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Package v1alpha1 contains the configuration of the Gardener Resource Manager.
Resource Types:ManagedResource
ManagedResource describes a list of managed resources.
Field | Description | ||||||||||||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta | Standard object metadata. Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of themetadata field. | ||||||||||||||||
spec ManagedResourceSpec | Spec contains the specification of this managed resource.
| ||||||||||||||||
status ManagedResourceStatus | Status contains the status of this managed resource. |
(Appears on: ManagedResource)
ManagedResourceSpec contains the specification of this managed resource.
Field | Description |
class string | (Optional) Class holds the resource class used to control the responsibility for multiple resource manager instances |
secretRefs []Kubernetes core/v1.LocalObjectReference | SecretRefs is a list of secret references. |
injectLabels map[string]string | (Optional) InjectLabels injects the provided labels into every resource that is part of the referenced secrets. |
forceOverwriteLabels bool | (Optional) ForceOverwriteLabels specifies that all existing labels should be overwritten. Defaults to false. |
forceOverwriteAnnotations bool | (Optional) ForceOverwriteAnnotations specifies that all existing annotations should be overwritten. Defaults to false. |
keepObjects bool | (Optional) KeepObjects specifies whether the objects should be kept although the managed resource has already been deleted. Defaults to false. |
equivalences [][]k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1.GroupKind | (Optional) Equivalences specifies possible group/kind equivalences for objects. |
deletePersistentVolumeClaims bool | (Optional) DeletePersistentVolumeClaims specifies if PersistentVolumeClaims created by StatefulSets, which are managed by this resource, should also be deleted when the corresponding StatefulSet is deleted (defaults to false). |
(Appears on: ManagedResource)
ManagedResourceStatus is the status of a managed resource.
Field | Description |
conditions []github.com/gardener/gardener/pkg/apis/core/v1beta1.Condition | |
observedGeneration int64 | ObservedGeneration is the most recent generation observed for this resource. |
resources []ObjectReference | (Optional) Resources is a list of objects that have been created. |
secretsDataChecksum string | (Optional) SecretsDataChecksum is the checksum of referenced secrets data. |
(Appears on: ManagedResourceStatus)
ObjectReference is a reference to another object.
Field | Description |
ObjectReference Kubernetes core/v1.ObjectReference | (Members of |
labels map[string]string | Labels is a map of labels that were used during last update of the resource. |
annotations map[string]string | Annotations is a map of annotations that were used during last update of the resource. |
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