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19 minute read
Package v1alpha1 contains the configuration of the Gardener Operator.
Resource Types:AdmissionDeploymentSpec
(Appears on: Deployment)
AdmissionDeploymentSpec contains the deployment specification for the admission controller of an extension.
Field | Description |
runtimeCluster DeploymentSpec | (Optional) RuntimeCluster is the deployment configuration for the admission in the runtime cluster. The runtime deployment is responsible for creating the admission controller in the runtime cluster. |
virtualCluster DeploymentSpec | (Optional) VirtualCluster is the deployment configuration for the admission deployment in the garden cluster. The garden deployment installs necessary resources in the virtual garden cluster e.g. RBAC that are necessary for the admission controller. |
values k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver/pkg/apis/apiextensions/v1.JSON | (Optional) Values are the deployment values. The values will be applied to both admission deployments. |
(Appears on: GardenerAPIServerConfig, KubeAPIServerConfig)
AuditWebhook contains settings related to an audit webhook configuration.
Field | Description |
batchMaxSize int32 | (Optional) BatchMaxSize is the maximum size of a batch. |
kubeconfigSecretName string | KubeconfigSecretName specifies the name of a secret containing the kubeconfig for this webhook. |
version string | (Optional) Version is the API version to send and expect from the webhook. |
(Appears on: KubeAPIServerConfig)
Authentication contains settings related to authentication.
Field | Description |
webhook AuthenticationWebhook | (Optional) Webhook contains settings related to an authentication webhook configuration. |
(Appears on: Authentication)
AuthenticationWebhook contains settings related to an authentication webhook configuration.
Field | Description |
cacheTTL Kubernetes meta/v1.Duration | (Optional) CacheTTL is the duration to cache responses from the webhook authenticator. |
kubeconfigSecretName string | KubeconfigSecretName specifies the name of a secret containing the kubeconfig for this webhook. |
version string | (Optional) Version is the API version to send and expect from the webhook. |
(Appears on: ETCDMain)
Backup contains the object store configuration for backups for the virtual garden etcd.
Field | Description |
provider string | Provider is a provider name. This field is immutable. |
bucketName string | (Optional) BucketName is the name of the backup bucket. If not provided, gardener-operator attempts to manage a new bucket. In this case, the cloud provider credentials provided in the SecretRef must have enough privileges for creating and deleting buckets. |
providerConfig k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime.RawExtension | (Optional) ProviderConfig is the provider-specific configuration passed to BackupBucket resource. |
secretRef Kubernetes core/v1.LocalObjectReference | SecretRef is a reference to a Secret object containing the cloud provider credentials for the object store where backups should be stored. It should have enough privileges to manipulate the objects as well as buckets. |
(Appears on: VirtualCluster)
ControlPlane holds information about the general settings for the control plane of the virtual garden cluster.
Field | Description |
highAvailability HighAvailability | (Optional) HighAvailability holds the configuration settings for high availability settings. |
(Appears on: GardenStatus)
Credentials contains information about the virtual garden cluster credentials.
Field | Description |
rotation CredentialsRotation | (Optional) Rotation contains information about the credential rotations. |
(Appears on: Credentials)
CredentialsRotation contains information about the rotation of credentials.
Field | Description |
certificateAuthorities github.com/gardener/gardener/pkg/apis/core/v1beta1.CARotation | (Optional) CertificateAuthorities contains information about the certificate authority credential rotation. |
serviceAccountKey github.com/gardener/gardener/pkg/apis/core/v1beta1.ServiceAccountKeyRotation | (Optional) ServiceAccountKey contains information about the service account key credential rotation. |
etcdEncryptionKey github.com/gardener/gardener/pkg/apis/core/v1beta1.ETCDEncryptionKeyRotation | (Optional) ETCDEncryptionKey contains information about the ETCD encryption key credential rotation. |
observability github.com/gardener/gardener/pkg/apis/core/v1beta1.ObservabilityRotation | (Optional) Observability contains information about the observability credential rotation. |
workloadIdentityKey WorkloadIdentityKeyRotation | (Optional) WorkloadIdentityKey contains information about the workload identity key credential rotation. |
(Appears on: VirtualCluster)
DNS holds information about DNS settings.
Field | Description |
domains []DNSDomain | Domains are the external domains of the virtual garden cluster. The first given domain in this list is immutable. |
DNSDomain defines a DNS domain with optional provider.
