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  2 minute read  

How to Create Log Parser for Container into fluent-bit

If our log message is parsed correctly, it has to be showed in Plutono like this:

  {"log":"OpenAPI AggregationController: Processing item v1beta1.metrics.k8s.io","pid":"1","severity":"INFO","source":"controller.go:107"}

Otherwise it will looks like this:

  \"level\":\"info\",\"ts\":\"2020-06-01T11:23:26.679Z\",\"logger\":\"gardener-resource-manager.health-reconciler\",\"msg\":\"Finished ManagedResource health checks\",\"object\":\"garden/provider-aws-dsm9r\"

Create a Custom Parser

  • First of all, we need to know how the log for the specific container looks like (for example, lets take a log from the alertmanager : level=info ts=2019-01-28T12:33:49.362015626Z caller=main.go:175 build_context="(go=go1.11.2, user=root@4ecc17c53d26, date=20181109-15:40:48))

  • We can see that this log contains 4 subfields(severity=info, timestamp=2019-01-28T12:33:49.362015626Z, source=main.go:175 and the actual message). So we have to write a regex which matches this log in 4 groups(We can use https://regex101.com/ like helping tool). So, for this purpose our regex looks like this:

  • It’s time to apply our new regex into fluent-bit configuration. To achieve that we can just deploy in the cluster where the fluent-operator is deployed the following custom resources:
apiVersion: fluentbit.fluent.io/v1alpha2
kind: ClusterFilter
    fluentbit.gardener/type: seed
  name: << pod-name >>--(<< container-name >>)
  - parser:
      keyName: log
      parser: << container-name >>-parser
      reserveData: true
  match: kubernetes.<< pod-name >>*<< container-name >>*
apiVersion: fluentbit.fluent.io/v1alpha2
kind: ClusterFilter
    fluentbit.gardener/type: seed
  name: alertmanager
  - parser:
      keyName: log
      parser: alertmanager-parser
      reserveData: true
  match: "kubernetes.alertmanager*alertmanager*"
  • Now lets check if there already exists ClusterParser with such a regex and time format that we need. If it doesn’t, create one:
apiVersion: fluentbit.fluent.io/v1alpha2
kind: ClusterParser
  name:  << container-name >>-parser
    fluentbit.gardener/type: "seed"
    timeKey: time
    timeFormat: << time-format >>
    regex: "<< regex >>"

apiVersion: fluentbit.fluent.io/v1alpha2
kind: ClusterParser
  name: alermanager-parser
    fluentbit.gardener/type: "seed"
    timeKey: time
    timeFormat: "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L"
    regex: "^level=(?<severity>\\w+)\\s+ts=(?<time>\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}[Tt].*[zZ])\\s+caller=(?<source>[^\\s]*+)\\s+(?<log>.*)"
Follow your development setup to validate that the parsers are working correctly.