28 minute read
Package v1alpha1 is the v1alpha1 version of the API.
Resource Types:- BackupBucket
- BackupEntry
- Bastion
- Cluster
- ContainerRuntime
- ControlPlane
- DNSRecord
- Extension
- Infrastructure
- Network
- OperatingSystemConfig
- Worker
BackupBucket is a specification for backup bucket.
Field | Description | ||||||
apiVersion string | extensions.gardener.cloud/v1alpha1 | ||||||
kind string | BackupBucket | ||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta | (Optional)
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field. | ||||||
spec BackupBucketSpec | Specification of the BackupBucket. If the object’s deletion timestamp is set, this field is immutable.
| ||||||
status BackupBucketStatus | (Optional) |
BackupEntry is a specification for backup Entry.
Field | Description | ||||||||||
apiVersion string | extensions.gardener.cloud/v1alpha1 | ||||||||||
kind string | BackupEntry | ||||||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta | (Optional)
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field. | ||||||||||
spec BackupEntrySpec | Specification of the BackupEntry. If the object’s deletion timestamp is set, this field is immutable.
| ||||||||||
status BackupEntryStatus | (Optional) |
Bastion is a bastion or jump host that is dynamically created to provide SSH access to shoot nodes.
Field | Description | ||||||
apiVersion string | extensions.gardener.cloud/v1alpha1 | ||||||
kind string | Bastion | ||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta | (Optional)
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field. | ||||||
spec BastionSpec | Spec is the specification of this Bastion. If the object’s deletion timestamp is set, this field is immutable.
| ||||||
status BastionStatus | (Optional) Status is the bastion’s status. |
Cluster is a specification for a Cluster resource.
Field | Description | ||||||
apiVersion string | extensions.gardener.cloud/v1alpha1 | ||||||
kind string | Cluster | ||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta | Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field. | ||||||
spec ClusterSpec |
ContainerRuntime is a specification for a container runtime resource.
Field | Description | ||||||
apiVersion string | extensions.gardener.cloud/v1alpha1 | ||||||
kind string | ContainerRuntime | ||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta | (Optional)
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field. | ||||||
spec ContainerRuntimeSpec | Specification of the ContainerRuntime. If the object’s deletion timestamp is set, this field is immutable.
| ||||||
status ContainerRuntimeStatus | (Optional) |
ControlPlane is a specification for a ControlPlane resource.
Field | Description | ||||||||||
apiVersion string | extensions.gardener.cloud/v1alpha1 | ||||||||||
kind string | ControlPlane | ||||||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta | Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field. | ||||||||||
spec ControlPlaneSpec | Specification of the ControlPlane. If the object’s deletion timestamp is set, this field is immutable.
| ||||||||||
status ControlPlaneStatus | (Optional) |
DNSRecord is a specification for a DNSRecord resource.
Field | Description | ||||||||||||||||
apiVersion string | extensions.gardener.cloud/v1alpha1 | ||||||||||||||||
kind string | DNSRecord | ||||||||||||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta | Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field. | ||||||||||||||||
spec DNSRecordSpec | Specification of the DNSRecord. If the object’s deletion timestamp is set, this field is immutable.
| ||||||||||||||||
status DNSRecordStatus | (Optional) |
Extension is a specification for a Extension resource.
Field | Description | ||
apiVersion string | extensions.gardener.cloud/v1alpha1 | ||
kind string | Extension | ||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta | (Optional)
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field. | ||
spec ExtensionSpec | Specification of the Extension. If the object’s deletion timestamp is set, this field is immutable.
| ||
status ExtensionStatus | (Optional) |
Infrastructure is a specification for cloud provider infrastructure.
Field | Description | ||||||||
apiVersion string | extensions.gardener.cloud/v1alpha1 | ||||||||
kind string | Infrastructure | ||||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta | (Optional)
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field. | ||||||||
spec InfrastructureSpec | Specification of the Infrastructure. If the object’s deletion timestamp is set, this field is immutable.
| ||||||||
status InfrastructureStatus | (Optional) |
Network is the specification for cluster networking.
