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Lakom service

A k8s admission controller verifying pods are using signed images (cosign signatures) and a gardener extension to install it for shoots and seeds.

Gardener Extension for lakom services

REUSE status

Project Gardener implements the automated management and operation of Kubernetes clusters as a service. Its main principle is to leverage Kubernetes concepts for all of its tasks.

Recently, most of the vendor specific logic has been developed in-tree. However, the project has grown to a size where it is very hard to extend, maintain, and test. With GEP-1 we have proposed how the architecture can be changed in a way to support external controllers that contain their very own vendor specifics. This way, we can keep Gardener core clean and independent.

This controller implements Gardener’s extension contract for the shoot-lakom-service extension.

An example for a ControllerRegistration resource that can be used to register this controller to Gardener can be found here.

Please find more information regarding the extensibility concepts and a detailed proposal here.

Lakom Admission Controller

Lakom is kubernetes admission controller which purpose is to implement cosign image signature verification against public cosign key. It also takes care to resolve image tags to sha256 digests. It also caches all OCI artifacts to reduce the load toward the OCI registry.

Extension Resources

Example extension resource:

kind: Extension
  name: extension-shoot-lakom-service
  namespace: shoot--project--abc
  type: shoot-lakom-service

When an extension resource is reconciled, the extension controller will create an instance of lakom admission controller. These resources are placed inside the shoot namespace on the seed. Also, the controller takes care about generating necessary RBAC resources for the seed as well as for the shoot.

Please note, this extension controller relies on the Gardener-Resource-Manager to deploy k8s resources to seed and shoot clusters.

How to start using or developing this extension controller locally

The Lakom admission controller can be configured with make dev-setup and started with make start-lakom. You can run the lakom extension controller locally on your machine by executing make start.

If you’d like to develop Lakom using a local cluster such as KinD, make sure your KUBECONFIG environment variable is targeting the local Garden cluster. Add to your /etc/hosts. You can then run:

make extension-up

This will trigger a skaffold deployment that builds the images, pushes them to the registry and installs the helm charts from /charts.

We are using Go modules for Golang package dependency management and Ginkgo/Gomega for testing.

Feedback and Support

Feedback and contributions are always welcome. Please report bugs or suggestions as GitHub issues or join our Slack channel #gardener (please invite yourself to the Kubernetes workspace here).

Learn more!

Please find further resources about out project here:

1 - Deployment

Gardener Lakom Service for Shoots


Gardener allows Shoot clusters to use Lakom admission controller for cosign image signing verification. To support this the Gardener must be installed with the shoot-lakom-service extension.


To generally enable the Lakom service for shoot objects the shoot-lakom-service extension must be registered by providing an appropriate extension registration in the garden cluster.

Here it is possible to decide whether the extension should be always available for all shoots or whether the extension must be separately enabled per shoot.

If the extension should be used for all shoots the globallyEnabled flag should be set to true.

    - kind: Extension
      type: shoot-lakom-service
      globallyEnabled: true

Shoot Feature Gate

If the shoot Lakom service is not globally enabled by default (depends on the extension registration on the garden cluster), it can be enabled per shoot. To enable the service for a shoot, the shoot manifest must explicitly add the shoot-lakom-service extension.

    - type: shoot-lakom-service

If the shoot Lakom service is globally enabled by default, it can be disabled per shoot. To disable the service for a shoot, the shoot manifest must explicitly state it.

    - type: shoot-lakom-service
      disabled: true

2 - Shoot Extension


This extension implements cosign image verification. It is strictly limited only to the kubernetes system components deployed by Gardener and other Gardener Extensions in the kube-system namespace of a shoot cluster.

Shoot Feature Gate

In most of the Gardener setups the shoot-lakom-service extension is enabled globally and thus can be configured per shoot cluster. Please adapt the shoot specification by the configuration shown below to disable the extension individually.

kind: Shoot
  - type: shoot-lakom-service
    disabled: true