Field | Description |
name string | Name is the domain name. |
provider string | (Optional) Provider is the name of the DNS provider as declared in the ‘.spec.dns.providers’ section.
It is only optional, if the |
(Appears on: GardenSpec)
DNSManagement contains specifications of DNS providers.
Field | Description |
providers []DNSProvider | Providers is a list of DNS providers. |
(Appears on: DNSManagement)
DNSProvider contains the configuration for a DNS provider.
Field | Description |
name string | Name is the name of the DNS provider. |
type string | Type is the type of the DNS provider. |
providerConfig k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime.RawExtension | (Optional) Config is the provider-specific configuration passed to DNSRecord resources. |
secretRef Kubernetes core/v1.LocalObjectReference | SecretRef is a reference to a Secret object containing the DNS provider credentials. |
(Appears on: GardenerDashboardConfig)
DashboardGitHub contains configuration for the GitHub ticketing feature.
Field | Description |
apiURL string | APIURL is the URL to the GitHub API. |
organisation string | Organisation is the name of the GitHub organisation. |
repository string | Repository is the name of the GitHub repository. |
secretRef Kubernetes core/v1.LocalObjectReference | SecretRef is the reference to a secret in the garden namespace containing the GitHub credentials. |
pollInterval Kubernetes meta/v1.Duration | (Optional) PollInterval is the interval of how often the GitHub API is polled for issue updates. This field is used as a
fallback mechanism to ensure state synchronization, even when there is a GitHub webhook configuration. If a
webhook event is missed or not successfully delivered, the polling will help catch up on any missed updates.
If this field is not provided and there is no ‘webhookSecret’ key in the referenced secret, it will be
implicitly defaulted to |
(Appears on: GardenerDashboardConfig)
DashboardOIDC contains configuration for the OIDC settings.
Field | Description |
clientIDPublic string | (Optional) ClientIDPublic is the public client ID. Falls back to the API server’s OIDC client ID configuration if not set here. |
issuerURL string | (Optional) The URL of the OpenID issuer, only HTTPS scheme will be accepted. Used to verify the OIDC JSON Web Token (JWT). Falls back to the API server’s OIDC issuer URL configuration if not set here. |
sessionLifetime Kubernetes meta/v1.Duration | (Optional) SessionLifetime is the maximum duration of a session. |
additionalScopes []string | (Optional) AdditionalScopes is the list of additional OIDC scopes. |
secretRef Kubernetes core/v1.LocalObjectReference | SecretRef is the reference to a secret in the garden namespace containing the OIDC client ID and secret for the dashboard. |
(Appears on: GardenerDashboardConfig)
DashboardTerminal contains configuration for the terminal settings.
Field | Description |
container DashboardTerminalContainer | Container contains configuration for the dashboard terminal container. |
allowedHosts []string | (Optional) AllowedHosts should consist of permitted hostnames (without the scheme) for terminal connections. It is important to consider that the usage of wildcards follows the rules defined by the content security policy. ‘.seed.local.gardener.cloud’, or ‘.other-seeds.local.gardener.cloud’. For more information, see https://github.com/gardener/dashboard/blob/master/docs/operations/webterminals.md#allowlist-for-hosts. |
(Appears on: DashboardTerminal)
DashboardTerminalContainer contains configuration for the dashboard terminal container.
Field | Description |
image string | Image is the container image for the dashboard terminal container. |
description string | (Optional) Description is a description for the dashboard terminal container with hints for the user. |
(Appears on: ExtensionSpec)
Deployment specifies how an extension can be installed for a Gardener landscape. It includes the specification for installing an extension and/or an admission controller.
Field | Description |
extension ExtensionDeploymentSpec | (Optional) ExtensionDeployment contains the deployment configuration an extension. |
admission AdmissionDeploymentSpec | (Optional) AdmissionDeployment contains the deployment configuration for an admission controller. |
(Appears on: AdmissionDeploymentSpec, ExtensionDeploymentSpec)
DeploymentSpec is the specification for the deployment of a component.
Field | Description |
helm ExtensionHelm | Helm contains the specification for a Helm deployment. |
(Appears on: VirtualCluster)
ETCD contains configuration for the etcds of the virtual garden cluster.