Field | Description | ||||||||
apiVersion string | extensions.gardener.cloud/v1alpha1 | ||||||||
kind string | Network | ||||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta | (Optional)
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field. | ||||||||
spec NetworkSpec | Specification of the Network. If the object’s deletion timestamp is set, this field is immutable.
| ||||||||
status NetworkStatus | (Optional) |
OperatingSystemConfig is a specification for a OperatingSystemConfig resource
Field | Description | ||||||||||||
apiVersion string | extensions.gardener.cloud/v1alpha1 | ||||||||||||
kind string | OperatingSystemConfig | ||||||||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta | (Optional)
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field. | ||||||||||||
spec OperatingSystemConfigSpec | Specification of the OperatingSystemConfig. If the object’s deletion timestamp is set, this field is immutable.
| ||||||||||||
status OperatingSystemConfigStatus | (Optional) |
Worker is a specification for a Worker resource.
Field | Description | ||||||||||||
apiVersion string | extensions.gardener.cloud/v1alpha1 | ||||||||||||
kind string | Worker | ||||||||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta | (Optional)
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field. | ||||||||||||
spec WorkerSpec | Specification of the Worker. If the object’s deletion timestamp is set, this field is immutable.
| ||||||||||||
status WorkerStatus | (Optional) |
(Appears on: BackupBucket)
BackupBucketSpec is the spec for an BackupBucket resource.
Field | Description |
DefaultSpec DefaultSpec | (Members of DefaultSpec is a structure containing common fields used by all extension resources. |
region string | Region is the region of this bucket. This field is immutable. |
secretRef Kubernetes core/v1.SecretReference | SecretRef is a reference to a secret that contains the credentials to access object store. |
(Appears on: BackupBucket)
BackupBucketStatus is the status for an BackupBucket resource.
Field | Description |
DefaultStatus DefaultStatus | (Members of DefaultStatus is a structure containing common fields used by all extension resources. |
generatedSecretRef Kubernetes core/v1.SecretReference | (Optional) GeneratedSecretRef is reference to the secret generated by backup bucket, which will have object store specific credentials. |
(Appears on: BackupEntry)
BackupEntrySpec is the spec for an BackupEntry resource.
Field | Description |
DefaultSpec DefaultSpec | (Members of DefaultSpec is a structure containing common fields used by all extension resources. |
backupBucketProviderStatus k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime.RawExtension | (Optional) BackupBucketProviderStatus contains the provider status that has
been generated by the controller responsible for the |
region string | Region is the region of this Entry. This field is immutable. |
bucketName string | BucketName is the name of backup bucket for this Backup Entry. |
secretRef Kubernetes core/v1.SecretReference | SecretRef is a reference to a secret that contains the credentials to access object store. |
(Appears on: BackupEntry)
BackupEntryStatus is the status for an BackupEntry resource.
Field | Description |
DefaultStatus DefaultStatus | (Members of DefaultStatus is a structure containing common fields used by all extension resources. |
(Appears on: BastionSpec)
BastionIngressPolicy represents an ingress policy for SSH bastion hosts.
Field | Description |
ipBlock Kubernetes networking/v1.IPBlock | IPBlock defines an IP block that is allowed to access the bastion. |
(Appears on: Bastion)
BastionSpec contains the specification for an SSH bastion host.
Field | Description |
DefaultSpec DefaultSpec | (Members of DefaultSpec is a structure containing common fields used by all extension resources. |
userData []byte | UserData is the base64-encoded user data for the bastion instance. This should contain code to provision the SSH key on the bastion instance. This field is immutable. |
ingress []BastionIngressPolicy | Ingress controls from where the created bastion host should be reachable. |
(Appears on: Bastion)
BastionStatus holds the most recently observed status of the Bastion.
Field | Description |
DefaultStatus DefaultStatus | (Members of DefaultStatus is a structure containing common fields used by all extension resources. |
ingress Kubernetes core/v1.LoadBalancerIngress | (Optional) Ingress is the external IP and/or hostname of the bastion host. |
(Appears on: CredentialsRotation)
CARotation contains information about the certificate authority credential rotation.
Field | Description |
lastInitiationTime Kubernetes meta/v1.Time | (Optional) LastInitiationTime is the most recent time when the certificate authority credential rotation was initiated. |
(Appears on: OperatingSystemConfigSpec)
CRIConfig contains configurations of the CRI library.
