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  2 minute read  

Creating/Deleting machines (VM)

Setting up your usage environment

Important :

Make sure that the kubernetes/machine_objects/machine.yaml points to the same class name as the kubernetes/machine_classes/aws-machine-class.yaml.

Similarly kubernetes/machine_objects/aws-machine-class.yaml secret name and namespace should be same as that mentioned in kubernetes/secrets/aws-secret.yaml

Creating machine

  • Modify kubernetes/machine_objects/machine.yaml as per your requirement and create the VM as shown below:
$ kubectl apply -f kubernetes/machine_objects/machine.yaml

You should notice that the Machine Controller Manager has immediately picked up your manifest and started to create a new machine by talking to the cloud provider.

  • Check Machine Controller Manager machines in the cluster
$ kubectl get machine
NAME           STATUS    AGE
test-machine   Running   5m

A new machine is created with the name provided in the kubernetes/machine_objects/machine.yaml file.

  • After a few minutes (~3 minutes for AWS), you should notice a new node joining the cluster. You can verify this by running:
$ kubectl get nodes
NAME                                         STATUS     AGE     VERSION
ip-10-250-14-52.eu-east-1.compute.internal.  Ready      1m      v1.8.0

This shows that a new node has successfully joined the cluster.

Inspect status of machine

To inspect the status of any created machine, run the command given below.

$ kubectl get machine test-machine -o yaml
apiVersion: machine.sapcloud.io/v1alpha1
kind: Machine
    kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration: |
  clusterName: ""
  creationTimestamp: 2017-12-27T06:58:21Z
  - machine.sapcloud.io/operator
  generation: 0
  initializers: null
    node: ip-10-250-14-52.eu-east-1.compute.internal
    test-label: test-label
  name: test-machine
  namespace: ""
  resourceVersion: "12616948"
  selfLink: /apis/machine.sapcloud.io/v1alpha1/test-machine
  uid: 535e596c-ead3-11e7-a6c0-828f843e4186
    kind: AWSMachineClass
    name: test-aws
  providerID: aws:///eu-east-1/i-00bef3f2618ffef23
  - lastHeartbeatTime: 2017-12-27T07:00:46Z
    lastTransitionTime: 2017-12-27T06:59:16Z
    message: kubelet has sufficient disk space available
    reason: KubeletHasSufficientDisk
    status: "False"
    type: OutOfDisk
  - lastHeartbeatTime: 2017-12-27T07:00:46Z
    lastTransitionTime: 2017-12-27T06:59:16Z
    message: kubelet has sufficient memory available
    reason: KubeletHasSufficientMemory
    status: "False"
    type: MemoryPressure
  - lastHeartbeatTime: 2017-12-27T07:00:46Z
    lastTransitionTime: 2017-12-27T06:59:16Z
    message: kubelet has no disk pressure
    reason: KubeletHasNoDiskPressure
    status: "False"
    type: DiskPressure
  - lastHeartbeatTime: 2017-12-27T07:00:46Z
    lastTransitionTime: 2017-12-27T07:00:06Z
    message: kubelet is posting ready status
    reason: KubeletReady
    status: "True"
    type: Ready
    lastUpdateTime: 2017-12-27T07:00:06Z
    phase: Running
    description: Machine is now ready
    lastUpdateTime: 2017-12-27T07:00:06Z
    state: Successful
    type: Create
  node: ip-10-250-14-52.eu-west-1.compute.internal

Delete machine

To delete the VM using the kubernetes/machine_objects/machine.yaml as shown below

$ kubectl delete -f kubernetes/machine_objects/machine.yaml

Now the Machine Controller Manager picks up the manifest immediately and starts to delete the existing VM by talking to the cloud provider. The node should be detached from the cluster in a few minutes (~1min for AWS).