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Package v1alpha1 is a version of the API.
Resource Types:ClusterOpenIDConnectPreset
ClusterOpenIDConnectPreset is a OpenID Connect configuration that is applied to a Shoot objects cluster-wide.
Field | Description | ||||
apiVersion string | settings.gardener.cloud/v1alpha1 | ||||
kind string | ClusterOpenIDConnectPreset | ||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta | Standard object metadata. Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of themetadata field. | ||||
spec ClusterOpenIDConnectPresetSpec | Spec is the specification of this OpenIDConnect preset.
OpenIDConnectPreset is a OpenID Connect configuration that is applied to a Shoot in a namespace.
Field | Description | ||||||||
apiVersion string | settings.gardener.cloud/v1alpha1 | ||||||||
kind string | OpenIDConnectPreset | ||||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta | Standard object metadata. Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of themetadata field. | ||||||||
spec OpenIDConnectPresetSpec | Spec is the specification of this OpenIDConnect preset.
(Appears on: ClusterOpenIDConnectPreset)
ClusterOpenIDConnectPresetSpec contains the OpenIDConnect specification and project selector matching Shoots in Projects.
Field | Description |
OpenIDConnectPresetSpec OpenIDConnectPresetSpec | (Members of |
projectSelector Kubernetes meta/v1.LabelSelector | (Optional) Project decides whether to apply the configuration if the Shoot is in a specific Project matching the label selector. Use the selector only if the OIDC Preset is opt-in, because end users may skip the admission by setting the labels. Defaults to the empty LabelSelector, which matches everything. |
(Appears on: OpenIDConnectPresetSpec)
KubeAPIServerOpenIDConnect contains configuration settings for the OIDC provider. Note: Descriptions were taken from the Kubernetes documentation.
Field | Description |
caBundle string | (Optional) If set, the OpenID server’s certificate will be verified by one of the authorities in the oidc-ca-file, otherwise the host’s root CA set will be used. |
clientID string | The client ID for the OpenID Connect client. Required. |
groupsClaim string | (Optional) If provided, the name of a custom OpenID Connect claim for specifying user groups. The claim value is expected to be a string or array of strings. This field is experimental, please see the authentication documentation for further details. |
groupsPrefix string | (Optional) If provided, all groups will be prefixed with this value to prevent conflicts with other authentication strategies. |
issuerURL string | The URL of the OpenID issuer, only HTTPS scheme will be accepted. If set, it will be used to verify the OIDC JSON Web Token (JWT). Required. |
requiredClaims map[string]string | (Optional) key=value pairs that describes a required claim in the ID Token. If set, the claim is verified to be present in the ID Token with a matching value. |
signingAlgs []string | (Optional) List of allowed JOSE asymmetric signing algorithms. JWTs with a ‘alg’ header value not in this list will be rejected. Values are defined by RFC 7518 https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7518#section-3.1 Defaults to [RS256] |
usernameClaim string | (Optional) The OpenID claim to use as the user name. Note that claims other than the default (‘sub’) is not guaranteed to be unique and immutable. This field is experimental, please see the authentication documentation for further details. Defaults to “sub”. |
usernamePrefix string | (Optional) If provided, all usernames will be prefixed with this value. If not provided, username claims other than ‘email’ are prefixed by the issuer URL to avoid clashes. To skip any prefixing, provide the value ‘-’. |
(Appears on: OpenIDConnectPresetSpec)
OpenIDConnectClientAuthentication contains configuration for OIDC clients.
Field | Description |
secret string | (Optional) The client Secret for the OpenID Connect client. |
extraConfig map[string]string | (Optional) Extra configuration added to kubeconfig’s auth-provider. Must not be any of idp-issuer-url, client-id, client-secret, idp-certificate-authority, idp-certificate-authority-data, id-token or refresh-token |
(Appears on: OpenIDConnectPreset, ClusterOpenIDConnectPresetSpec)
OpenIDConnectPresetSpec contains the Shoot selector for which a specific OpenID Connect configuration is applied.
Field | Description |
server KubeAPIServerOpenIDConnect | Server contains the kube-apiserver’s OpenID Connect configuration. This configuration is not overwriting any existing OpenID Connect configuration already set on the Shoot object. |
client OpenIDConnectClientAuthentication | (Optional) Client contains the configuration used for client OIDC authentication of Shoot clusters. This configuration is not overwriting any existing OpenID Connect client authentication already set on the Shoot object. Deprecated: The OpenID Connect configuration this field specifies is not used and will be forbidden starting from Kubernetes 1.31. It’s use was planned for genereting OIDC kubeconfig https://github.com/gardener/gardener/issues/1433 TODO(AleksandarSavchev): Drop this field after support for Kubernetes 1.30 is dropped. |
shootSelector Kubernetes meta/v1.LabelSelector | (Optional) ShootSelector decides whether to apply the configuration if the Shoot has matching labels. Use the selector only if the OIDC Preset is opt-in, because end users may skip the admission by setting the labels. Default to the empty LabelSelector, which matches everything. |
weight int32 | Weight associated with matching the corresponding preset, in the range 1-100. Required. |
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