Field | Description |
name CRIName | Name is a mandatory string containing the name of the CRI library. Supported values are |
cgroupDriver CgroupDriverName | (Optional) CgroupDriver configures the CRI’s cgroup driver. Supported values are |
containerd ContainerdConfig | (Optional) ContainerdConfig is the containerd configuration. Only to be set for OperatingSystemConfigs with purpose ‘reconcile’. |
(Appears on: CRIConfig)
CRIName is a type alias for the CRI name string.
(Appears on: CRIConfig)
CgroupDriverName is a string denoting the CRI cgroup driver.
(Appears on: OperatingSystemConfigStatus)
CloudConfig contains the generated output for the given operating system config spec. It contains a reference to a secret as the result may contain confidential data.
Field | Description |
secretRef Kubernetes core/v1.SecretReference | SecretRef is a reference to a secret that contains the actual result of the generated cloud config. |
(Appears on: WorkerPool)
ClusterAutoscalerOptions contains the cluster autoscaler configurations for a worker pool.
Field | Description |
scaleDownUtilizationThreshold string | (Optional) ScaleDownUtilizationThreshold defines the threshold in fraction (0.0 - 1.0) under which a node is being removed. |
scaleDownGpuUtilizationThreshold string | (Optional) ScaleDownGpuUtilizationThreshold defines the threshold in fraction (0.0 - 1.0) of gpu resources under which a node is being removed. |
scaleDownUnneededTime Kubernetes meta/v1.Duration | (Optional) ScaleDownUnneededTime defines how long a node should be unneeded before it is eligible for scale down. |
scaleDownUnreadyTime Kubernetes meta/v1.Duration | (Optional) ScaleDownUnreadyTime defines how long an unready node should be unneeded before it is eligible for scale down. |
maxNodeProvisionTime Kubernetes meta/v1.Duration | (Optional) MaxNodeProvisionTime defines how long cluster autoscaler should wait for a node to be provisioned. |
(Appears on: Cluster)
ClusterSpec is the spec for a Cluster resource.
Field | Description |
cloudProfile k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime.RawExtension | CloudProfile is a raw extension field that contains the cloudprofile resource referenced by the shoot that has to be reconciled. |
seed k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime.RawExtension | Seed is a raw extension field that contains the seed resource referenced by the shoot that has to be reconciled. |
shoot k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime.RawExtension | Shoot is a raw extension field that contains the shoot resource that has to be reconciled. |
(Appears on: ContainerRuntime)
ContainerRuntimeSpec is the spec for a ContainerRuntime resource.
Field | Description |
binaryPath string | BinaryPath is the Worker’s machine path where container runtime extensions should copy the binaries to. |
workerPool ContainerRuntimeWorkerPool | WorkerPool identifies the worker pool of the Shoot. For each worker pool and type, Gardener deploys a ContainerRuntime CRD. |
DefaultSpec DefaultSpec | (Members of DefaultSpec is a structure containing common fields used by all extension resources. |
(Appears on: ContainerRuntime)
ContainerRuntimeStatus is the status for a ContainerRuntime resource.
Field | Description |
DefaultStatus DefaultStatus | (Members of DefaultStatus is a structure containing common fields used by all extension resources. |
(Appears on: ContainerRuntimeSpec)
ContainerRuntimeWorkerPool identifies a Shoot worker pool by its name and selector.
Field | Description |
name string | Name specifies the name of the worker pool the container runtime should be available for. This field is immutable. |
selector Kubernetes meta/v1.LabelSelector | Selector is the label selector used by the extension to match the nodes belonging to the worker pool. |
(Appears on: CRIConfig)
ContainerdConfig contains configuration options for containerd.
Field | Description |
registries []RegistryConfig | (Optional) Registries configures the registry hosts for containerd. |
sandboxImage string | SandboxImage configures the sandbox image for containerd. |
plugins []PluginConfig | (Optional) Plugins configures the plugins section in containerd’s config.toml. |
(Appears on: ControlPlane)
ControlPlaneSpec is the spec of a ControlPlane resource.
