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CLI Flags

Etcd-druid exposes the following CLI flags that allow for configuring its behavior.

CLI FLagComponentDescriptionDefault
feature-gatesetcd-druidA set of key=value pairs that describe feature gates for alpha/experimental features. Please check feature-gates for more information.""
metrics-bind-addresscontroller-managerThe IP address that the metrics endpoint binds to.""
metrics-portcontroller-managerThe port used for the metrics endpoint.8080
metrics-addrcontroller-managerThe fully qualified address:port that the metrics endpoint binds to.
Deprecated: this field will be eventually removed. Please use --metrics-bind-address and –metrics-port instead.
webhook-server-bind-addresscontroller-managerThe IP address on which to listen for the HTTPS webhook server.""
webhook-server-portcontroller-managerThe port on which to listen for the HTTPS webhook server.9443
webhook-server-tls-server-cert-dircontroller-managerThe path to a directory containing the server’s TLS certificate and key (the files must be named tls.crt and tls.key respectively)."/etc/webhook-server-tls"
enable-leader-electioncontroller-managerEnable leader election for controller manager. Enabling this will ensure there is only one active controller manager.false
leader-election-idcontroller-managerName of the resource that leader election will use for holding the leader lock."druid-leader-election"
leader-election-resource-lockcontroller-managerSpecifies which resource type to use for leader election. Supported options are ’endpoints’, ‘configmaps’, ’leases’, ’endpointsleases’ and ‘configmapsleases’.
Deprecated. Will be removed in the future in favour of using only leases as the leader election resource lock for the controller manager.
disable-lease-cachecontroller-managerDisable cache for lease.coordination.k8s.io resources.false
etcd-workersetcd-controllerNumber of workers spawned for concurrent reconciles of etcd spec and status changes. If not specified then default of 3 is assumed.3
ignore-operation-annotationetcd-controllerSpecifies whether to ignore or honour the annotation gardener.cloud/operation: reconcile on resources to be reconciled.
Deprecated: please use --enable-etcd-spec-auto-reconcile instead.
enable-etcd-spec-auto-reconcileetcd-controllerIf true then automatically reconciles Etcd Spec. If false, waits for explicit annotation gardener.cloud/operation: reconcile to be placed on the Etcd resource to trigger reconcile.false
disable-etcd-serviceaccount-automountetcd-controllerIf true then .automountServiceAccountToken will be set to false for the ServiceAccount created for etcd StatefulSets.false
etcd-status-sync-periodetcd-controllerPeriod after which an etcd status sync will be attempted.15s
etcd-member-notready-thresholdetcd-controllerThreshold after which an etcd member is considered not ready if the status was unknown before.5m
etcd-member-unknown-thresholdetcd-controllerThreshold after which an etcd member is considered unknown.1m
enable-backup-compactioncompaction-controllerEnable automatic compaction of etcd backups.false
compaction-workerscompaction-controllerNumber of worker threads of the CompactionJob controller. The controller creates a backup compaction job if a certain etcd event threshold is reached. If compaction is enabled, the value for this flag must be greater than zero.3
etcd-events-thresholdcompaction-controllerTotal number of etcd events that can be allowed before a backup compaction job is triggered.1000000
active-deadline-durationcompaction-controllerDuration after which a running backup compaction job will be terminated.3h
metrics-scrape-wait-durationcompaction-controllerDuration to wait for after compaction job is completed, to allow Prometheus metrics to be scraped.0s
etcd-copy-backups-task-workersetcdcopybackupstask-controllerNumber of worker threads for the etcdcopybackupstask controller.3
secret-workerssecret-controllerNumber of worker threads for the secrets controller.10
enable-etcd-components-webhooketcdcomponents-webhookEnable EtcdComponents Webhook to prevent unintended changes to resources managed by etcd-druid.false
reconciler-service-accountetcdcomponents-webhookThe fully qualified name of the service account used by etcd-druid for reconciling etcd resources. If unspecified, the default service account mounted for etcd-druid will be used.<etcd-druid-service-account>
etcd-components-exempt-service-accountsetcdcomponents-webhookThe comma-separated list of fully qualified names of service accounts that are exempt from EtcdComponents Webhook checks.""