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1 - Excess Reserve Capacity

Excess Reserve Capacity


Currently, autoscaler optimizes the number of machines for a given application-workload. Along with effective resource utilization, this feature brings concern where, many times, when new application instances are created - they don’t find space in existing cluster. This leads the cluster-autoscaler to create new machines via MachineDeployment, which can take from 3-4 minutes to ~10 minutes, for the machine to really come-up and join the cluster. In turn, application-instances have to wait till new machines join the cluster.

One of the promising solutions to this issue is Excess Reserve Capacity. Idea is to keep a certain number of machines or percent of resources[cpu/memory] always available, so that new workload, in general, can be scheduled immediately unless huge spike in the workload. Also, the user should be given enough flexibility to choose how many resources or how many machines should be kept alive and non-utilized as this affects the Cost directly.


  • We decided to go with Approach-4 which is based on low priority pods. Please find more details here:
  • Approach-3 looks more promising in long term, we may decide to adopt that in future based on developments/contributions in autoscaler-community.

Possible Approaches

Following are the possible approaches, we could think of so far.

Approach 1: Enhance Machine-controller-manager to also entertain the excess machines

  • Machine-controller-manager currently takes care of the machines in the shoot cluster starting from creation-deletion-health check to efficient rolling-update of the machines. From the architecture point of view, MachineSet makes sure that X number of machines are always running and healthy. MachineDeployment controller smartly uses this facility to perform rolling-updates.

  • We can expand the scope of MachineDeployment controller to maintain excess number of machines by introducing new parallel independent controller named MachineTaint controller. This will result in MCM to include Machine, MachineSet, MachineDeployment, MachineSafety, MachineTaint controllers. MachineTaint controller does not need to introduce any new CRD - analogy fits where taint-controller also resides into kube-controller-manager.

  • Only Job of MachineTaint controller will be:

    • List all the Machines under each MachineDeployment.
    • Maintain taints of noSchedule and noExecute on X latest MachineObjects.
    • There should be an event-based informer mechanism where MachineTaintController gets to know about any Update/Delete/Create event of MachineObjects - in turn, maintains the noSchedule and noExecute taints on all the latest machines. - Why latest machines? - Whenever autoscaler decides to add new machines - essentially ScaleUp event - taints from the older machines are removed and newer machines get the taints. This way X number of Machines immediately becomes free for new pods to be scheduled. - While ScaleDown event, autoscaler specifically mentions which machines should be deleted, and that should not bring any concerns. Though we will have to put proper label/annotation defined by autoscaler on taintedMachines, so that autoscaler does not consider the taintedMachines for deletion while scale-down. * Annotation on tainted node: "": "true"
  • Implementation Details:

    • Expect new optional field ExcessReplicas in MachineDeployment.Spec. MachineDeployment controller now adds both Spec.Replicas and Spec.ExcessReplicas[if provided], and considers that as a standard desiredReplicas. - Current working of MCM will not be affected if ExcessReplicas field is kept nil.
    • MachineController currently reads the NodeObject and sets the MachineConditions in MachineObject. Machine-controller will now also read the taints/labels from the MachineObject - and maintains it on the NodeObject.
  • We expect cluster-autoscaler to intelligently make use of the provided feature from MCM.

    • CA gets the input of min:max:excess from Gardener. CA continues to set the MachineDeployment.Spec.Replicas as usual based on the application-workload.
    • In addition, CA also sets the MachieDeployment.Spec.ExcessReplicas .
    • Corner-case: * CA should decrement the excessReplicas field accordingly when desiredReplicas+excessReplicas on MachineDeployment goes beyond max.

Approach 2: Enhance Cluster-autoscaler by simulating fake pods in it

Approach 3: Enhance cluster-autoscaler to support pluggable scaling-events

  • Forked version of cluster-autoscaler could be improved to plug-in the algorithm for excess-reserve capacity.
  • Needs further discussion around upstream support.
  • Create golang channel to separate the algorithms to trigger scaling (hard-coded in cluster-autoscaler, currently) from the algorithms about how to to achieve the scaling (already pluggable in cluster-autoscaler). This kind of separation can help us introduce/plug-in new algorithms (such as based node resource utilisation) without affecting existing code-base too much while almost completely re-using the code-base for the actual scaling.
  • Also this approach is not specific to our fork of cluster-autoscaler. It can be made upstream eventually as well.

