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  3 minute read  

ETCD Druid

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Etcd in the control plane of Kubernetes clusters which are managed by Gardener is deployed as a StatefulSet. The statefulset has replica of a pod containing two containers namely, etcd and backup-restore. The etcd container calls components in etcd-backup-restore via REST api to perform data validation before etcd is started. If this validation fails etcd data is restored from the latest snapshot stored in the cloud-provider’s object store. Once etcd has started, the etcd-backup-restore periodically creates full and delta snapshots. It also performs defragmentation of etcd data periodically.

The etcd-backup-restore needs as input the cloud-provider information comprising security credentials to access the object store, the object store bucket name and prefix for the directory used to store snapshots. Currently, for operations like migration and validation, the bash script has to be updated to initiate the operation.


  • Deploy etcd and etcd-backup-restore using an etcd CRD.
  • Support more than one etcd replica.
  • Perform scheduled snapshots.
  • Support operations such as restores, defragmentation and scaling with zero-downtime.
  • Handle cloud-provider specific operation logic.
  • Trigger a full backup on request before volume deletion.
  • Offline compaction of full and delta snapshots stored in object store.


The existing method of deploying etcd and backup-sidecar as a StatefulSet alleviates the pain of ensuring the pods are live and ready after node crashes. However, deploying etcd as a Statefulset introduces a plethora of challenges. The etcd controller should be smart enough to handle etcd statefulsets taking into account limitations imposed by statefulsets. The controller shall update the status regarding how to target the K8s objects it has created. This field in the status can be leveraged by HVPA to scale etcd resources eventually.

CRD specification

The etcd CRD should contain the information required to create the etcd and backup-restore sidecar in a pod/statefulset.

apiVersion: druid.gardener.cloud/v1alpha1
kind: Etcd
  - druid.gardener.cloud/etcd
  name: test
  namespace: demo
    app: etcd-statefulset
    gardener.cloud/role: controlplane
    networking.gardener.cloud/to-dns: allowed
    networking.gardener.cloud/to-private-networks: allowed
    networking.gardener.cloud/to-public-networks: allowed
    role: test
    deltaSnapshotMemoryLimit: 1Gi
    deltaSnapshotPeriod: 300s
    fullSnapshotSchedule: 0 */24 * * *
    garbageCollectionPeriod: 43200s
    garbageCollectionPolicy: Exponential
    imageRepository: europe-docker.pkg.dev/gardener-project/public/gardener/etcdbrctl
    imageVersion: v0.25.0
    port: 8080
        cpu: 500m
        memory: 2Gi
        cpu: 23m
        memory: 128Mi
    snapstoreTempDir: /var/etcd/data/temp
    Quota: 8Gi
    clientPort: 2379
    defragmentationSchedule: 0 */24 * * *
    enableTLS: false
    imageRepository: europe-docker.pkg.dev/gardener-project/public/gardener/etcd-wrapper
    imageVersion: v0.1.0
    initialClusterState: new
    initialClusterToken: new
    metrics: basic
    pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
        cpu: 2500m
        memory: 4Gi
        cpu: 500m
        memory: 1000Mi
    serverPort: 2380
    storageCapacity: 80Gi
    storageClass: gardener.cloud-fast
    autoCompactionMode: periodic
    autoCompactionRetention: 30m
    app: etcd-statefulset
    gardener.cloud/role: controlplane
    networking.gardener.cloud/to-dns: allowed
    networking.gardener.cloud/to-private-networks: allowed
    networking.gardener.cloud/to-public-networks: allowed
    role: test
  pvcRetentionPolicy: DeleteAll
  replicas: 1
  storageCapacity: 80Gi
  storageClass: gardener.cloud-fast
    storageContainer: test
    storageProvider: S3
    storePrefix: etcd-test
    storeSecret: etcd-backup
  tlsClientSecret: etcd-client-tls
  tlsServerSecret: etcd-server-tls
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: StatefulSet
    name: etcd-test

Implementation Agenda

As first step implement defragmentation during maintenance windows. Subsequently, we will add zero-downtime upgrades and defragmentation.


Deployment workflow


Defragmentation workflow


Local Setup

To set up Etcd-druid locally as a pod running inside a kind cluster, follow this document

API Reference

Relevant for: Developers

01 Multi Node Etcd Clusters

Relevant for:

02 Snapshot Compaction

Relevant for:

03 Scaling Up An Etcd Cluster

Relevant for:

Cli Flags

Relevant for:


Relevant for:

DEP Title

Relevant for:

etcd Network Latency

Relevant for: Developers

EtcdMember Custom Resource

Relevant for:

Feature Gates in Etcd-Druid

Relevant for:

Getting Started Locally

Relevant for: Developers

Getting Started Locally Azurite

Relevant for: Developers

Getting Started Locally Localstack

Relevant for: Developers

Local e2e Tests

Relevant for: Developers


Relevant for: Operators

operator out-of-band tasks

Relevant for:

Recovery From Permanent Quorum Loss In Etcd Cluster

Relevant for: Operators

Restoring Single Member In Multi Node Etcd Cluster

Relevant for: Operators

Supported K8s Versions

Relevant for: Users


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