3 minute read
Contract: Bastion
The Gardener project allows users to connect to Shoot worker nodes via SSH. As nodes are usually firewalled and not directly accessible from the public internet, GEP-15 introduced the concept of “Bastions”. A bastion is a dedicated server that only serves to allow SSH ingress to the worker nodes.
resources contain the user’s public SSH key and IP address, in order to provision the server accordingly: The public key is put onto the Bastion and SSH ingress is only authorized for the given IP address (in fact, it’s not a single IP address, but a set of IP ranges, however for most purposes a single IP is be used).
What Is the Lifespan of a Bastion
Once a Bastion
has been created in the garden, it will be replicated to the appropriate seed cluster, where a controller then reconciles a server and firewall rules etc., on the cloud provider used by the target Shoot. When the Bastion is ready (i.e. has a public IP), that IP is stored in the Bastion
’s status and from there it is picked up by the garden cluster and gardenctl
To make multiple SSH sessions possible, the existence of the Bastion
is not directly tied to the execution of gardenctl
: users can exit out of gardenctl
and use ssh
manually to connect to the bastion and worker nodes.
However, Bastion
s have an expiry date, after which they will be garbage collected.
When SSH access is set to false
for the Shoot
in the workers settings (see Shoot Worker Nodes Settings), Bastion
resources are deleted during Shoot
reconciliation and new Bastion
s are prevented from being created.
What Needs to Be Implemented to Support a New Infrastructure Provider?
As part of the shoot flow, Gardener will create a special CRD in the seed cluster that needs to be reconciled by an extension controller, for example:
apiVersion: extensions.gardener.cloud/v1alpha1
kind: Bastion
name: mybastion
namespace: shoot--foo--bar
type: aws
# userData is base64-encoded cloud provider user data; this contains the
# user's SSH key
userData: IyEvYmluL2Jhc2ggL....Nlcgo=
- ipBlock:
cidr: # this is most likely the user's IP address
Your controller is supposed to create a new instance at the given cloud provider, firewall it to only allow SSH (TCP port 22) from the given IP blocks, and then configure the firewall for the worker nodes to allow SSH from the bastion instance. When a Bastion
is deleted, all these changes need to be reverted.
Implementation Details
For bastion controllers, the generic Reconciler
also delegates to a ConfigValidator
interface that contains a single Validate
method. This method is called by the generic Reconciler
at the beginning of every reconciliation, and can be implemented by the extension to validate the .spec.providerConfig
part of the Bastion
resource with the respective cloud provider, typically the existence and validity of cloud provider resources such as VPCs, images, etc.
The Validate
method returns a list of errors. If this list is non-empty, the generic Reconciler
will fail with an error. This error will have the error code ERR_CONFIGURATION_PROBLEM
, unless there is at least one error in the list that has its ErrorType
field set to field.ErrorTypeInternal