Field | Description |
DefaultSpec DefaultSpec | (Members of DefaultSpec is a structure containing common fields used by all extension resources. |
purpose Purpose | (Optional) Purpose contains the data if a cloud provider needs additional components in order to expose the control plane. This field is immutable. |
infrastructureProviderStatus k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime.RawExtension | (Optional) InfrastructureProviderStatus contains the provider status that has
been generated by the controller responsible for the |
region string | Region is the region of this control plane. This field is immutable. |
secretRef Kubernetes core/v1.SecretReference | SecretRef is a reference to a secret that contains the cloud provider specific credentials. |
(Appears on: ControlPlane)
ControlPlaneStatus is the status of a ControlPlane resource.
Field | Description |
DefaultStatus DefaultStatus | (Members of DefaultStatus is a structure containing common fields used by all extension resources. |
(Appears on: InPlaceUpdates)
CredentialsRotation is a structure containing information about the last initiation time of the certificate authority and service account key rotation.
Field | Description |
certificateAuthorities CARotation | (Optional) CertificateAuthorities contains information about the certificate authority credential rotation. |
serviceAccountKey ServiceAccountKeyRotation | (Optional) ServiceAccountKey contains information about the service account key credential rotation. |
(Appears on: DNSRecord)
DNSRecordSpec is the spec of a DNSRecord resource.
Field | Description |
DefaultSpec DefaultSpec | (Members of DefaultSpec is a structure containing common fields used by all extension resources. |
secretRef Kubernetes core/v1.SecretReference | SecretRef is a reference to a secret that contains the cloud provider specific credentials. |
region string | (Optional) Region is the region of this DNS record. If not specified, the region specified in SecretRef will be used. If that is also not specified, the extension controller will use its default region. |
zone string | (Optional) Zone is the DNS hosted zone of this DNS record. If not specified, it will be determined automatically by getting all hosted zones of the account and searching for the longest zone name that is a suffix of Name. |
name string | Name is the fully qualified domain name, e.g. “api. |
recordType DNSRecordType | RecordType is the DNS record type. Only A, CNAME, and TXT records are currently supported. This field is immutable. |
values []string | Values is a list of IP addresses for A records, a single hostname for CNAME records, or a list of texts for TXT records. |
ttl int64 | (Optional) TTL is the time to live in seconds. Defaults to 120. |
(Appears on: DNSRecord)
DNSRecordStatus is the status of a DNSRecord resource.
Field | Description |
DefaultStatus DefaultStatus | (Members of DefaultStatus is a structure containing common fields used by all extension resources. |
zone string | (Optional) Zone is the DNS hosted zone of this DNS record. |
(Appears on: DNSRecordSpec)
DNSRecordType is a string alias.
(Appears on: WorkerPool)
DataVolume contains information about a data volume.
Field | Description |
name string | Name of the volume to make it referenceable. |
type string | (Optional) Type is the type of the volume. |
size string | Size is the of the root volume. |
encrypted bool | (Optional) Encrypted determines if the volume should be encrypted. |
(Appears on: BackupBucketSpec, BackupEntrySpec, BastionSpec, ContainerRuntimeSpec, ControlPlaneSpec, DNSRecordSpec, ExtensionSpec, InfrastructureSpec, NetworkSpec, OperatingSystemConfigSpec, WorkerSpec)
DefaultSpec contains common status fields for every extension resource.
Field | Description |
type string | Type contains the instance of the resource’s kind. |
class ExtensionClass | (Optional) Class holds the extension class used to control the responsibility for multiple provider extensions. |
providerConfig k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime.RawExtension | (Optional) ProviderConfig is the provider specific configuration. |
(Appears on: BackupBucketStatus, BackupEntryStatus, BastionStatus, ContainerRuntimeStatus, ControlPlaneStatus, DNSRecordStatus, ExtensionStatus, InfrastructureStatus, NetworkStatus, OperatingSystemConfigStatus, WorkerStatus)
DefaultStatus contains common status fields for every extension resource.