Field | Description |
main ETCDMain | (Optional) Main contains configuration for the main etcd. |
events ETCDEvents | (Optional) Events contains configuration for the events etcd. |
(Appears on: ETCD)
ETCDEvents contains configuration for the events etcd.
Field | Description |
storage Storage | (Optional) Storage contains storage configuration. |
(Appears on: ETCD)
ETCDMain contains configuration for the main etcd.
Field | Description |
backup Backup | (Optional) Backup contains the object store configuration for backups for the virtual garden etcd. |
storage Storage | (Optional) Storage contains storage configuration. |
Extension describes a Gardener extension.
Field | Description | ||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta | Standard object metadata. Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of themetadata field. | ||||
spec ExtensionSpec | Spec contains the specification of this extension.
| ||||
status ExtensionStatus | Status contains the status of this extension. |
(Appears on: Deployment)
ExtensionDeploymentSpec specifies how to install the extension in a gardener landscape. The installation is split into two parts: - installing the extension in the virtual garden cluster by creating the ControllerRegistration and ControllerDeployment - installing the extension in the runtime cluster (if necessary).
Field | Description |
DeploymentSpec DeploymentSpec | (Members of DeploymentSpec is the deployment configuration for the extension. |
values k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver/pkg/apis/apiextensions/v1.JSON | (Optional) Values are the deployment values used in the creation of the ControllerDeployment in the virtual garden cluster. |
runtimeClusterValues k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver/pkg/apis/apiextensions/v1.JSON | (Optional) RuntimeClusterValues are the deployment values for the extension deployment running in the runtime garden cluster. |
policy github.com/gardener/gardener/pkg/apis/core/v1beta1.ControllerDeploymentPolicy | (Optional) Policy controls how the controller is deployed. It defaults to ‘OnDemand’. |
seedSelector Kubernetes meta/v1.LabelSelector | (Optional) SeedSelector contains an optional label selector for seeds. Only if the labels match then this controller will be considered for a deployment. An empty list means that all seeds are selected. |
(Appears on: DeploymentSpec)
ExtensionHelm is the configuration for a helm deployment.
Field | Description |
ociRepository github.com/gardener/gardener/pkg/apis/core/v1.OCIRepository | (Optional) OCIRepository defines where to pull the chart from. |
(Appears on: Extension)
ExtensionSpec contains the specification of a Gardener extension.
Field | Description |
resources []github.com/gardener/gardener/pkg/apis/core/v1beta1.ControllerResource | (Optional) Resources is a list of combinations of kinds (DNSRecord, Backupbucket, …) and their actual types (aws-route53, gcp). |
deployment Deployment | (Optional) Deployment contains deployment configuration for an extension and it’s admission controller. |
(Appears on: Extension)
ExtensionStatus is the status of a Gardener extension.
Field | Description |
observedGeneration int64 | (Optional) ObservedGeneration is the most recent generation observed for this resource. |
conditions []github.com/gardener/gardener/pkg/apis/core/v1beta1.Condition | (Optional) Conditions represents the latest available observations of an Extension’s current state. |
providerStatus k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime.RawExtension | (Optional) ProviderStatus contains type-specific status. |
Garden describes a list of gardens.
Field | Description | ||||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta | Standard object metadata. Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of themetadata field. | ||||||||
spec GardenSpec | Spec contains the specification of this garden.
| ||||||||
status GardenStatus | Status contains the status of this garden. |
(Appears on: GardenSpec)
GardenExtension contains type and provider information for Garden extensions.
Field | Description |
type string | Type is the type of the extension resource. |
providerConfig k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime.RawExtension | (Optional) ProviderConfig is the configuration passed to extension resource. |
(Appears on: Garden)
GardenSpec contains the specification of a garden environment.
Field | Description |
dns DNSManagement | (Optional) DNS contains specifications of DNS providers. |
extensions []GardenExtension | (Optional) Extensions contain type and provider information for Garden extensions. |
runtimeCluster RuntimeCluster | RuntimeCluster contains configuration for the runtime cluster. |
virtualCluster VirtualCluster | VirtualCluster contains configuration for the virtual cluster. |
(Appears on: Garden)
GardenStatus is the status of a garden environment.