Approach 4: Make intelligent use of Low-priority pods

  • Refer to: pod-priority-preemption
  • TL; DR:
    • High priority pods can preempt the low-priority pods which are already scheduled.
    • Pre-create bunch[equivivalent of X shoot-control-planes] of low-priority pods with priority of zero, then start creating the workload pods with better priority which will reschedule the low-priority pods or otherwise keep them in pending state if the limit for max-machines has reached.
    • This is still alpha feature.

2 - GRPC Based Implementation of Cloud Providers

GRPC based implementation of Cloud Providers - WIP


Currently the Cloud Providers’ (CP) functionalities ( Create(), Delete(), List() ) are part of the Machine Controller Manager’s (MCM)repository. Because of this, adding support for new CPs into MCM requires merging code into MCM which may not be required for core functionalities of MCM itself. Also, for various reasons it may not be feasible for all CPs to merge their code with MCM which is an Open Source project.

Because of these reasons, it was decided that the CP’s code will be moved out in separate repositories so that they can be maintained separately by the respective teams. Idea is to make MCM act as a GRPC server, and CPs as GRPC clients. The CP can register themselves with the MCM using a GRPC service exposed by the MCM. Details of this approach is discussed below.

How it works:

MCM acts as GRPC server and listens on a pre-defined port 5000. It implements below GRPC services. Details of each of these services are mentioned in next section.

  • Register()
  • GetMachineClass()
  • GetSecret()

GRPC services exposed by MCM:


rpc Register(stream DriverSide) returns (stream MCMside) {}

The CP GRPC client calls this service to register itself with the MCM. The CP passes the kind and the APIVersion which it implements, and MCM maintains an internal map for all the registered clients. A GRPC stream is returned in response which is kept open througout the life of both the processes. MCM uses this stream to communicate with the client for machine operations: Create(), Delete() or List(). The CP client is responsible for reading the incoming messages continuously, and based on the operationType parameter embedded in the message, it is supposed to take the required action. This part is already handled in the package grpc/infraclient. To add a new CP client, import the package, and implement the ExternalDriverProvider interface:

type ExternalDriverProvider interface {
	Create(machineclass *MachineClassMeta, credentials, machineID, machineName string) (string, string, error)
	Delete(machineclass *MachineClassMeta, credentials, machineID string) error
	List(machineclass *MachineClassMeta, credentials, machineID string) (map[string]string, error)


rpc GetMachineClass(MachineClassMeta) returns (MachineClass) {}

As part of the message from MCM for various machine operations, the name of the machine class is sent instead of the full machine class spec. The CP client is expected to use this GRPC service to get the full spec of the machine class. This optionally enables the client to cache the machine class spec, and make the call only if the machine calass spec is not already cached.


rpc GetSecret(SecretMeta) returns (Secret) {}

As part of the message from MCM for various machine operations, the Cloud Config (CC) and CP credentials are not sent. The CP client is expected to use this GRPC service to get the secret which has CC and CP’s credentials from MCM. This enables the client to cache the CC and credentials, and to make the call only if the data is not already cached.

How to add a new Cloud Provider’s support

Import the package grpc/infraclient and grpc/infrapb from MCM (currently in MCM’s “grpc-driver” branch)

  • Implement the interface ExternalDriverProvider
    • Create(): Creates a new machine
    • Delete(): Deletes a machine
    • List(): Lists machines
  • Use the interface MachineClassDataProvider
    • GetMachineClass(): Makes the call to MCM to get machine class spec
    • GetSecret(): Makes the call to MCM to get secret containing Cloud Config and CP’s credentials

Example implementation:

Refer GRPC based implementation for AWS client:

3 - Hotupdate Instances

Hot-Update VirtualMachine tags without triggering a rolling-update


  • MCM Issue#750 There is a requirement to provide a way for consumers to add tags which can be hot-updated onto VMs. This requirement can be generalized to also offer a convenient way to specify tags which can be applied to VMs, NICs, Devices etc.

  • MCM Issue#635 which in turn points to MCM-Provider-AWS Issue#36 - The issue hints at other fields like enable/disable source/destination checks for NAT instances which needs to be hot-updated on network interfaces.

