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  2 minute read  


Lakom is kubernetes admission controller which purpose is to implement cosign image signature verification with public cosign key. It also takes care to resolve image tags to sha256 digests. A built-in cache mechanism can be enabled to reduce the load toward the OCI registry.


Lakom admission controller is configurable via command line flags. The trusted cosign public keys and the associated algorithms associated with them are set viq configuration file provided with the flag --lakom-config-path.

Flag NameDescriptionDefault Value
--bind-addressAddress to bind to“”
--cache-refresh-intervalRefresh interval for the cached objects30s
--cache-ttlTTL for the cached objects. Set to 0, if cache has to be disabled10m0s
--contention-profilingEnable lock contention profiling, if profiling is enabledfalse
--health-bind-addressBind address for the health server“:8081”
-h, --helphelp for lakom
--insecure-allow-insecure-registriesIf set, communication via HTTP with registries will be allowed.false
--insecure-allow-untrusted-imagesIf set, the webhook will just return warning for the images without trusted signatures.false
--kubeconfigPaths to a kubeconfig. Only required if out-of-cluster.
--lakom-config-pathPath to file with lakom configuration containing cosign public keys used to verify the image signatures
--metrics-bind-addressBind address for the metrics server“:8080”
--portWebhook server port9443
--profilingEnable profiling via web interface host:port/debug/pprof/false
--tls-cert-dirDirectory with server TLS certificate and key (must contain a tls.crt and tls.key file
--use-only-image-pull-secretsIf set, only the credentials from the image pull secrets of the pod are used to access the OCI registry. Otherwise, the node identity and docker config are also used.false
--versionprints version information and quits; –version=vX.Y.Z… sets the reported version

Lakom Cosign Public Keys Configuration File

Lakom cosign public keys configuration file should be YAML or JSON formatted. It can set multiple trusted keys, as each key must be given a name. The supported types of public keys are RSA, ECDSA and Ed25519. The RSA keys can be additionally configured with a signature verification algorithm specifying the scheme and hash function used during signature verification. As of now ECDSA and Ed25519 keys cannot be configured with specific algorithm.

- name: example-public-key
  algorithm: RSASSA-PSS-SHA256
  key: |-
    -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
    -----END PUBLIC KEY-----    

Supported RSA Signature Verification Algorithms

  • RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5-SHA256: uses RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 scheme with SHA256 hash func
  • RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5-SHA384: uses RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 scheme with SHA384 hash func
  • RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5-SHA512: uses RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 scheme with SHA512 hash func
  • RSASSA-PSS-SHA256: uses RSASSA-PSS scheme with SHA256 hash func
  • RSASSA-PSS-SHA384: uses RSASSA-PSS scheme with SHA384 hash func
  • RSASSA-PSS-SHA512: uses RSASSA-PSS scheme with SHA512 hash func