Field | Description |
providerStatus k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime.RawExtension | (Optional) ProviderStatus contains provider-specific status. |
conditions []github.com/gardener/gardener/pkg/apis/core/v1beta1.Condition | (Optional) Conditions represents the latest available observations of a Seed’s current state. |
lastError github.com/gardener/gardener/pkg/apis/core/v1beta1.LastError | (Optional) LastError holds information about the last occurred error during an operation. |
lastOperation github.com/gardener/gardener/pkg/apis/core/v1beta1.LastOperation | (Optional) LastOperation holds information about the last operation on the resource. |
observedGeneration int64 | ObservedGeneration is the most recent generation observed for this resource. |
state k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime.RawExtension | (Optional) State can be filled by the operating controller with what ever data it needs. |
resources []github.com/gardener/gardener/pkg/apis/core/v1beta1.NamedResourceReference | (Optional) Resources holds a list of named resource references that can be referred to in the state by their names. |
(Appears on: Unit)
DropIn is a drop-in configuration for a systemd unit.
Field | Description |
name string | Name is the name of the drop-in. |
content string | Content is the content of the drop-in. |
(Appears on: DefaultSpec)
ExtensionClass is a string alias for an extension class.
(Appears on: Extension)
ExtensionSpec is the spec for a Extension resource.
Field | Description |
DefaultSpec DefaultSpec | (Members of DefaultSpec is a structure containing common fields used by all extension resources. |
(Appears on: Extension)
ExtensionStatus is the status for a Extension resource.
Field | Description |
DefaultStatus DefaultStatus | (Members of DefaultStatus is a structure containing common fields used by all extension resources. |
(Appears on: OperatingSystemConfigSpec, OperatingSystemConfigStatus)
File is a file that should get written to the host’s file system. The content can either be inlined or referenced from a secret in the same namespace.
Field | Description |
path string | Path is the path of the file system where the file should get written to. |
permissions uint32 | (Optional) Permissions describes with which permissions the file should get written to the file system. If no permissions are set, the operating system’s defaults are used. |
content FileContent | Content describe the file’s content. |
FileCodecID is the id of a FileCodec for cloud-init scripts.
(Appears on: File)
FileContent can either reference a secret or contain inline configuration.
Field | Description |
secretRef FileContentSecretRef | (Optional) SecretRef is a struct that contains information about the referenced secret. |
inline FileContentInline | (Optional) Inline is a struct that contains information about the inlined data. |
transmitUnencoded bool | (Optional) TransmitUnencoded set to true will ensure that the os-extension does not encode the file content when sent to the node. This for example can be used to manipulate the clear-text content before it reaches the node. |
imageRef FileContentImageRef | (Optional) ImageRef describes a container image which contains a file. |
(Appears on: FileContent)
FileContentImageRef describes a container image which contains a file
Field | Description |
image string | Image contains the container image repository with tag. |
filePathInImage string | FilePathInImage contains the path in the image to the file that should be extracted. |
(Appears on: FileContent)
FileContentInline contains keys for inlining a file content’s data and encoding.
Field | Description |
encoding string | Encoding is the file’s encoding (e.g. base64). |
data string | Data is the file’s data. |
(Appears on: FileContent)
FileContentSecretRef contains keys for referencing a file content’s data from a secret in the same namespace.
Field | Description |
name string | Name is the name of the secret. |
dataKey string | DataKey is the key in the secret’s |
(Appears on: NetworkSpec)
IPFamily is a type for specifying an IP protocol version to use in Gardener clusters.
(Appears on: OperatingSystemConfigSpec)
InPlaceUpdates is a structure containing configuration for in-place updates.
Field | Description |
operatingSystemVersion string | OperatingSystemVersion is the version of the operating system. |
kubelet string | KubeletVersion is the version of the kubelet. |
credentialsRotation CredentialsRotation | (Optional) CredentialsRotation is a structure containing information about the last initiation time of the certificate authority and service account key rotation. |
(Appears on: OperatingSystemConfigStatus)
InPlaceUpdatesStatus is a structure containing configuration for in-place updates.
Field | Description |
osUpdate OSUpdate | (Optional) OSUpdate defines the configuration for the operating system update. |
(Appears on: Infrastructure)
InfrastructureSpec is the spec for an Infrastructure resource.
Field | Description |
DefaultSpec DefaultSpec | (Members of DefaultSpec is a structure containing common fields used by all extension resources. |
region string | Region is the region of this infrastructure. This field is immutable. |
secretRef Kubernetes core/v1.SecretReference | SecretRef is a reference to a secret that contains the cloud provider credentials. |
sshPublicKey []byte | (Optional) SSHPublicKey is the public SSH key that should be used with this infrastructure. |
(Appears on: Infrastructure)
InfrastructureStatus is the status for an Infrastructure resource.
