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Integration tests


General setup & configurations

Integration tests for machine-controller-manager-provider-{provider-name} can be executed manually by following below steps.

  1. Clone the repository machine-controller-manager-provider-{provider-name} on the local system.
  2. Navigate to machine-controller-manager-provider-{provider-name} directory and create a dev sub-directory in it.
  3. If the tags on instances & associated resources on the provider are of String type (for example, GCP tags on its instances are of type String and not key-value pair) then add TAGS_ARE_STRINGS := true in the Makefile and export it. For GCP this has already been hard coded in the Makefile.

Running the tests

  1. There is a rule test-integration in the Makefile of the provider repository, which can be used to start the integration test:
    $ make test-integration 
  2. This will ask for additional inputs. Most of them are self explanatory except:
  • The script assumes that both the control and target clusters are already being created.
  • In case of non-gardener setup (control cluster is not a gardener seed), the name of the machineclass must be test-mc-v1 and the value of providerSpec.secretRef.name should be test-mc-secret.
  • In case of azure, TARGET_CLUSTER_NAME must be same as the name of the Azure ResourceGroup for the cluster.
  • If you are deploying the secret manually, a Secret named test-mc-secret (that contains the provider secret and cloud-config) in the default namespace of the Control Cluster should be created.
  1. The controllers log files (mcm_process.log and mc_process.log) are stored in .ci/controllers-test/logs repo and can be used later.

Adding Integration Tests for new providers

For a new provider, Running Integration tests works with no changes. But for the orphan resource test cases to work correctly, the provider-specific API calls and the Resource Tracker Interface (RTI) should be implemented. Please check machine-controller-manager-provider-aws for reference.

Extending integration tests

  • Update ControllerTests to be extend the testcases for all providers. Common testcases for machine|machineDeployment creation|deletion|scaling are packaged into ControllerTests.
  • To extend the provider specfic test cases, the changes should be done in the machine-controller-manager-provider-{provider-name} repository. For example, to extended the testcases for machine-controller-manager-provider-aws, make changes to test/integration/controller/controller_test.go inside the machine-controller-manager-provider-aws repository. commons contains the Cluster and Clientset objects that makes it easy to extend the tests.