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Cleanup of Shoot Clusters in Deletion

When a shoot cluster is deleted then Gardener tries to gracefully remove most of the Kubernetes resources inside the cluster. This is to prevent that any infrastructure or other artifacts remain after the shoot deletion.

The cleanup is performed in four steps. Some resources are deleted with a grace period, and all resources are forcefully deleted (by removing blocking finalizers) after some time to not block the cluster deletion entirely.

Cleanup steps:

  1. All ValidatingWebhookConfigurations and MutatingWebhookConfigurations are deleted with a 5m grace period. Forceful finalization happens after 5m.
  2. All APIServices and CustomResourceDefinitions are deleted with a 5m grace period. Forceful finalization happens after 1h.
  3. All CronJobs, DaemonSets, Deployments, Ingresss, Jobs, Pods, ReplicaSets, ReplicationControllers, Services, StatefulSets, PersistentVolumeClaims are deleted with a 5m grace period. Forceful finalization happens after 5m.

    If the Shoot is annotated with shoot.gardener.cloud/skip-cleanup=true, then only Services and PersistentVolumeClaims are considered.

  4. All VolumeSnapshots and VolumeSnapshotContents are deleted with a 5m grace period. Forceful finalization happens after 1h.

It is possible to override the finalization grace periods via annotations on the Shoot:

  • shoot.gardener.cloud/cleanup-webhooks-finalize-grace-period-seconds (for the resources handled in step 1)
  • shoot.gardener.cloud/cleanup-extended-apis-finalize-grace-period-seconds (for the resources handled in step 2)
  • shoot.gardener.cloud/cleanup-kubernetes-resources-finalize-grace-period-seconds (for the resources handled in step 3)

⚠️ If "0" is provided, then all resources are finalized immediately without waiting for any graceful deletion. Please be aware that this might lead to orphaned infrastructure artifacts.