  • In GCP provider - instance.ServiceAccounts can be updated without the need to roll-over the instance. See

Boundary Condition

All tags that are added via means other than MachineClass.ProviderSpec should be preserved as-is. Only updates done to tags in MachineClass.ProviderSpec should be applied to the infra resources (VM/NIC/Disk).

What is available today?

WorkerPool configuration inside shootYaml provides a way to set labels. As per the definition these labels will be applied on Node resources. Currently these labels are also passed to the VMs as tags. There is no distinction made between Node labels and VM tags.

MachineClass has a field which holds provider specific configuration and one such configuration is tags. Gardener provider extensions updates the tags in MachineClass.

Let us look at an example of MachineClass.ProviderSpec in AWS:

  ami: ami-02fe00c0afb75bbd3
    #[section-1] pool lables added by gardener extension
    ######################################################### amd64 "true" node worker-ser234 containerd worker-ser234 "true"

    #[section-2] Tags defined in the gardener-extension-provider-aws
    ########################################################### "1" "1"

    user-defined-key1: user-defined-val1
    user-defined-key2: user-defined-val2

Refer src for tags defined in section-1. Refer src for tags defined in section-2. Tags in section-3 are defined by the user.

Out of the above three tag categories, MCM depends section-2 tags (mandatory-tags) for its orphan collection and Driver’s DeleteMachineand GetMachineStatus to work.

ProviderSpec.Tags are transported to the provider specific resources as follows:

ProviderResources Tags are set onCode ReferenceComment
AWSInstance(VM), Volume, Network-Interfaceaws-VM-Vol-NICNo distinction is made between tags set on VM, NIC or Volume
AzureInstance(VM), Network-Interfaceazure-VM-parameters & azureNIC-Parameters
GCPInstance(VM), 1 tag: name (denoting the name of the worker) is added to Diskgcp-VM & gcp-DiskIn GCP key-value pairs are called labels while network tags have only keys

What are the problems with the current approach?

There are a few shortcomings in the way tags/labels are handled:

  • Tags can only be set at the time a machine is created.
  • There is no distinction made amongst tags/labels that are added to VM’s, disks or network interfaces. As stated above for AWS same set of tags are added to all. There is a limit defined on the number of tags/labels that can be associated to the devices (disks, VMs, NICs etc). Example: In AWS a max of 50 user created tags are allowed. Similar restrictions are applied on different resources across providers. Therefore adding all tags to all devices even if the subset of tags are not meant for that resource exhausts the total allowed tags/labels for that resource.
  • The only placeholder in shoot yaml as mentioned above is meant to only hold labels that should be applied on primarily on the Node objects. So while you could use the node labels for extended resources, using it also for tags is not clean.
  • There is no provision in the shoot YAML today to add tags only to a subset of resources.

MachineClass Update and its impact

When Worker.ProviderConfig is changed then a worker-hash is computed which includes the raw ProviderConfig. This hash value is then used as a suffix when constructing the name for a MachineClass. See aws-extension-provider as an example. A change in the name of the MachineClass will then in-turn trigger a rolling update of machines. Since tags are provider specific and therefore will be part of ProviderConfig, any update to them will result in a rolling-update of machines.


Shoot YAML changes

Provider specific configuration is set via providerConfig section for each worker pool.

Example worker provider config (current):

   kind: WorkerConfig
     iops: 10000
   - name: kubelet-dir
     snapshotID: snap-13234
   iamInstanceProfile: # (specify either ARN or name)
     name: my-profile
     arn: my-instance-profile-arn

It is proposed that an additional field be added for tags under providerConfig. Proposed changed YAML:

   kind: WorkerConfig
     iops: 10000
   - name: kubelet-dir
     snapshotID: snap-13234
   iamInstanceProfile: # (specify either ARN or name)
     name: my-profile
     arn: my-instance-profile-arn
       key1: val1
       key2: val2
     # for GCP network tags are just keys (there is no value associated to them). 
     # What is shown below will work for AWS provider.
       key3: val3
       key4: val4

Under tags clear distinction is made between tags for VMs, Disks, network interface etc. Each provider has a different allowed-set of characters that it accepts as key names, has different limits on the tags that can be set on a resource (disk, NIC, VM etc.) and also has a different format (GCP network tags are only keys).