Field | Description |
DefaultStatus DefaultStatus | (Members of DefaultStatus is a structure containing common fields used by all extension resources. |
nodesCIDR string | (Optional) NodesCIDR is the CIDR of the node network that was optionally created by the acting extension controller. This might be needed in environments in which the CIDR for the network for the shoot worker node cannot be statically defined in the Shoot resource but must be computed dynamically. |
egressCIDRs []string | (Optional) EgressCIDRs is a list of CIDRs used by the shoot as the source IP for egress traffic. For certain environments the egress IPs may not be stable in which case the extension controller may opt to not populate this field. |
networking InfrastructureStatusNetworking | (Optional) Networking contains information about cluster networking such as CIDRs. |
(Appears on: InfrastructureStatus)
InfrastructureStatusNetworking is a structure containing information about the node, service and pod network ranges.
Field | Description |
pods []string | (Optional) Pods are the CIDRs of the pod network. |
nodes []string | (Optional) Nodes are the CIDRs of the node network. |
services []string | (Optional) Services are the CIDRs of the service network. |
(Appears on: WorkerStatus)
MachineDeployment is a created machine deployment.
Field | Description |
name string | Name is the name of the |
minimum int32 | Minimum is the minimum number for this machine deployment. |
maximum int32 | Maximum is the maximum number for this machine deployment. |
priority int32 | (Optional) Priority (or weight) is the importance by which this machine deployment will be scaled by cluster autoscaling. |
(Appears on: WorkerPool)
MachineImage contains logical information about the name and the version of the machie image that should be used. The logical information must be mapped to the provider-specific information (e.g., AMIs, …) by the provider itself.
Field | Description |
name string | Name is the logical name of the machine image. |
version string | Version is the version of the machine image. |
(Appears on: Network)
NetworkSpec is the spec for an Network resource.
Field | Description |
DefaultSpec DefaultSpec | (Members of DefaultSpec is a structure containing common fields used by all extension resources. |
podCIDR string | PodCIDR defines the CIDR that will be used for pods. This field is immutable. |
serviceCIDR string | ServiceCIDR defines the CIDR that will be used for services. This field is immutable. |
ipFamilies []IPFamily | (Optional) IPFamilies specifies the IP protocol versions to use for shoot networking. This field is immutable. See https://github.com/gardener/gardener/blob/master/docs/development/ipv6.md |
(Appears on: Network)
NetworkStatus is the status for an Network resource.
Field | Description |
DefaultStatus DefaultStatus | (Members of DefaultStatus is a structure containing common fields used by all extension resources. |
(Appears on: WorkerPool)
NodeTemplate contains information about the expected node properties.
Field | Description |
capacity Kubernetes core/v1.ResourceList | Capacity represents the expected Node capacity. |
(Appears on: InPlaceUpdatesStatus)
OSUpdate contains the configuration for the operating system update.
Field | Description |
command string | Command defines the command responsible for performing machine image updates. |
args []string | (Optional) Args provides a mechanism to pass additional arguments or flags to the Command. |
Object is an extension object resource.
(Appears on: OperatingSystemConfigSpec)
OperatingSystemConfigPurpose is a string alias.
(Appears on: OperatingSystemConfig)
OperatingSystemConfigSpec is the spec for a OperatingSystemConfig resource.
Field | Description |
criConfig CRIConfig | (Optional) CRI config is a structure contains configurations of the CRI library |
DefaultSpec DefaultSpec | (Members of DefaultSpec is a structure containing common fields used by all extension resources. |
purpose OperatingSystemConfigPurpose | Purpose describes how the result of this OperatingSystemConfig is used by Gardener. Either it
gets sent to the |
units []Unit | (Optional) Units is a list of unit for the operating system configuration (usually, a systemd unit). |
files []File | (Optional) Files is a list of files that should get written to the host’s file system. |
inPlaceUpdates InPlaceUpdates | (Optional) InPlaceUpdates contains the configuration for in-place updates. |
(Appears on: OperatingSystemConfig)
OperatingSystemConfigStatus is the status for a OperatingSystemConfig resource.