Field | Description |
gardener github.com/gardener/gardener/pkg/apis/core/v1beta1.Gardener | (Optional) Gardener holds information about the Gardener which last acted on the Garden. |
conditions []github.com/gardener/gardener/pkg/apis/core/v1beta1.Condition | Conditions is a list of conditions. |
lastOperation github.com/gardener/gardener/pkg/apis/core/v1beta1.LastOperation | (Optional) LastOperation holds information about the last operation on the Garden. |
observedGeneration int64 | ObservedGeneration is the most recent generation observed for this resource. |
credentials Credentials | (Optional) Credentials contains information about the virtual garden cluster credentials. |
encryptedResources []string | (Optional) EncryptedResources is the list of resources which are currently encrypted in the virtual garden by the virtual kube-apiserver. Resources which are encrypted by default will not appear here. See https://github.com/gardener/gardener/blob/master/docs/concepts/operator.md#etcd-encryption-config for more details. |
(Appears on: VirtualCluster)
Gardener contains the configuration settings for the Gardener components.
Field | Description |
clusterIdentity string | ClusterIdentity is the identity of the garden cluster. This field is immutable. |
gardenerAPIServer GardenerAPIServerConfig | (Optional) APIServer contains configuration settings for the gardener-apiserver. |
gardenerAdmissionController GardenerAdmissionControllerConfig | (Optional) AdmissionController contains configuration settings for the gardener-admission-controller. |
gardenerControllerManager GardenerControllerManagerConfig | (Optional) ControllerManager contains configuration settings for the gardener-controller-manager. |
gardenerScheduler GardenerSchedulerConfig | (Optional) Scheduler contains configuration settings for the gardener-scheduler. |
gardenerDashboard GardenerDashboardConfig | (Optional) Dashboard contains configuration settings for the gardener-dashboard. |
gardenerDiscoveryServer GardenerDiscoveryServerConfig | (Optional) DiscoveryServer contains configuration settings for the gardener-discovery-server. |
(Appears on: Gardener)
GardenerAPIServerConfig contains configuration settings for the gardener-apiserver.
Field | Description |
KubernetesConfig github.com/gardener/gardener/pkg/apis/core/v1beta1.KubernetesConfig | (Members of |
admissionPlugins []github.com/gardener/gardener/pkg/apis/core/v1beta1.AdmissionPlugin | (Optional) AdmissionPlugins contains the list of user-defined admission plugins (additional to those managed by Gardener), and, if desired, the corresponding configuration. |
auditConfig github.com/gardener/gardener/pkg/apis/core/v1beta1.AuditConfig | (Optional) AuditConfig contains configuration settings for the audit of the kube-apiserver. |
auditWebhook AuditWebhook | (Optional) AuditWebhook contains settings related to an audit webhook configuration. |
logging github.com/gardener/gardener/pkg/apis/core/v1beta1.APIServerLogging | (Optional) Logging contains configuration for the log level and HTTP access logs. |
requests github.com/gardener/gardener/pkg/apis/core/v1beta1.APIServerRequests | (Optional) Requests contains configuration for request-specific settings for the kube-apiserver. |
watchCacheSizes github.com/gardener/gardener/pkg/apis/core/v1beta1.WatchCacheSizes | (Optional) WatchCacheSizes contains configuration of the API server’s watch cache sizes.
Configuring these flags might be useful for large-scale Garden clusters with a lot of parallel update requests
and a lot of watching controllers (e.g. large ManagedSeed clusters). When the API server’s watch cache’s
capacity is too small to cope with the amount of update requests and watchers for a particular resource, it
might happen that controller watches are permanently stopped with |
encryptionConfig github.com/gardener/gardener/pkg/apis/core/v1beta1.EncryptionConfig | (Optional) EncryptionConfig contains customizable encryption configuration of the Gardener API server. |
(Appears on: Gardener)
GardenerAdmissionControllerConfig contains configuration settings for the gardener-admission-controller.
Field | Description |
logLevel string | (Optional) LogLevel is the configured log level for the gardener-admission-controller. Must be one of [info,debug,error]. Defaults to info. |
resourceAdmissionConfiguration ResourceAdmissionConfiguration | (Optional) ResourceAdmissionConfiguration is the configuration for resource size restrictions for arbitrary Group-Version-Kinds. |
(Appears on: Gardener)
GardenerControllerManagerConfig contains configuration settings for the gardener-controller-manager.