  • Check if worker.labels are getting added as tags on infra resources. We should continue to support it and double check that these should only be added to VMs and not to other resources.

  • Should we support users adding VM tags as node labels?

Provider specific WorkerConfig API changes

Taking AWS provider extension as an example to show the changes.

WorkerConfig will now have the following changes:

  1. A new field for tags will be introduced.
  2. Additional metadata for struct fields will now be added via struct tags.
type WorkerConfig struct {
    Volume *Volume
    // .. all fields are not mentioned here.
    // Tags are a collection of tags to be set on provider resources (e.g. VMs, Disks, Network Interfaces etc.)
    Tags *Tags `hotupdatable:true`

// Tags is a placeholder for all tags that can be set/updated on VMs, Disks and Network Interfaces.
type Tags struct {
    // VM tags set on the VM instances.
    VM map[string]string
    // Network tags set on the network interfaces.
    Network map[string]string
    // Disk tags set on the volumes/disks.
    Disk map[string]string

There is a need to distinguish fields within ProviderSpec (which is then mapped to the above WorkerConfig) which can be updated without the need to change the hash suffix for MachineClass and thus trigger a rolling update on machines.

To achieve that we propose to use struct tag hotupdatable whose value indicates if the field can be updated without the need to do a rolling update. To ensure backward compatibility, all fields which do not have this tag or have hotupdatable set to false will be considered as immutable and will require a rolling update to take affect.

Gardener provider extension changes

Taking AWS provider extension as an example. Following changes should be made to all gardener provider extensions

AWS Gardener Extension generates machine config using worker pool configuration. As part of that it also computes the workerPoolHash which is then used to create the name of the MachineClass.

Currently WorkerPoolHash function uses the entire providerConfig to compute the hash. Proposal is to do the following:

  1. Remove the code from function WorkerPoolHash.
  2. Add another function to compute hash using all immutable fields in the provider config struct and then pass that to worker.WorkerPoolHash as additionalData.

The above will ensure that tags and any other field in WorkerConfig which is marked with updatable:true is not considered for hash computation and will therefore not contribute to changing the name of MachineClass object thus preventing a rolling update.

WorkerConfig and therefore the contained tags will be set as ProviderSpec in MachineClass.

If only fields which have updatable:true are changed then it should result in update/patch of MachineClass and not creation.

Driver interface changes

Driver interface which is a facade to provider specific API implementations will have one additional method.

type Driver interface {
    // .. existing methods are not mentioned here for brevity.
    UpdateMachine(context.Context, *UpdateMachineRequest) error

// UpdateMachineRequest is the request to update machine tags. 
type UpdateMachineRequest struct {
    ProviderID string
    LastAppliedProviderSpec raw.Extension
    MachineClass *v1alpha1.MachineClass
    Secret *corev1.Secret

If any machine-controller-manager-provider-<providername> has not implemented UpdateMachine then updates of tags on Instances/NICs/Disks will not be done. An error message will be logged instead.

Machine Class reconciliation

Current MachineClass reconciliation does not reconcile MachineClass resource updates but it only enqueues associated machines. The reason is that it is assumed that anything that is changed in a MachineClass will result in a creation of a new MachineClass with a different name. This will result in a rolling update of all machines using the MachineClass as a template.

However, it is possible that there is data that all machines in a MachineSet share which do not require a rolling update (e.g. tags), therefore there is a need to reconcile the MachineClass as well.

Reconciliation Changes

In order to ensure that machines get updated eventually with changes to the hot-updatable fields defined in the MachineClass.ProviderConfig as raw.Extension.

We should only fix MCM Issue#751 in the MachineClass reconciliation and let it enqueue the machines as it does today. We additionally propose the following two things:

  1. Introduce a new annotation last-applied-providerspec on every machine resource. This will capture the last successfully applied MachineClass.ProviderSpec on this instance.

  2. Enhance the machine reconciliation to include code to hot-update machine.

In machine-reconciliation there are currently two flows triggerDeletionFlow and triggerCreationFlow. When a machine gets enqueued due to changes in MachineClass then in this method following changes needs to be introduced:

Check if the machine has last-applied-providerspec annotation.

