5 minute read
This page gives writing formatting guidelines for the Gardener documentation. For style guidelines, see the Style Guide.
These are guidelines, not rules. Use your best judgment, and feel free to propose changes to this document in a pull request.
Formatting of Inline Elements
Type of Text | Formatting | Markdown Syntax |
API Objects and Technical Components | code | Deploy a `Pod`. |
New Terms and Emphasis | bold | Do **not** stop it. |
Technical Names | code | Open file `root.yaml`. |
User Interface Elements | italics | Choose *CLUSTERS* . |
Inline Code and Inline Commands | code | For declarative management, use `kubectl apply`. |
Object Field Names and Field Values | code | Set the value of `image` to `nginx:1.8`. |
Links and References | link | Visit the [Gardener website](https://gardener.cloud/) |
Headers | various | # API Server |
API Objects and Technical Components
When you refer to an API object, use the same uppercase and lowercase letters that are used in the actual object name, and use backticks (`) to format them. Typically, the names of API objects use camel case.
Don’t split the API object name into separate words. For example, use
, not Pod Template List.
Refer to API objects without saying “object,” unless omitting “object” leads to an awkward construction.
Do | Don’t |
The Pod has two containers. | The pod has two containers. |
The Deployment is responsible for… | The Deployment object is responsible for… |
A PodList is a list of Pods. | A Pod List is a list of pods. |
The gardener-control-manager has control loops… | The gardener-control-manager has control loops… |
The gardenlet starts up with a bootstrap kubeconfig having a bootstrap token that allows to create CertificateSigningRequest (CSR) resources. | The gardenlet starts up with a bootstrap kubeconfig having a bootstrap token that allows to create CertificateSigningRequest (CSR) resources. |
Due to the way the website is built from content taken from different repositories, when editing or updating already existing documentation, you should follow the style used in the topic. When contributing new documentation, follow the guidelines outlined in this guide.
New Terms and Emphasis
Use bold to emphasize something or to introduce a new term.
Do | Don’t |
A cluster is a set of nodes … | A “cluster” is a set of nodes … |
The system does not delete your objects. | The system does not(!) delete your objects. |
Technical Names
Use backticks (`) for filenames, technical componentes, directories, and paths.
Do | Don’t |
Open file envars.yaml . | Open the envars.yaml file. |
Go to directory /docs/tutorials . | Go to the /docs/tutorials directory. |
Open file /_data/concepts.yaml . | Open the /_data/concepts.yaml file. |
User Interface Elements
When referring to UI elements, refrain from using verbs like “Click” or “Select with right mouse button”. This level of detail is hardly ever needed and also invalidates a procedure if other devices are used. For example, for a tablet you’d say “Tap on”.
Use italics when you refer to UI elements.
UI Element | Standard Formulation | Markdown Syntax |
Button, Menu path | Choose UI Element. | Choose *UI Element*. |
Menu path, context menu, navigation path | Choose System > User Profile > Own Data. | Choose *System* \> *User Profile* \> *Own Data*. |
Entry fields | Enter your password. | Enter your password. |
Checkbox, radio button | Select Filter. | Select *Filter*. |
Expandable screen elements | Expand User Settings. Collapse User Settings. | Expand *User Settings* .Collapse *User Settings*. |
Inline Code and Inline Commands
Use backticks (`) for inline code.
Do | Don’t |
The kubectl run command creates a Deployment . | The “kubectl run” command creates a Deployment. |
For declarative management, use kubectl apply . | For declarative management, use “kubectl apply”. |
Object Field Names and Field Values
Use backticks (`) for field names, and field values.
Do | Don’t |
Set the value of the replicas field in the configuration file. | Set the value of the “replicas” field in the configuration file. |
The value of the exec field is an ExecAction object. | The value of the “exec” field is an ExecAction object. |
Set the value of imagePullPolicy to Always . | Set the value of imagePullPolicy to “Always”. |
Set the value of image to nginx:1.8 . | Set the value of image to nginx:1.8. |
Links and References
Do | Don’t |
Use a descriptor of the link’s destination: “For more information, visit Gardener’s website.” | Use a generic placeholder: “For more information, go here.” |
Use relative links when linking to content in the same repository: [Style Guide](../style-guide/_index.md) | Use absolute links when linking to content in the same repository: [Style Guide](https://github.com/gardener/documentation/blob/master/website/documentation/contribute/documentation/style-guide/_index.md) |
Another thing to keep in mind is that markdown links do not work in certain shortcodes (e.g., mermaid). To circumvent this problem, you can use HTML links.
- Use H1 for the title of the topic. (
# H1 Title
) - Use H2 for each main section. (
## H2 Title
) - Use H3 for any sub-section in the main sections. (
### H3 Title
) - Avoid using H4-H6. Try moving the additional information to a new topic instead.
Code Snippet Formatting
Don’t Include the Command Prompt
Do | Don’t |
kubectl get pods | $ kubectl get pods |
Separate Commands from Output
Verify that the pod is running on your chosen node:kubectl get pods --output=wide
The output is similar to:
nginx 1/1 Running 0 13s worker0
Use angle brackets for placeholders. Tell the reader what a placeholder represents, for example:
Display information about a pod:
kubectl describe pod <pod-name>
is the name of one of your pods.
Versioning Kubernetes Examples
Make code examples and configuration examples that include version information consistent with the accompanying text. Identify the Kubernetes version in the Prerequisites section.