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  3 minute read  


The etcd-druid controller-manager registers certain admission webhooks that allow for validation or mutation of requests on resources in the cluster, in order to prevent misconfiguration and restrict access to the etcd cluster resources.

All webhooks that are a part of etcd-druid reside in package internal/webhook, as sub-packages.

Package Structure

The typical package structure for the webhooks that are part of etcd-druid is shown with the EtcdComponents Webhook:

├── config.go
├── handler.go
└── register.go
  • config.go: contains all the logic for the configuration of the webhook, including feature gate activations, CLI flag parsing and validations.
  • register.go: contains the logic for registering the webhook with the etcd-druid controller manager.
  • handler.go: contains the webhook admission handler logic.

Each webhook package may also contain auxiliary files which are relevant to that specific webhook.

Etcd Components Webhook

Druid controller-manager registers and runs the etcd controller, which creates and manages various components/resources such as Leases, ConfigMaps, and the Statefulset for the etcd cluster. It is essential for all these resources to contain correct configuration for the proper functioning of the etcd cluster.

Unintended changes to any of these managed resources can lead to misconfiguration of the etcd cluster, leading to unwanted downtime for etcd traffic. To prevent such unintended changes, a validating webhook called EtcdComponents Webhook guards these managed resources, ensuring that only authorized entities can perform operations on these managed resources.

EtcdComponents webhook prevents UPDATE and DELETE operations on all resources managed by etcd controller, unless such an operation is performed by druid itself, and during reconciliation of the Etcd resource. Operations are also allowed if performed by one of the authorized entities specified by CLI flag --etcd-components-webhook-exempt-service-accounts, but only if the Etcd resource is not being reconciled by etcd-druid at that time.

There may be specific cases where a human operator may need to make changes to the managed resources, possibly to test or fix an etcd cluster. An example of this is recovery from permanent quorum loss, where a human operator will need to suspend reconciliation of the Etcd resource, make changes to the underlying managed resources such as StatefulSet and ConfigMap, and then resume reconciliation for the Etcd resource. Such manual interventions will require out-of-band changes to the managed resources. Protection of managed resources for such Etcd resources can be turned off by adding an annotation druid.gardener.cloud/disable-etcd-component-protection on the Etcd resource. This will effectively disable EtcdComponents Webhook protection for all managed resources for the specific Etcd.

Note: UPDATE operations for Leases by etcd members are always allowed, since these are regularly updated by the etcd-backup-restore sidecar.

The Etcd Components Webhook is disabled by default, and can be enabled via the CLI flag `–enable-etcd-components-webhook.