Case 1.1

If the annotation is not present then there can be just 2 possibilities:

  • It is a fresh/new machine and no backing resources (VM/NIC/Disk) exist yet. The current flow checks if the providerID is empty and Status.CurrenStatus.Phase is empty then it enters into the triggerCreationFlow.

  • It is an existing machine which does not yet have this annotation. In this case call Driver.UpdateMachine. If the driver returns no error then add last-applied-providerspec annotation with the value of MachineClass.ProviderSpec to this machine.

Case 1.2

If the annotation is present then compare the last applied provider-spec with the current provider-spec. If there are changes (check their hash values) then call Driver.UpdateMachine. If the driver returns no error then add last-applied-providerspec annotation with the value of MachineClass.ProviderSpec to this machine.

NOTE: It is assumed that if there are changes to the fields which are not marked as hotupdatable then it will result in the change of name for MachineClass resulting in a rolling update of machines. If the name has not changed + machine is enqueued + there is a change in machine-class then it will be change to a hotupdatable fields in the spec.

Trigger update flow can be done after reconcileMachineHealth and syncMachineNodeTemplates in machine-reconciliation.

There are 2 edge cases that needs attention and special handling:

Premise: It is identified that there is an update done to one or more hotupdatable fields in the MachineClass.ProviderSpec.


In the machine reconciliation, an update-machine-flow is triggered which in-turn calls Driver.UpdateMachine. Consider the case where the hot update needs to be done to all VM, NIC and Disk resources. The driver returns an error which indicates a partial-failure. As we have mentioned above only when Driver.UpdateMachine returns no error will last-applied-providerspec be updated. In case of partial failure the annotation will not be updated. This event will be re-queued for a re-attempt. However consider a case where before the item is re-queued, another update is done to MachineClass reverting back the changes to the original spec.

At T1At T2 (T2 > T1)At T3 (T3> T2)
MachineClass.ProviderSpec = S1
MachineClass.ProviderSpec = S2
 Another update to MachineClass.ProviderConfig = S3 is enqueue (S3 == S1)
Driver.UpdateMachine for S1-S2 update - returns partial failure
Machine-Key is requeued

At T4 (T4> T3) when a machine is reconciled then it checks that last-applied-providerspec is S1 and current MachineClass.ProviderSpec = S3 and since S3 is same as S1, no update is done. At T2 Driver.UpdateMachine was called to update the machine with S2 but it partially failed. So now you will have resources which are partially updated with S2 and no further updates will be attempted.


The above situation can also happen when Driver.UpdateMachine is in the process of updating resources. It has hot-updated lets say 1 resource. But now MCM crashes. By the time it comes up another update to MachineClass.ProviderSpec is done essentially reverting back the previous change (same case as above). In this case reconciliation loop never got a chance to get any response from the driver.

To handle the above edge cases there are 2 options:

Option #1

Introduce a new annotation inflight-providerspec-hash . The value of this annotation will be the hash value of the MachineClass.ProviderSpec that is in the process of getting applied on this machine. The machine will be updated with this annotation just before calling Driver.UpdateMachine (in the trigger-update-machine-flow). If the driver returns no error then (in a single update):

  1. last-applied-providerspec will be updated

  2. inflight-providerspec-hash annotation will be removed.

Option #2 - Preferred

Leverage Machine.Status.LastOperation with Type set to MachineOperationUpdate and State set to MachineStateProcessing This status will be updated just before calling Driver.UpdateMachine.

Semantically LastOperation captures the details of the operation post-operation and not pre-operation. So this solution would be a divergence from the norm.

4 - Initialize Machine

Post-Create Initialization of Machine Instance


Today the driver.Driver facade represents the boundary between the the machine-controller and its various provider specific implementations.

We have abstract operations for creation/deletion and listing of machines (actually compute instances) but we do not correctly handle post-creation initialization logic. Nor do we provide an abstract operation to represent the hot update of an instance after creation.

We have found this to be necessary for several use cases. Today in the MCM AWS Provider, we already misuse driver.GetMachineStatus which is supposed to be a read-only operation obtaining the status of an instance.

  1. Each AWS EC2 instance performs source/destination checks by default. For EC2 NAT instances these should be disabled. This is done by issuing a ModifyInstanceAttribute request with the SourceDestCheck set to false. The MCM AWS Provider, decodes the AWSProviderSpec, reads providerSpec.SrcAndDstChecksEnabled and correspondingly issues the call to modify the already launched instance. However, this should be done as an action after creating the instance and should not be part of the VM status retrieval.

