotated Gateway API resources as source for DNSEntries with the Gardener shoot-dns-service extension.
The dns-controller-manager supports the resources Gateway
and HTTPRoute
Install Istio on your cluster
Using a new or existing shoot cluster, follow the Istio Kubernetes Gateway API to
install the Gateway API and to install Istio.
These are the typical commands for the Istio installation with the Kubernetes Gateway API:
export KUEBCONFIG=...
curl -L https://istio.io/downloadIstio | sh -
kubectl get crd gateways.gateway.networking.k8s.io &> /dev/null || \
{ kubectl kustomize "github.com/kubernetes-sigs/gateway-api/config/crd?ref=v1.0.0" | kubectl apply -f -; }
istioctl install --set profile=minimal -y
kubectl label namespace default istio-injection=enabled
Verify that Gateway Source works
Install a sample service
With automatic sidecar injection:
$ kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/istio/istio/release-1.20/samples/httpbin/httpbin.yaml
Using a Gateway as a source
Deploy the Gateway API configuration including a single exposed route (i.e., /get):
kubectl create namespace istio-ingress
kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Gateway
name: gateway
namespace: istio-ingress
dns.gardener.cloud/dnsnames: "*.example.com"
dns.gardener.cloud/class: garden
gatewayClassName: istio
- name: default
hostname: "*.example.com" # this is used by dns-controller-manager to extract DNS names
port: 80
protocol: HTTP
from: All
apiVersion: gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: HTTPRoute
name: http
namespace: default
- name: gateway
namespace: istio-ingress
hostnames: ["httpbin.example.com"] # this is used by dns-controller-manager to extract DNS names too
- matches:
- path:
type: PathPrefix
value: /get
- name: httpbin
port: 8000
You should now see events in the namespace of the gateway:
$ kubectl -n istio-system get events --sort-by={.metadata.creationTimestamp}
38s Normal dns-annotation service/gateway-istio httpbin.example.com: created dns entry object shoot--foo--bar/gateway-istio-service-zpf8n
38s Normal dns-annotation service/gateway-istio httpbin.example.com: dns entry pending: waiting for dns reconciliation
38s Normal dns-annotation service/gateway-istio httpbin.example.com: dns entry is pending
36s Normal dns-annotation service/gateway-istio httpbin.example.com: dns entry active
Using a HTTPRoute as a source
If the Gateway
resource is annotated with dns.gardener.cloud/dnsnames: "*"
, hostnames from all referencing HTTPRoute
are automatically extracted. These resources don’t need an additional annotation.
Deploy the Gateway API configuration including a single exposed route (i.e., /get):
kubectl create namespace istio-ingress
kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Gateway
name: gateway
namespace: istio-ingress
dns.gardener.cloud/dnsnames: "*"
dns.gardener.cloud/class: garden
gatewayClassName: istio
- name: default
hostname: null # not set
port: 80
protocol: HTTP
from: All
apiVersion: gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: HTTPRoute
name: http
namespace: default
- name: gateway
namespace: istio-ingress
hostnames: ["httpbin.example.com"] # this is used by dns-controller-manager to extract DNS names too
- matches:
- path:
type: PathPrefix
value: /get
- name: httpbin
port: 8000
This should show a similar events as above.
Access the sample service using curl
$ curl -I http://httpbin.example.com/get
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
server: istio-envoy
date: Tue, 13 Feb 2024 08:09:41 GMT
content-type: application/json
content-length: 701
access-control-allow-origin: *
access-control-allow-credentials: true
x-envoy-upstream-service-time: 19
Accessing any other URL that has not been explicitly exposed should return an HTTP 404 error:
$ curl -I http://httpbin.example.com/headers
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
date: Tue, 13 Feb 2024 08:09:41 GMT
server: istio-envoy
transfer-encoding: chunked
6 - Istio Gateways
Using annotated Istio Gateway and/or Istio Virtual Service as Source
This tutorial describes how to use annotated Istio Gateway resources as source for DNSEntries with the Gardener shoot-dns-service extension.
