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Register OpenID Connect provider in Shoot Clusters
Within a shoot cluster, it is possible to dynamically register OpenID Connect providers. It is necessary that the Gardener installation your shoot cluster runs in is equipped with a shoot-oidc-service
extension. Please ask your Gardener operator if the extension is available in your environment.
Kubernetes v1.29 introduced support for Structured Authentication. Gardener allows the use of this feature for shoot clusters with Kubernetes version >= 1.30.
Structured Authentication should be preferred over the Gardener OIDC Extension in case:
- you do not need more than 64 authenticators (a limitation that is tracked in https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/122809)
- you do not need to register an issuer twice (anyways not recommended since it can lead to misconfiguration and user impersonation if done poorly)
- you need the ability to write custom expressions to map and validate claims
- you need support for multiple audiences per authenticator
- you need support for providers that don’t support OpenID connect discovery
See how to make use of Structured Authentication in Gardener.
Shoot Feature Gate
In most of the Gardener setups the shoot-oidc-service
extension is not enabled globally and thus must be configured per shoot cluster. Please adapt the shoot specification by the configuration shown below to activate the extension individually.
kind: Shoot
- type: shoot-oidc-service
OpenID Connect provider
In order to register an OpenID Connect provider an openidconnect
resource should be deployed in the shoot cluster.
It is strongly recommended to NOT disable prefixing since it may result in unwanted impersonations. The rule of thumb is to always use meaningful and unique prefixes for both
. A good way to ensure this is to use the name of theopenidconnect
resource as shown in the example below.
apiVersion: authentication.gardener.cloud/v1alpha1
kind: OpenIDConnect
name: abc
# issuerURL is the URL the provider signs ID Tokens as.
# This will be the "iss" field of all tokens produced by the provider and is used for configuration discovery.
issuerURL: https://abc-oidc-provider.example
# clientID is the audience for which the JWT must be issued for, the "aud" field.
clientID: my-shoot-cluster
# usernameClaim is the JWT field to use as the user's username.
usernameClaim: sub
# usernamePrefix, if specified, causes claims mapping to username to be prefix with the provided value.
# A value "oidc:" would result in usernames like "oidc:john".
# If not provided, the prefix defaults to "( .metadata.name )/". The value "-" can be used to disable all prefixing.
usernamePrefix: "abc:"
# groupsClaim, if specified, causes the OIDCAuthenticator to try to populate the user's groups with an ID Token field.
# If the groupsClaim field is present in an ID Token the value must be a string or list of strings.
# groupsClaim: groups
# groupsPrefix, if specified, causes claims mapping to group names to be prefixed with the value.
# A value "oidc:" would result in groups like "oidc:engineering" and "oidc:marketing".
# If not provided, the prefix defaults to "( .metadata.name )/".
# The value "-" can be used to disable all prefixing.
# groupsPrefix: "abc:"
# caBundle is a PEM encoded CA bundle which will be used to validate the OpenID server's certificate. If unspecified, system's trusted certificates are used.
# caBundle: <base64 encoded bundle>
# supportedSigningAlgs sets the accepted set of JOSE signing algorithms that can be used by the provider to sign tokens.
# The default value is RS256.
# supportedSigningAlgs:
# - RS256
# requiredClaims, if specified, causes the OIDCAuthenticator to verify that all the
# required claims key value pairs are present in the ID Token.
# requiredClaims:
# customclaim: requiredvalue
# maxTokenExpirationSeconds if specified, sets a limit in seconds to the maximum validity duration of a token.
# Tokens issued with validity greater that this value will not be verified.
# Setting this will require that the tokens have the "iat" and "exp" claims.
# maxTokenExpirationSeconds: 3600
# jwks if specified, provides an option to specify JWKS keys offline.
# jwks:
# keys is a base64 encoded JSON webkey Set. If specified, the OIDCAuthenticator skips the request to the issuer's jwks_uri endpoint to retrieve the keys.
# keys: <base64 encoded jwks>