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Register Shoot Networking Filter Extension in Shoot Clusters


Within a shoot cluster, it is possible to enable the network problem detector. It is necessary that the Gardener installation your shoot cluster runs in is equipped with a shoot-networking-problemdetector extension. Please ask your Gardener operator if the extension is available in your environment.

Shoot Feature Gate

In most of the Gardener setups the shoot-networking-problemdetector extension is not enabled globally and thus must be configured per shoot cluster. Please adapt the shoot specification by the configuration shown below to activate the extension individually.

kind: Shoot
    - type: shoot-networking-problemdetector


If the shoot network problem detector is globally enabled by default, it can be disabled per shoot. To disable the service for a shoot, the shoot manifest must explicitly state it.

apiVersion: core.gardener.cloud/v1beta1
kind: Shoot
    - type: shoot-networking-problemdetector
      disabled: true