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Package v1alpha1 is a version of the API.
Resource Types:Gardenlet
Gardenlet represents a Gardenlet configuration for an unmanaged seed.
Field | Description | ||||||
apiVersion string | seedmanagement.gardener.cloud/v1alpha1 | ||||||
kind string | Gardenlet | ||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta | (Optional) Standard object metadata. Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of themetadata field. | ||||||
spec GardenletSpec | (Optional) Specification of the Gardenlet.
| ||||||
status GardenletStatus | (Optional) Most recently observed status of the Gardenlet. |
ManagedSeed represents a Shoot that is registered as Seed.
Field | Description | ||||
apiVersion string | seedmanagement.gardener.cloud/v1alpha1 | ||||
kind string | ManagedSeed | ||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta | (Optional) Standard object metadata. Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of themetadata field. | ||||
spec ManagedSeedSpec | (Optional) Specification of the ManagedSeed.
| ||||
status ManagedSeedStatus | (Optional) Most recently observed status of the ManagedSeed. |
ManagedSeedSet represents a set of identical ManagedSeeds.
Field | Description | ||||||||||||
apiVersion string | seedmanagement.gardener.cloud/v1alpha1 | ||||||||||||
kind string | ManagedSeedSet | ||||||||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta | (Optional) Standard object metadata. Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of themetadata field. | ||||||||||||
spec ManagedSeedSetSpec | (Optional) Spec defines the desired identities of ManagedSeeds and Shoots in this set.
| ||||||||||||
status ManagedSeedSetStatus | (Optional) Status is the current status of ManagedSeeds and Shoots in this ManagedSeedSet. |
(Appears on: GardenletConfig)
Bootstrap describes a mechanism for bootstrapping gardenlet connection to the Garden cluster.
(Appears on: ManagedSeedSpec)
GardenletConfig specifies gardenlet deployment parameters and the GardenletConfiguration used to configure gardenlet.
Field | Description |
deployment GardenletDeployment | (Optional) Deployment specifies certain gardenlet deployment parameters, such as the number of replicas, the image, etc. |
config k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime.RawExtension | (Optional) Config is the GardenletConfiguration used to configure gardenlet. |
bootstrap Bootstrap | (Optional) Bootstrap is the mechanism that should be used for bootstrapping gardenlet connection to the Garden cluster. One of ServiceAccount, BootstrapToken, None. If set to ServiceAccount or BootstrapToken, a service account or a bootstrap token will be created in the garden cluster and used to compute the bootstrap kubeconfig. If set to None, the gardenClientConnection.kubeconfig field will be used to connect to the Garden cluster. Defaults to BootstrapToken. This field is immutable. |
mergeWithParent bool | (Optional) MergeWithParent specifies whether the GardenletConfiguration of the parent gardenlet should be merged with the specified GardenletConfiguration. Defaults to true. This field is immutable. |
(Appears on: GardenletConfig, GardenletSelfDeployment)
GardenletDeployment specifies certain gardenlet deployment parameters, such as the number of replicas, the image, etc.
Field | Description |
replicaCount int32 | (Optional) ReplicaCount is the number of gardenlet replicas. Defaults to 2. |
revisionHistoryLimit int32 | (Optional) RevisionHistoryLimit is the number of old gardenlet ReplicaSets to retain to allow rollback. Defaults to 2. |
serviceAccountName string | (Optional) ServiceAccountName is the name of the ServiceAccount to use to run gardenlet pods. |
image Image | (Optional) Image is the gardenlet container image. |
resources Kubernetes core/v1.ResourceRequirements | (Optional) Resources are the compute resources required by the gardenlet container. |
podLabels map[string]string | (Optional) PodLabels are the labels on gardenlet pods. |
podAnnotations map[string]string | (Optional) PodAnnotations are the annotations on gardenlet pods. |
additionalVolumes []Kubernetes core/v1.Volume | (Optional) AdditionalVolumes is the list of additional volumes that should be mounted by gardenlet containers. |
additionalVolumeMounts []Kubernetes core/v1.VolumeMount | (Optional) AdditionalVolumeMounts is the list of additional pod volumes to mount into the gardenlet container’s filesystem. |
env []Kubernetes core/v1.EnvVar | (Optional) Env is the list of environment variables to set in the gardenlet container. |
(Appears on: GardenletSelfDeployment)
GardenletHelm is the Helm deployment configuration for gardenlet.