  2. Similarly, there is a pending PR to add the Ipv6AddessCount and Ipv6PrefixCount to enable the assignment of an ipv6 address and an ipv6 prefix to instances. This requires constructing and issuing an AssignIpv6Addresses request after the EC2 instance is available.

  3. We have other uses-cases such as MCM Issue#750 where there is a requirement to provide a way for consumers to add tags which can be hot-updated onto instances. This requirement can be generalized to also offer a convenient way to specify tags which can be applied to VMs, NICs, Devices etc.

  4. We have a need for “machine-instance-not-ready” taint as described in MCM#740 which should only get removed once the post creation updates are finished.


We will split the fulfilment of this overall need into 2 stages of implementation.

  1. Stage-A: Support post-VM creation initialization logic of the instance suing a proposed Driver.InitializeMachine by permitting provider implementors to add initialization logic after VM creation, return with special new error code codes.Initialization for initialization errors and correspondingly support a new machine operation stage InstanceInitialization which will be updated in the machine LastOperation. The triggerCreationFlow - a reconciliation sub-flow of the MCM responsible for orchestrating instance creation and updating machine status will be changed to support this behaviour.

  2. Stage-B: Introduction of Driver.UpdateMachine and enhancing the MCM, MCM providers and gardener extension providers to support hot update of instances through Driver.UpdateMachine. The MCM triggerUpdationFlow - a reconciliation sub-flow of the MCM which is supposed to be responsible for orchestrating instance update - but currently not used, will be updated to invoke the provider Driver.UpdateMachine on hot-updates to to the Machine object

Stage-A Proposal

Current MCM triggerCreationFlow

Today, reconcileClusterMachine which is the main routine for the Machine object reconciliation invokes triggerCreationFlow at the end when the machine.Spec.ProviderID is empty or if the machine.Status.CurrentStatus.Phase is empty or in CrashLoopBackOff

%%{ init: {
        { 'fontSize': '12px'}
} }%%
flowchart LR

-->chk{"machine ProviderID empty
Phase empty or CrashLoopBackOff ?
chk--noo-->LongRetry["return machineutils.LongRetry"]

Today, the triggerCreationFlow is illustrated below with some minor details omitted/compressed for brevity


  • The lastop below is an abbreviation for machine.Status.LastOperation. This, along with the machine phase is generally updated on the Machine object just before returning from the method.
  • regarding phase=CrashLoopBackOff|Failed. the machine phase may either be CrashLoopBackOff or move to Failed if the difference between current time and the machine.CreationTimestamp has exceeded the configured MachineCreationTimeout.
%%{ init: {
        { 'fontSize': '12px'}
} }%%
flowchart TD

begin((" "))
medretry["return MediumRetry, err"]
shortretry["return ShortRetry, err"]

-->chkstatuserr{"Check statusErr"}
chkstatuserr--notFound-->chknodelbl{"Chk Node Label"}
chkstatuserr--nil-->initnodename["nodeName = statusResp.NodeName"]-->setnodename

chknodelbl--notset-->createmachine["createResp, createErr=driver.CreateMachine(...)"]-->chkCreateErr{"Check createErr"}


chkCreateErr--nil-->getnodename["nodeName = createResp.NodeName"]
-->chkstalenode{"nodeName != machine.Name\n//chk stale node"}
chkstalenode--false-->setnodename["if unset machine.Labels['node']= nodeName"]
-->machinepending["if empty/crashloopbackoff lastop.type=Create,lastop.State=Processing,phase=Pending"]


subgraph noteA [" "]
    permafail -.- note1(["VM was referring to stale node obj"])
style noteA opacity:0

subgraph noteB [" "]
    setnodename-.- note2(["Proposal: Introduce Driver.InitializeMachine after this"])

Enhancement of MCM triggerCreationFlow

Relevant Observations on Current Flow

  1. Observe that we always perform a call to Driver.GetMachineStatus and only then conditionally perform a call to Driver.CreateMachine if there was was no machine found.
  2. Observe that after the call to a successful Driver.CreateMachine, the machine phase is set to Pending, the LastOperation.Type is currently set to Create and the LastOperation.State set to Processing before returning with a ShortRetry. The LastOperation.Description is (unfortunately) set to the fixed message: Creating machine on cloud provider.
  3. Observe that after an erroneous call to Driver.CreateMachine, the machine phase is set to CrashLoopBackOff or Failed (in case of creation timeout).