Field | Description |
DefaultStatus DefaultStatus | (Members of DefaultStatus is a structure containing common fields used by all extension resources. |
extensionUnits []Unit | (Optional) ExtensionUnits is a list of additional systemd units provided by the extension. |
extensionFiles []File | (Optional) ExtensionFiles is a list of additional files provided by the extension. |
cloudConfig CloudConfig | (Optional) CloudConfig is a structure for containing the generated output for the given operating system config spec. It contains a reference to a secret as the result may contain confidential data. After Gardener v1.112, this will be only set for OperatingSystemConfigs with purpose ‘provision’. |
inPlaceUpdates InPlaceUpdatesStatus | (Optional) InPlaceUpdates contains the configuration for in-place updates. |
(Appears on: ContainerdConfig)
PluginConfig contains configuration values for the containerd plugins section.
Field | Description |
op PluginPathOperation | (Optional) Op is the operation for the given path. Possible values are ‘add’ and ‘remove’, defaults to ‘add’. |
path []string | Path is a list of elements that construct the path in the plugins section. |
values k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver/pkg/apis/apiextensions/v1.JSON | (Optional) Values are the values configured at the given path. If defined, it is expected as json format: - A given json object will be put to the given path. - If not configured, only the table entry to be created. |
(Appears on: PluginConfig)
PluginPathOperation is a type alias for operations at containerd’s plugin configuration.
(Appears on: ControlPlaneSpec)
Purpose is a string alias.
(Appears on: RegistryHost)
RegistryCapability specifies an action a client can perform against a registry.
(Appears on: ContainerdConfig)
RegistryConfig contains registry configuration options.
Field | Description |
upstream string | Upstream is the upstream name of the registry. |
server string | (Optional) Server is the URL to registry server of this upstream.
It corresponds to the server field in the |
hosts []RegistryHost | Hosts are the registry hosts.
It corresponds to the host fields in the |
readinessProbe bool | (Optional) ReadinessProbe determines if host registry endpoints should be probed before they are added to the containerd config. |
(Appears on: RegistryConfig)
RegistryHost contains configuration values for a registry host.
Field | Description |
url string | URL is the endpoint address of the registry mirror. |
capabilities []RegistryCapability | Capabilities determine what operations a host is capable of performing. Defaults to - pull - resolve |
caCerts []string | CACerts are paths to public key certificates used for TLS. |
(Appears on: CredentialsRotation)
ServiceAccountKeyRotation contains information about the service account key credential rotation.
Field | Description |
lastInitiationTime Kubernetes meta/v1.Time | (Optional) LastInitiationTime is the most recent time when the service account key credential rotation was initiated. |
Spec is the spec section of an Object.
Status is the status of an Object.
(Appears on: OperatingSystemConfigSpec, OperatingSystemConfigStatus)
Unit is a unit for the operating system configuration (usually, a systemd unit).
Field | Description |
name string | Name is the name of a unit. |
command UnitCommand | (Optional) Command is the unit’s command. |
enable bool | (Optional) Enable describes whether the unit is enabled or not. |
content string | (Optional) Content is the unit’s content. |
dropIns []DropIn | (Optional) DropIns is a list of drop-ins for this unit. |
filePaths []string | FilePaths is a list of files the unit depends on. If any file changes a restart of the dependent unit will be triggered. For each FilePath there must exist a File with matching Path in OperatingSystemConfig.Spec.Files. |
(Appears on: Unit)
UnitCommand is a string alias.
(Appears on: WorkerPool)
Volume contains information about the root disks that should be used for worker pools.
Field | Description |
name string | (Optional) Name of the volume to make it referenceable. |
type string | (Optional) Type is the type of the volume. |
size string | Size is the of the root volume. |
encrypted bool | (Optional) Encrypted determines if the volume should be encrypted. |
(Appears on: WorkerSpec)
WorkerPool is the definition of a specific worker pool.