Field | Description |
ociRepository github.com/gardener/gardener/pkg/apis/core/v1.OCIRepository | OCIRepository defines where to pull the chart. |
(Appears on: GardenletSpec)
GardenletSelfDeployment specifies certain gardenlet deployment parameters, such as the number of replicas, the image, etc.
Field | Description |
GardenletDeployment GardenletDeployment | (Members of GardenletDeployment specifies common gardenlet deployment parameters. |
helm GardenletHelm | Helm is the Helm deployment configuration. |
imageVectorOverwrite string | (Optional) ImageVectorOverwrite is the image vector overwrite for the components deployed by this gardenlet. |
componentImageVectorOverwrite string | (Optional) ComponentImageVectorOverwrite is the component image vector overwrite for the components deployed by this gardenlet. |
(Appears on: Gardenlet)
GardenletSpec specifies gardenlet deployment parameters and the configuration used to configure gardenlet.
Field | Description |
deployment GardenletSelfDeployment | Deployment specifies certain gardenlet deployment parameters, such as the number of replicas, the image, etc. |
config k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime.RawExtension | (Optional) Config is the GardenletConfiguration used to configure gardenlet. |
kubeconfigSecretRef Kubernetes core/v1.LocalObjectReference | (Optional) KubeconfigSecretRef is a reference to a secret containing a kubeconfig for the cluster to which gardenlet should be deployed. This is only used by gardener-operator for a very first gardenlet deployment. After that, gardenlet will continuously upgrade itself. If this field is empty, gardener-operator deploys it into its own runtime cluster. |
(Appears on: Gardenlet)
GardenletStatus is the status of a Gardenlet.
Field | Description |
conditions []github.com/gardener/gardener/pkg/apis/core/v1beta1.Condition | (Optional) Conditions represents the latest available observations of a Gardenlet’s current state. |
observedGeneration int64 | (Optional) ObservedGeneration is the most recent generation observed for this Gardenlet. It corresponds to the Gardenlet’s generation, which is updated on mutation by the API Server. |
(Appears on: GardenletDeployment)
Image specifies container image parameters.
Field | Description |
repository string | (Optional) Repository is the image repository. |
tag string | (Optional) Tag is the image tag. |
pullPolicy Kubernetes core/v1.PullPolicy | (Optional) PullPolicy is the image pull policy. One of Always, Never, IfNotPresent. Defaults to Always if latest tag is specified, or IfNotPresent otherwise. |
(Appears on: ManagedSeedSet)
ManagedSeedSetSpec is the specification of a ManagedSeedSet.
Field | Description |
replicas int32 | (Optional) Replicas is the desired number of replicas of the given Template. Defaults to 1. |
selector Kubernetes meta/v1.LabelSelector | Selector is a label query over ManagedSeeds and Shoots that should match the replica count. It must match the ManagedSeeds and Shoots template’s labels. This field is immutable. |
template ManagedSeedTemplate | Template describes the ManagedSeed that will be created if insufficient replicas are detected. Each ManagedSeed created / updated by the ManagedSeedSet will fulfill this template. |
shootTemplate github.com/gardener/gardener/pkg/apis/core/v1beta1.ShootTemplate | ShootTemplate describes the Shoot that will be created if insufficient replicas are detected for hosting the corresponding ManagedSeed. Each Shoot created / updated by the ManagedSeedSet will fulfill this template. |
updateStrategy UpdateStrategy | (Optional) UpdateStrategy specifies the UpdateStrategy that will be employed to update ManagedSeeds / Shoots in the ManagedSeedSet when a revision is made to Template / ShootTemplate. |
revisionHistoryLimit int32 | (Optional) RevisionHistoryLimit is the maximum number of revisions that will be maintained in the ManagedSeedSet’s revision history. Defaults to 10. This field is immutable. |
(Appears on: ManagedSeedSet)
ManagedSeedSetStatus represents the current state of a ManagedSeedSet.
