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  2 minute read  

DNS Providers


Gardener can manage DNS records on your behalf, so that you can request them via different resource types (see here) within the shoot cluster. The domains for which you are permitted to request records, are however restricted and depend on the DNS provider configuration.

Shoot provider

By default, every shoot cluster is equipped with a default provider. It is the very same provider that manages the shoot cluster’s kube-apiserver public DNS record (DNS address in your Kubeconfig).

kind: Shoot
  domain: shoot.project.default-domain.gardener.cloud

You are permitted to request any sub-domain of .dns.domain that is not already taken (e.g. api.shoot.project.default-domain.gardener.cloud, *.ingress.shoot.project.default-domain.gardener.cloud) with this provider.

Additional providers

If you need to request DNS records for domains not managed by the default provider, additional providers can be configured in the shoot specification. Alternatively, if it is enabled, it can be added as DNSProvider resources to the shoot cluster.

Additional providers in the shoot specification

To add a providers in the shoot spec, you need set them in the spec.dns.providers list.

For example:

kind: Shoot
    domain: shoot.project.default-domain.gardener.cloud
    - secretName: my-aws-account
      type: aws-route53
    - secretName: my-gcp-account
      type: google-clouddns

Please consult the API-Reference to get a complete list of supported fields and configuration options.

Referenced secrets should exist in the project namespace in the Garden cluster and must comply with the provider specific credentials format. The External-DNS-Management project provides corresponding examples (20-secret-<provider-name>-credentials.yaml) for known providers.

Additional providers as resources in the shoot cluster

If it is not enabled globally, you have to enable the feature in the shoot manifest:

Kind: Shoot
    - type: shoot-dns-service
        apiVersion: service.dns.extensions.gardener.cloud/v1alpha1
        kind: DNSConfig
          enabled: true

To add a provider directly in the shoot cluster, provide a DNSProvider in any namespace together with Secret containing the credentials.

For example if the domain is hosted with AWS Route 53 (provider type aws-route53):

apiVersion: dns.gardener.cloud/v1alpha1
kind: DNSProvider
    dns.gardener.cloud/class: garden
  name: my-own-domain
  namespace: my-namespace
  type: aws-route53
    name: my-own-domain-credentials
    - my.own.domain.com
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: my-own-domain-credentials
  namespace: my-namespace
type: Opaque
  # replace '...' with values encoded as base64

The External-DNS-Management project provides examples with more details for DNSProviders (30-provider-<provider-name>.yaml) and credential Secrets (20-secret-<provider-name>.yaml) at https://github.com/gardener/external-dns-management//examples for all supported provider types.