Field | Description |
machineType string | MachineType contains information about the machine type that should be used for this worker pool. |
maximum int32 | Maximum is the maximum size of the worker pool. |
maxSurge k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/intstr.IntOrString | MaxSurge is maximum number of VMs that are created during an update. |
maxUnavailable k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/intstr.IntOrString | MaxUnavailable is the maximum number of VMs that can be unavailable during an update. |
annotations map[string]string | (Optional) Annotations is a map of key/value pairs for annotations for all the |
labels map[string]string | (Optional) Labels is a map of key/value pairs for labels for all the |
taints []Kubernetes core/v1.Taint | (Optional) Taints is a list of taints for all the |
machineImage MachineImage | MachineImage contains logical information about the name and the version of the machie image that should be used. The logical information must be mapped to the provider-specific information (e.g., AMIs, …) by the provider itself. |
minimum int32 | Minimum is the minimum size of the worker pool. |
name string | Name is the name of this worker pool. |
nodeAgentSecretName string | (Optional) NodeAgentSecretName is uniquely identifying selected aspects of the OperatingSystemConfig. If it changes, then the worker pool must be rolled. |
providerConfig k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime.RawExtension | (Optional) ProviderConfig is a provider specific configuration for the worker pool. |
userDataSecretRef Kubernetes core/v1.SecretKeySelector | UserDataSecretRef references a Secret and a data key containing the data that is sent to the provider’s APIs when a new machine/VM that is part of this worker pool shall be spawned. |
volume Volume | (Optional) Volume contains information about the root disks that should be used for this worker pool. |
dataVolumes []DataVolume | (Optional) DataVolumes contains a list of additional worker volumes. |
kubeletDataVolumeName string | (Optional) KubeletDataVolumeName contains the name of a dataVolume that should be used for storing kubelet state. |
zones []string | (Optional) Zones contains information about availability zones for this worker pool. |
machineControllerManager github.com/gardener/gardener/pkg/apis/core/v1beta1.MachineControllerManagerSettings | (Optional) MachineControllerManagerSettings contains configurations for different worker-pools. Eg. MachineDrainTimeout, MachineHealthTimeout. |
kubernetesVersion string | (Optional) KubernetesVersion is the kubernetes version in this worker pool |
kubeletConfig github.com/gardener/gardener/pkg/apis/core/v1beta1.KubeletConfig | (Optional) KubeletConfig contains the kubelet configuration for the worker pool. |
nodeTemplate NodeTemplate | (Optional) NodeTemplate contains resource information of the machine which is used by Cluster Autoscaler to generate nodeTemplate during scaling a nodeGroup from zero |
architecture string | (Optional) Architecture is the CPU architecture of the worker pool machines and machine image. |
clusterAutoscaler ClusterAutoscalerOptions | (Optional) ClusterAutoscaler contains the cluster autoscaler configurations for the worker pool. |
priority int32 | (Optional) Priority (or weight) is the importance by which this worker pool will be scaled by cluster autoscaling. |
updateStrategy github.com/gardener/gardener/pkg/apis/core/v1beta1.MachineUpdateStrategy | (Optional) UpdateStrategy specifies the machine update strategy for the worker pool. |
(Appears on: Worker)
WorkerSpec is the spec for a Worker resource.
Field | Description |
DefaultSpec DefaultSpec | (Members of DefaultSpec is a structure containing common fields used by all extension resources. |
infrastructureProviderStatus k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime.RawExtension | (Optional) InfrastructureProviderStatus is a raw extension field that contains the provider status that has
been generated by the controller responsible for the |
region string | Region is the name of the region where the worker pool should be deployed to. This field is immutable. |
secretRef Kubernetes core/v1.SecretReference | SecretRef is a reference to a secret that contains the cloud provider specific credentials. |
sshPublicKey []byte | (Optional) SSHPublicKey is the public SSH key that should be used with these workers. |
pools []WorkerPool | Pools is a list of worker pools. |
(Appears on: Worker)
WorkerStatus is the status for a Worker resource.
Field | Description |
DefaultStatus DefaultStatus | (Members of DefaultStatus is a structure containing common fields used by all extension resources. |
machineDeployments []MachineDeployment | MachineDeployments is a list of created machine deployments. It will be used to e.g. configure the cluster-autoscaler properly. |
machineDeploymentsLastUpdateTime Kubernetes meta/v1.Time | (Optional) MachineDeploymentsLastUpdateTime is the timestamp when the status.MachineDeployments slice was last updated. |
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