Field | Description |
observedGeneration int64 | ObservedGeneration is the most recent generation observed for this ManagedSeedSet. It corresponds to the ManagedSeedSet’s generation, which is updated on mutation by the API Server. |
replicas int32 | Replicas is the number of replicas (ManagedSeeds and their corresponding Shoots) created by the ManagedSeedSet controller. |
readyReplicas int32 | ReadyReplicas is the number of ManagedSeeds created by the ManagedSeedSet controller that have a Ready Condition. |
nextReplicaNumber int32 | NextReplicaNumber is the ordinal number that will be assigned to the next replica of the ManagedSeedSet. |
currentReplicas int32 | CurrentReplicas is the number of ManagedSeeds created by the ManagedSeedSet controller from the ManagedSeedSet version indicated by CurrentRevision. |
updatedReplicas int32 | UpdatedReplicas is the number of ManagedSeeds created by the ManagedSeedSet controller from the ManagedSeedSet version indicated by UpdateRevision. |
currentRevision string | CurrentRevision, if not empty, indicates the version of the ManagedSeedSet used to generate ManagedSeeds with smaller ordinal numbers during updates. |
updateRevision string | UpdateRevision, if not empty, indicates the version of the ManagedSeedSet used to generate ManagedSeeds with larger ordinal numbers during updates |
collisionCount int32 | (Optional) CollisionCount is the count of hash collisions for the ManagedSeedSet. The ManagedSeedSet controller uses this field as a collision avoidance mechanism when it needs to create the name for the newest ControllerRevision. |
conditions []github.com/gardener/gardener/pkg/apis/core/v1beta1.Condition | (Optional) Conditions represents the latest available observations of a ManagedSeedSet’s current state. |
pendingReplica PendingReplica | (Optional) PendingReplica, if not empty, indicates the replica that is currently pending creation, update, or deletion. This replica is in a state that requires the controller to wait for it to change before advancing to the next replica. |
(Appears on: ManagedSeed, ManagedSeedTemplate)
ManagedSeedSpec is the specification of a ManagedSeed.
Field | Description |
shoot Shoot | (Optional) Shoot references a Shoot that should be registered as Seed. This field is immutable. |
gardenlet GardenletConfig | Gardenlet specifies that the ManagedSeed controller should deploy a gardenlet into the cluster with the given deployment parameters and GardenletConfiguration. |
(Appears on: ManagedSeed)
ManagedSeedStatus is the status of a ManagedSeed.
Field | Description |
conditions []github.com/gardener/gardener/pkg/apis/core/v1beta1.Condition | (Optional) Conditions represents the latest available observations of a ManagedSeed’s current state. |
observedGeneration int64 | ObservedGeneration is the most recent generation observed for this ManagedSeed. It corresponds to the ManagedSeed’s generation, which is updated on mutation by the API Server. |
(Appears on: ManagedSeedSetSpec)
ManagedSeedTemplate is a template for creating a ManagedSeed object.
Field | Description | ||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta | (Optional) Standard object metadata. Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of themetadata field. | ||||
spec ManagedSeedSpec | (Optional) Specification of the desired behavior of the ManagedSeed.
(Appears on: ManagedSeedSetStatus)
PendingReplica contains information about a replica that is currently pending creation, update, or deletion.
Field | Description |
name string | Name is the replica name. |
reason PendingReplicaReason | Reason is the reason for the replica to be pending. |
since Kubernetes meta/v1.Time | Since is the moment in time since the replica is pending with the specified reason. |
retries int32 | (Optional) Retries is the number of times the shoot operation (reconcile or delete) has been retried after having failed. Only applicable if Reason is ShootReconciling or ShootDeleting. |
(Appears on: PendingReplica)
PendingReplicaReason is a string enumeration type that enumerates all possible reasons for a replica to be pending.
(Appears on: UpdateStrategy)
RollingUpdateStrategy is used to communicate parameters for RollingUpdateStrategyType.
Field | Description |
partition int32 | (Optional) Partition indicates the ordinal at which the ManagedSeedSet should be partitioned. Defaults to 0. |
(Appears on: ManagedSeedSpec)
Shoot identifies the Shoot that should be registered as Seed.
Field | Description |
name string | Name is the name of the Shoot that will be registered as Seed. |
(Appears on: ManagedSeedSetSpec)
UpdateStrategy specifies the strategy that the ManagedSeedSet controller will use to perform updates. It includes any additional parameters necessary to perform the update for the indicated strategy.
Field | Description |
type UpdateStrategyType | (Optional) Type indicates the type of the UpdateStrategy. Defaults to RollingUpdate. |
rollingUpdate RollingUpdateStrategy | (Optional) RollingUpdate is used to communicate parameters when Type is RollingUpdateStrategyType. |
(Appears on: UpdateStrategy)
UpdateStrategyType is a string enumeration type that enumerates all possible update strategies for the ManagedSeedSet controller.
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