Field | Description |
KubernetesConfig github.com/gardener/gardener/pkg/apis/core/v1beta1.KubernetesConfig | (Members of |
defaultProjectQuotas []ProjectQuotaConfiguration | (Optional) DefaultProjectQuotas is the default configuration matching projects are set up with if a quota is not already specified. |
logLevel string | (Optional) LogLevel is the configured log level for the gardener-controller-manager. Must be one of [info,debug,error]. Defaults to info. |
(Appears on: Gardener)
GardenerDashboardConfig contains configuration settings for the gardener-dashboard.
Field | Description |
enableTokenLogin bool | (Optional) EnableTokenLogin specifies whether it is possible to log into the dashboard with a JWT token. If disabled, OIDC must be configured. |
frontendConfigMapRef Kubernetes core/v1.LocalObjectReference | (Optional) FrontendConfigMapRef is the reference to a ConfigMap in the garden namespace containing the frontend configuration. |
assetsConfigMapRef Kubernetes core/v1.LocalObjectReference | (Optional) AssetsConfigMapRef is the reference to a ConfigMap in the garden namespace containing the assets (logos/icons). |
gitHub DashboardGitHub | (Optional) GitHub contains configuration for the GitHub ticketing feature. |
logLevel string | (Optional) LogLevel is the configured log level. Must be one of [trace,debug,info,warn,error]. Defaults to info. |
oidcConfig DashboardOIDC | (Optional) OIDC contains configuration for the OIDC provider. This field must be provided when EnableTokenLogin is false. |
terminal DashboardTerminal | (Optional) Terminal contains configuration for the terminal settings. |
(Appears on: Gardener)
GardenerDiscoveryServerConfig contains configuration settings for the gardener-discovery-server.
(Appears on: Gardener)
GardenerSchedulerConfig contains configuration settings for the gardener-scheduler.
Field | Description |
KubernetesConfig github.com/gardener/gardener/pkg/apis/core/v1beta1.KubernetesConfig | (Members of |
logLevel string | (Optional) LogLevel is the configured log level for the gardener-scheduler. Must be one of [info,debug,error]. Defaults to info. |
(Appears on: KubeAPIServerConfig)
GroupResource contains a list of resources which should be stored in etcd-events instead of etcd-main.
Field | Description |
group string | Group is the API group name. |
resource string | Resource is the resource name. |
(Appears on: ControlPlane)
HighAvailability specifies the configuration settings for high availability for a resource.
(Appears on: RuntimeCluster)
Ingress configures the Ingress specific settings of the runtime cluster.
Field | Description |
domains []DNSDomain | Domains specify the ingress domains of the cluster pointing to the ingress controller endpoint. They will be used to construct ingress URLs for system applications running in runtime cluster. |
controller github.com/gardener/gardener/pkg/apis/core/v1beta1.IngressController | Controller configures a Gardener managed Ingress Controller listening on the ingressDomain. |
(Appears on: Kubernetes)
KubeAPIServerConfig contains configuration settings for the kube-apiserver.
Field | Description |
KubeAPIServerConfig github.com/gardener/gardener/pkg/apis/core/v1beta1.KubeAPIServerConfig | (Members of KubeAPIServerConfig contains all configuration values not specific to the virtual garden cluster. |
auditWebhook AuditWebhook | (Optional) AuditWebhook contains settings related to an audit webhook configuration. |
authentication Authentication | (Optional) Authentication contains settings related to authentication. |
resourcesToStoreInETCDEvents []GroupResource | (Optional) ResourcesToStoreInETCDEvents contains a list of resources which should be stored in etcd-events instead of etcd-main. The ‘events’ resource is always stored in etcd-events. Note that adding or removing resources from this list will not migrate them automatically from the etcd-main to etcd-events or vice versa. |
sni SNI | (Optional) SNI contains configuration options for the TLS SNI settings. |
(Appears on: Kubernetes)
KubeControllerManagerConfig contains configuration settings for the kube-controller-manager.
Field | Description |
KubeControllerManagerConfig github.com/gardener/gardener/pkg/apis/core/v1beta1.KubeControllerManagerConfig | (Members of KubeControllerManagerConfig contains all configuration values not specific to the virtual garden cluster. |
certificateSigningDuration Kubernetes meta/v1.Duration | (Optional) CertificateSigningDuration is the maximum length of duration signed certificates will be given. Individual CSRs
may request shorter certs by setting |
(Appears on: VirtualCluster)
Kubernetes contains the version and configuration options for the Kubernetes components of the virtual garden cluster.