Install Istio on your cluster
Using a new or existing shoot cluster, follow the Istio Getting Started to download and install Istio.
These are the typical commands for the istio demo installation
export KUEBCONFIG=...
curl -L https://istio.io/downloadIstio | sh -
istioctl install --set profile=demo -y
kubectl label namespace default istio-injection=enabled
Verify that Istio Gateway/VirtualService Source works
Install a sample service
With automatic sidecar injection:
$ kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/istio/istio/release-1.20/samples/httpbin/httpbin.yaml
Using a Gateway as a source
Create an Istio Gateway:
$ cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
kind: Gateway
name: httpbin-gateway
namespace: istio-system
dns.gardener.cloud/dnsnames: "*"
dns.gardener.cloud/class: garden
istio: ingressgateway # use Istio default gateway implementation
- port:
number: 80
name: http
protocol: HTTP
- "httpbin.example.com" # this is used by the dns-controller-manager to extract DNS names
$ cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
kind: VirtualService
name: httpbin
namespace: default
- "httpbin.example.com" # this is also used by the dns-controller-manager to extract DNS names
- istio-system/httpbin-gateway
- match:
- uri:
prefix: /status
- uri:
prefix: /delay
- destination:
number: 8000
host: httpbin
You should now see events in the namespace of the gateway:
$ kubectl -n istio-system get events --sort-by={.metadata.creationTimestamp}
38s Normal dns-annotation gateway/httpbin-gateway httpbin.example.com: created dns entry object shoot--foo--bar/httpbin-gateway-gateway-zpf8n
38s Normal dns-annotation gateway/httpbin-gateway httpbin.example.com: dns entry pending: waiting for dns reconciliation
38s Normal dns-annotation gateway/httpbin-gateway httpbin.example.com: dns entry is pending
36s Normal dns-annotation gateway/httpbin-gateway httpbin.example.com: dns entry active
Using a VirtualService as a source
If the Gateway
resource is annotated with dns.gardener.cloud/dnsnames: "*"
, hosts from all referencing VirtualServices
are automatically extracted. These resources don’t need an additional annotation.
Create an Istio Gateway:
$ cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
kind: Gateway
name: httpbin-gateway
namespace: istio-system
dns.gardener.cloud/dnsnames: "*"
dns.gardener.cloud/class: garden
istio: ingressgateway # use Istio default gateway implementation
- port:
number: 80
name: http
protocol: HTTP
- "*"
$ cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
kind: VirtualService
name: httpbin
namespace: default
- "httpbin.example.com" # this is used by dns-controller-manager to extract DNS names
- istio-system/httpbin-gateway
- match:
- uri:
prefix: /status
- uri:
prefix: /delay
- destination:
number: 8000
host: httpbin
This should show a similar events as above.
To get the targets to the extracted DNS names, the shoot-dns-service controller is able to gather information from the kubernetes service of the Istio Ingress Gateway.
Note: It is also possible to set the targets my specifying an Ingress resource using the dns.gardener.cloud/ingress
annotation on the Istio Ingress Gateway resource.
Note: It is also possible to set the targets manually by using the dns.gardener.cloud/targets
annotation on the Istio Ingress Gateway resource.
Access the sample service using curl
$ curl -I http://httpbin.example.com/status/200
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
server: istio-envoy
date: Tue, 13 Feb 2024 07:49:37 GMT
content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8
access-control-allow-origin: *
access-control-allow-credentials: true
content-length: 0
x-envoy-upstream-service-time: 15
Accessing any other URL that has not been explicitly exposed should return an HTTP 404 error:
$ curl -I http://httpbin.example.com/headers
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
date: Tue, 13 Feb 2024 08:09:41 GMT
server: istio-envoy
transfer-encoding: chunked