2 minute read  

Prepare Dev Environment

This guide will provide with detailed instructions on installing all dependencies and tools that are required to start developing and testing etcd-druid.

[macOS only] Installing Homebrew

Hombrew is a popular package manager for macOS. You can install it by executing the following command in a terminal:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"

Installing Go

On macOS run:

brew install go

Alternatively you can also follow the Go installation documentation.

Installing Git

We use git as VCS which you need to install. On macOS run:

brew install git

For other OS, please check the Git installation documentation.

Installing Docker

You need to have docker installed and running. This will allow starting a kind cluster or a minikube cluster for locally deploying etcd-druid.

On macOS run:

brew install docker

Alternatively you can also follow the Docker installation documentation.

Installing Kubectl

To interact with the local Kubernetes cluster you will need kubectl. On macOS run:

brew install kubernetes-cli

For other OS, please check the Kubectl installation documentation.

Other tools that might come in handy

To operate etcd-druid you do not need these tools but they usually come in handy when working with YAML/JSON files. On macOS run:

# jq (https://jqlang.github.io/jq/) is a lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor
brew install jq
# yq (https://mikefarah.gitbook.io/yq) is a lightweight and portable command-line YAML processor.
brew install yq

Get the sources

Clone the repository from Github into your $GOPATH.

mkdir -p $(go env GOPATH)/src/github.com/gardener
cd $(go env GOPATH)src/github.com/gardener
git clone https://github.com/gardener/etcd-druid.git
# alternatively you can also use `git clone git@github.com:gardener/etcd-druid.git`