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Resource Admission in the Garden Cluster

The Shoot resource itself can contain some extension-specific data blobs (see providerConfig):

apiVersion: core.gardener.cloud/v1beta1
kind: Shoot
  name: johndoe-aws
  namespace: garden-dev
  region: eu-west-1
    type: aws
      apiVersion: aws.cloud.gardener.cloud/v1alpha1
      kind: InfrastructureConfig
        vpc: # specify either 'id' or 'cidr'
        # id: vpc-123456
      - eu-west-1a

In the above example, Gardener itself does not understand the AWS-specific provider configuration for the infrastructure. However, if this part of the Shoot resource should be validated, then you should run an AWS-specific component in the garden cluster that registers a webhook. The same is true for values defaulting via MutatingWebhookConfiguration. Similarly to how Gardener is deployed to the garden cluster, these components must be deployed and managed by the Gardener administrator.

Examples of extensions performing validation:

  • provider extensions would validate spec.provider.infrastructureConfig and spec.provider.controlPlaneConfig in the Shoot resource and spec.providerConfig in the CloudProfile resource.
  • networking extensions would validate spec.networking.providerConfig in the Shoot resource.

As a best practice, the validation should be performed only if there is a change in the spec of the resource. Please find an exemplary implementation in the gardener/gardener-extension-provider-aws repository.

extensions.gardener.cloud Labeling

When an admission relevant resource (e.g., BackupEntrys, BackupBuckets, CloudProfiles, Seeds, SecretBindings, and Shoots) is newly created or updated in the garden cluster, Gardener adds an extension label to it. This label is of the form <extension-type>.extensions.gardener.cloud/<extension-name> : "true". For example, an extension label for a provider extension type aws looks like provider.extensions.gardener.cloud/aws : "true". The extensions should add object selectors in their admission webhooks for these labels to filter out the objects they are responsible for. Please see the types_constants.go file for the full list of extension labels.