Field | Description |
kubeAPIServer KubeAPIServerConfig | (Optional) KubeAPIServer contains configuration settings for the kube-apiserver. |
kubeControllerManager KubeControllerManagerConfig | (Optional) KubeControllerManager contains configuration settings for the kube-controller-manager. |
version string | Version is the semantic Kubernetes version to use for the virtual garden cluster. |
(Appears on: VirtualCluster)
Maintenance contains information about the time window for maintenance operations.
Field | Description |
timeWindow github.com/gardener/gardener/pkg/apis/core/v1beta1.MaintenanceTimeWindow | TimeWindow contains information about the time window for maintenance operations. |
(Appears on: VirtualCluster)
Networking defines networking parameters for the virtual garden cluster.
Field | Description |
services string | Services is the CIDR of the service network. This field is immutable. |
(Appears on: GardenerControllerManagerConfig)
ProjectQuotaConfiguration defines quota configurations.
Field | Description |
config Kubernetes core/v1.ResourceQuota | Config is the corev1.ResourceQuota specification used for the project set-up. |
projectSelector Kubernetes meta/v1.LabelSelector | (Optional) ProjectSelector is an optional setting to select the projects considered for quotas. Defaults to empty LabelSelector, which matches all projects. |
(Appears on: RuntimeCluster)
Provider defines the provider-specific information for this cluster.
Field | Description |
region string | (Optional) Region is the region the cluster is deployed to. |
zones []string | (Optional) Zones is the list of availability zones the cluster is deployed to. |
(Appears on: GardenerAdmissionControllerConfig)
ResourceAdmissionConfiguration contains settings about arbitrary kinds and the size each resource should have at most.
Field | Description |
limits []ResourceLimit | Limits contains configuration for resources which are subjected to size limitations. |
unrestrictedSubjects []Kubernetes rbac/v1.Subject | (Optional) UnrestrictedSubjects contains references to users, groups, or service accounts which aren’t subjected to any resource size limit. |
operationMode ResourceAdmissionWebhookMode | (Optional) OperationMode specifies the mode the webhooks operates in. Allowed values are “block” and “log”. Defaults to “block”. |
(Appears on: ResourceAdmissionConfiguration)
ResourceAdmissionWebhookMode is an alias type for the resource admission webhook mode.
(Appears on: ResourceAdmissionConfiguration)
ResourceLimit contains settings about a kind and the size each resource should have at most.
Field | Description |
apiGroups []string | (Optional) APIGroups is the name of the APIGroup that contains the limited resource. WildcardAll represents all groups. |
apiVersions []string | (Optional) APIVersions is the version of the resource. WildcardAll represents all versions. |
resources []string | Resources is the name of the resource this rule applies to. WildcardAll represents all resources. |
size k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/resource.Quantity | Size specifies the imposed limit. |
(Appears on: GardenSpec)
RuntimeCluster contains configuration for the runtime cluster.
Field | Description |
ingress Ingress | Ingress configures Ingress specific settings for the Garden cluster. |
networking RuntimeNetworking | Networking defines the networking configuration of the runtime cluster. |
provider Provider | Provider defines the provider-specific information for this cluster. |
settings Settings | (Optional) Settings contains certain settings for this cluster. |
volume Volume | (Optional) Volume contains settings for persistent volumes created in the runtime cluster. |
(Appears on: RuntimeCluster)
RuntimeNetworking defines the networking configuration of the runtime cluster.
Field | Description |
nodes string | (Optional) Nodes is the CIDR of the node network. This field is immutable. |
pods string | Pods is the CIDR of the pod network. This field is immutable. |
services string | Services is the CIDR of the service network. This field is immutable. |
blockCIDRs []string | (Optional) BlockCIDRs is a list of network addresses that should be blocked. |
(Appears on: KubeAPIServerConfig)
SNI contains configuration options for the TLS SNI settings.
Field | Description |
secretName string | SecretName is the name of a secret containing the TLS certificate and private key. |
domainPatterns []string | (Optional) DomainPatterns is a list of fully qualified domain names, possibly with prefixed wildcard segments. The domain patterns also allow IP addresses, but IPs should only be used if the apiserver has visibility to the IP address requested by a client. If no domain patterns are provided, the names of the certificate are extracted. Non-wildcard matches trump over wildcard matches, explicit domain patterns trump over extracted names. |
(Appears on: Settings)
SettingLoadBalancerServices controls certain settings for services of type load balancer that are created in the runtime cluster.
