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The Gardener API server supports a cluster-scoped Project resource which is used for data isolation between individual Gardener consumers. For example, each development team has its own project to manage its own shoot clusters.

Each Project is backed by a Kubernetes Namespace that contains the actual related Kubernetes resources, like Secrets or Shoots.

Example resource:

apiVersion: core.gardener.cloud/v1beta1
kind: Project
  name: dev
  namespace: garden-dev
  description: "This is my first project"
  purpose: "Experimenting with Gardener"
    apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
    kind: User
    name: john.doe@example.com
  - apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
    kind: User
    name: alice.doe@example.com
    role: admin
  # roles:
  # - viewer 
  # - uam
  # - serviceaccountmanager
  # - extension:foo
  - apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
    kind: User
    name: bob.doe@example.com
    role: viewer
# tolerations:
#   defaults:
#   - key: <some-key>
#   whitelist:
#   - key: <some-key>

The .spec.namespace field is optional and is initialized if unset. The name of the resulting namespace will be determined based on the Project name and UID, e.g., garden-dev-5aef3. It’s also possible to adopt existing namespaces by labeling them gardener.cloud/role=project and project.gardener.cloud/name=dev beforehand (otherwise, they cannot be adopted).

When deleting a Project resource, the corresponding namespace is also deleted. To keep a namespace after project deletion, an administrator/operator (not Project members!) can annotate the project-namespace with namespace.gardener.cloud/keep-after-project-deletion.

The spec.description and .spec.purpose fields can be used to describe to fellow team members and Gardener operators what this project is used for.

Each project has one dedicated owner, configured in .spec.owner using the rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1.Subject type. The owner is the main contact person for Gardener operators. Please note that the .spec.owner field is deprecated and will be removed in future API versions in favor of the owner role, see below.

The list of members (again a list in .spec.members[] using the rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1.Subject type) contains all the people that are associated with the project in any way. Each project member must have at least one role (currently described in .spec.members[].role, additional roles can be added to .spec.members[].roles[]). The following roles exist:

  • admin: This allows to fully manage resources inside the project (e.g., secrets, shoots, configmaps, and similar). Mind that the admin role has read only access to service accounts.
  • serviceaccountmanager: This allows to fully manage service accounts inside the project namespace and request tokens for them. The permissions of the created service accounts are instead managed by the admin role. Please refer to Service Account Manager.
  • uam: This allows to add/modify/remove human users or groups to/from the project member list.
  • viewer: This allows to read all resources inside the project except secrets.
  • owner: This combines the admin, uam, and serviceaccountmanager roles.
  • Extension roles (prefixed with extension:): Please refer to Extending Project Roles.

The project controller inside the Gardener Controller Manager is managing RBAC resources that grant the described privileges to the respective members.

There are three central ClusterRoles gardener.cloud:system:project-member, gardener.cloud:system:project-viewer, and gardener.cloud:system:project-serviceaccountmanager that grant the permissions for namespaced resources (e.g., Secrets, Shoots, ServiceAccounts). Via referring RoleBindings created in the respective namespace the project members get bound to these ClusterRoles and, thus, the needed permissions. There are also project-specific ClusterRoles granting the permissions for cluster-scoped resources, e.g., the Namespace or Project itself.
For each role, the following ClusterRoles, ClusterRoleBindings, and RoleBindings are created:


User Access Management

For Projects created before Gardener v1.8, all admins were allowed to manage other members. Beginning with v1.8, the new uam role is being introduced. It is backed by the manage-members custom RBAC verb which allows to add/modify/remove human users or groups to/from the project member list. Human users are subjects with kind=User and name!=system:serviceaccount:*, and groups are subjects with kind=Group. The management of service account subjects (kind=ServiceAccount or name=system:serviceaccount:*) is not controlled via the uam custom verb but with the standard update/patch verbs for projects.

All newly created projects will only bind the owner to the uam role. The owner can still grant the uam role to other members if desired. For projects created before Gardener v1.8, the Gardener Controller Manager will migrate all projects to also assign the uam role to all admin members (to not break existing use-cases). The corresponding migration logic is present in Gardener Controller Manager from v1.8 to v1.13. The project owner can gradually remove these roles if desired.

Stale Projects

When a project is not actively used for some period of time, it is marked as “stale”. This is done by a controller called “Stale Projects Reconciler”. Once the project is marked as stale, there is a time frame in which if not used it will be deleted by that controller.