The following changes are proposed with a view towards minimal impact on current code and no introduction of a new Machine Phase.

MCM Changes

  1. We propose introducing a new machine operation Driver.InitializeMachine with the following signature
    type Driver interface {
        // .. existing methods are omitted for brevity.
        // InitializeMachine call is responsible for post-create initialization of the provider instance.
        InitializeMachine(context.Context, *InitializeMachineRequest) error
    // InitializeMachineRequest is the initialization request for machine instance initialization
    type InitializeMachineRequest struct {
        // Machine object whose VM instance should be initialized 
        Machine *v1alpha1.Machine
        // MachineClass backing the machine object
        MachineClass *v1alpha1.MachineClass
        // Secret backing the machineClass object
        Secret *corev1.Secret
  2. We propose introducing a new MC error code codes.Initialization indicating that the VM Instance was created but there was an error in initialization after VM creation. The implementor of Driver.InitializeMachine can return this error code, indicating that InitializeMachine needs to be called again. The Machine Controller will change the phase to CrashLoopBackOff as usual when encountering a codes.Initialization error.
  3. We will introduce a new machine operation stage InstanceInitialization. In case of an codes.Initialization error
    1. the machine.Status.LastOperation.Description will be set to InstanceInitialization,
    2. machine.Status.LastOperation.ErrorCode will be set to codes.Initialization
    3. the LastOperation.Type will be set to Create
    4. the LastOperation.State set to Failed before returning with a ShortRetry
  4. The semantics of Driver.GetMachineStatus will be changed. If the instance associated with machine exists, but the instance was not initialized as expected, the provider implementations of GetMachineStatus should return an error: status.Error(codes.Initialization).
  5. If Driver.GetMachineStatus returned an error encapsulating codes.Initialization then Driver.InitializeMachine will be invoked again in the triggerCreationFlow.
  6. As according to the usual logic, the main machine controller reconciliation loop will now re-invoke the triggerCreationFlow again if the machine phase is CrashLoopBackOff.


Enhanced triggerCreationFlow

AWS Provider Changes


The implementation for the AWS Provider will look something like:

  1. After the VM instance is available, check providerSpec.SrcAndDstChecksEnabled, construct ModifyInstanceAttributeInput and call ModifyInstanceAttribute. In case of an error return codes.Initialization instead of the current codes.Internal
  2. Check providerSpec.NetworkInterfaces and if Ipv6PrefixCount is not nil, then construct AssignIpv6AddressesInput and call AssignIpv6Addresses. In case of an error return codes.Initialization. Don’t use the generic codes.Internal

The existing Ipv6 PR will need modifications.

  1. If providerSpec.SrcAndDstChecksEnabled is false, check ec2.Instance.SourceDestCheck. If it does not match then return status.Error(codes.Initialization)
  2. Check providerSpec.NetworkInterfaces and if Ipv6PrefixCount is not nil, check ec2.Instance.NetworkInterfaces and check if InstanceNetworkInterface.Ipv6Addresses has a non-nil slice. If this is not the case then return status.Error(codes.Initialization)

Instance Not Ready Taint

  • Due to the fact that creation flow for machines will now be enhanced to correctly support post-creation startup logic, we should not scheduled workload until this startup logic is complete. Even without this feature we have a need for such a taint as described in MCM#740
  • We propose a new taint which will be added as a node startup taint in gardener core KubeletConfiguration.RegisterWithTaints
  • The will will then removed by MCM in health check reconciliation, once the machine becomes fully ready. (when moving to Running phase)
  • We will add this taint as part of --ignore-taint in CA
  • We will introduce a disclaimer / prerequisite in the MCM FAQ, to add this taint as part of kubelet config under --register-with-taints, otherwise workload could get scheduled , before machine beomes Running

Stage-B Proposal

Enhancement of Driver Interface for Hot Updation

Kindly refer to the Hot-Update Instances design which provides elaborate detail.