Field | Description |
annotations map[string]string | (Optional) Annotations is a map of annotations that will be injected/merged into every load balancer service object. |
(Appears on: Settings)
SettingTopologyAwareRouting controls certain settings for topology-aware traffic routing in the cluster. See https://github.com/gardener/gardener/blob/master/docs/operations/topology_aware_routing.md.
Field | Description |
enabled bool | Enabled controls whether certain Services deployed in the cluster should be topology-aware. These Services are virtual-garden-etcd-main-client, virtual-garden-etcd-events-client and virtual-garden-kube-apiserver. Additionally, other components that are deployed to the runtime cluster via other means can read this field and according to its value enable/disable topology-aware routing for their Services. |
(Appears on: Settings)
SettingVerticalPodAutoscaler controls certain settings for the vertical pod autoscaler components deployed in the seed.
Field | Description |
enabled bool | (Optional) Enabled controls whether the VPA components shall be deployed into this cluster. It is true by default because the operator (and Gardener) heavily rely on a VPA being deployed. You should only disable this if your runtime cluster already has another, manually/custom managed VPA deployment. If this is not the case, but you still disable it, then reconciliation will fail. |
(Appears on: RuntimeCluster)
Settings contains certain settings for this cluster.
Field | Description |
loadBalancerServices SettingLoadBalancerServices | (Optional) LoadBalancerServices controls certain settings for services of type load balancer that are created in the runtime cluster. |
verticalPodAutoscaler SettingVerticalPodAutoscaler | (Optional) VerticalPodAutoscaler controls certain settings for the vertical pod autoscaler components deployed in the cluster. |
topologyAwareRouting SettingTopologyAwareRouting | (Optional) TopologyAwareRouting controls certain settings for topology-aware traffic routing in the cluster. See https://github.com/gardener/gardener/blob/master/docs/operations/topology_aware_routing.md. |
(Appears on: ETCDEvents, ETCDMain)
Storage contains storage configuration.
Field | Description |
capacity k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/resource.Quantity | (Optional) Capacity is the storage capacity for the volumes. |
className string | (Optional) ClassName is the name of a storage class. |
(Appears on: GardenSpec)
VirtualCluster contains configuration for the virtual cluster.
Field | Description |
controlPlane ControlPlane | (Optional) ControlPlane holds information about the general settings for the control plane of the virtual cluster. |
dns DNS | DNS holds information about DNS settings. |
etcd ETCD | (Optional) ETCD contains configuration for the etcds of the virtual garden cluster. |
gardener Gardener | Gardener contains the configuration options for the Gardener control plane components. |
kubernetes Kubernetes | Kubernetes contains the version and configuration options for the Kubernetes components of the virtual garden cluster. |
maintenance Maintenance | Maintenance contains information about the time window for maintenance operations. |
networking Networking | Networking contains information about cluster networking such as CIDRs, etc. |
(Appears on: RuntimeCluster)
Volume contains settings for persistent volumes created in the runtime cluster.
Field | Description |
minimumSize k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/resource.Quantity | (Optional) MinimumSize defines the minimum size that should be used for PVCs in the runtime cluster. |
(Appears on: CredentialsRotation)
WorkloadIdentityKeyRotation contains information about the workload identity key credential rotation.
Field | Description |
phase github.com/gardener/gardener/pkg/apis/core/v1beta1.CredentialsRotationPhase | Phase describes the phase of the workload identity key credential rotation. |
lastCompletionTime Kubernetes meta/v1.Time | (Optional) LastCompletionTime is the most recent time when the workload identity key credential rotation was successfully completed. |
lastInitiationTime Kubernetes meta/v1.Time | (Optional) LastInitiationTime is the most recent time when the workload identity key credential rotation was initiated. |
lastInitiationFinishedTime Kubernetes meta/v1.Time | (Optional) LastInitiationFinishedTime is the recent time when the workload identity key credential rotation initiation was completed. |
lastCompletionTriggeredTime Kubernetes meta/v1.Time | (Optional) LastCompletionTriggeredTime is the recent time when the workload identity key credential rotation completion was triggered. |
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