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etcd-druid is an operator to manage etcd clusters, and follows the Operator pattern for Kubernetes. It makes use of the Kubebuilder framework which makes it quite easy to define Custom Resources (CRs) such as Etcds and EtcdCopyBackupTasks through Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs), and define controllers for these CRDs. etcd-druid uses Kubebuilder to define the Etcd CR and its corresponding controllers.

All controllers that are a part of etcd-druid reside in package internal/controller, as sub-packages.

Etcd-druid currently consists of the following controllers, each having its own responsibility:

  • etcd : responsible for the reconciliation of the Etcd CR spec, which allows users to run etcd clusters within the specified Kubernetes cluster, and also responsible for periodically updating the Etcd CR status with the up-to-date state of the managed etcd cluster.
  • compaction : responsible for snapshot compaction.
  • etcdcopybackupstask : responsible for the reconciliation of the EtcdCopyBackupsTask CR, which helps perform the job of copying snapshot backups from one object store to another.
  • secret : responsible in making sure Secrets being referenced by Etcd resources are not deleted while in use.

Package Structure

The typical package structure for the controllers that are part of etcd-druid is shown with the compaction controller:

├── config.go
├── reconciler.go
└── register.go
  • config.go: contains all the logic for the configuration of the controller, including feature gate activations, CLI flag parsing and validations.
  • register.go: contains the logic for registering the controller with the etcd-druid controller manager.
  • reconciler.go: contains the controller reconciliation logic.

Each controller package also contains auxiliary files which are relevant to that specific controller.

Controller Manager

A manager is first created for all controllers that are a part of etcd-druid. The controller manager is responsible for all the controllers that are associated with CRDs. Once the manager is Start()ed, all the controllers that are registered with it are started.

Each controller is built using a controller builder, configured with details such as the type of object being reconciled, owned objects whose owner object is reconciled, event filters (predicates), etc. Predicates are filters which allow controllers to filter which type of events the controller should respond to and which ones to ignore.

The logic relevant to the controller manager like the creation of the controller manager and registering each of the controllers with the manager, is contained in internal/manager/manager.go.

Etcd Controller

The etcd controller is responsible for the reconciliation of the Etcd resource spec and status. It handles the provisioning and management of the etcd cluster. Different components that are required for the functioning of the cluster like Leases, ConfigMaps, and the Statefulset for the etcd cluster are all deployed and managed by the etcd controller.

Additionally, etcd controller also periodically updates the Etcd resource status with the latest available information from the etcd cluster, as well as results and errors from the recent-most reconciliation of the Etcd resource spec.

The etcd controller is essential to the functioning of the etcd cluster and etcd-druid, thus the minimum number of worker threads is 1 (default being 3), controlled by the CLI flag --etcd-workers.

Etcd Spec Reconciliation

While building the controller, an event filter is set such that the behavior of the controller, specifically for Etcd update operations, depends on the gardener.cloud/operation: reconcile annotation. This is controlled by the --enable-etcd-spec-auto-reconcile CLI flag, which, if set to false, tells the controller to perform reconciliation only when this annotation is present. If the flag is set to true, the controller will reconcile the etcd cluster anytime the Etcd spec, and thus generation, changes, and the next queued event for it is triggered.

!!! note Creation and deletion of Etcd resources are not affected by the above flag or annotation.

The reason this filter is present is that any disruption in the Etcd resource due to reconciliation (due to changes in the Etcd spec, for example) while workloads are being run would cause unwanted downtimes to the etcd cluster. Hence, any user who wishes to avoid such disruptions, can choose to set the --enable-etcd-spec-auto-reconcile CLI flag to false. An example of this is Gardener’s gardenlet, which reconciles the Etcd resource only during a shoot cluster’s maintenance window.

The controller adds a finalizer to the Etcd resource in order to ensure that it does not get deleted until all dependent resources managed by etcd-druid, aka managed components, are properly cleaned up. Only the etcd controller can delete a resource once it adds finalizers to it. This ensures that the proper deletion flow steps are followed while deleting the resource. During deletion flow, managed components are deleted in parallel.

Etcd Status Updates

The Etcd resource status is updated periodically by etcd controller, the interval for which is determined by the CLI flag --etcd-status-sync-period.

Status fields of the Etcd resource such as LastOperation, LastErrors and ObservedGeneration, are updated to reflect the result of the recent reconciliation of the Etcd resource spec.

  • LastOperation holds information about the last operation performed on the etcd cluster, indicated by fields Type, State, Description and LastUpdateTime. Additionally, a field RunID indicates the unique ID assigned to the specific reconciliation run, to allow for better debugging of issues.
  • LastErrors is a slice of errors encountered by the last reconciliation run. Each error consists of fields Code to indicate the custom etcd-druid error code for the error, a human-readable Description, and the ObservedAt time when the error was seen.
  • ObservedGeneration indicates the latest generation of the Etcd resource that etcd-druid has “observed” and consequently reconciled. It helps identify whether a change in the Etcd resource spec was acted upon by druid or not.

Status fields of the Etcd resource which correspond to the StatefulSet like CurrentReplicas, ReadyReplicas and Replicas are updated to reflect those of the StatefulSet by the controller.

Status fields related to the etcd cluster itself, such as Members, PeerUrlTLSEnabled and Ready are updated as follows:

  • Cluster Membership: The controller updates the information about etcd cluster membership like Role, Status, Reason, LastTransitionTime and identifying information like the Name and ID. For the Status field, the member is checked for the Ready condition, where the member can be in Ready, NotReady and Unknown statuses.

Etcd resource conditions are indicated by status field Conditions. The condition checks that are currently performed are:

  • AllMembersReady: indicates readiness of all members of the etcd cluster.
  • Ready: indicates overall readiness of the etcd cluster in serving traffic.
  • BackupReady: indicates health of the etcd backups, i.e., whether etcd backups are being taken regularly as per schedule. This condition is applicable only when backups are enabled for the etcd cluster.
  • DataVolumesReady: indicates health of the persistent volumes containing the etcd data.

Compaction Controller

The compaction controller deploys the snapshot compaction job whenever required. To understand the rationale behind this controller, please read snapshot-compaction.md. The controller watches the number of events accumulated as part of delta snapshots in the etcd cluster’s backups, and triggers a snapshot compaction when the number of delta events crosses the set threshold, which is configurable through the --etcd-events-threshold CLI flag (1M events by default).

The controller watches for changes in snapshot Leases associated with Etcd resources. It checks the full and delta snapshot Leases and calculates the difference in events between the latest delta snapshot and the previous full snapshot, and initiates the compaction job if the event threshold is crossed.

The number of worker threads for the compaction controller needs to be greater than or equal to 0 (default 3), controlled by the CLI flag --compaction-workers. This is unlike other controllers which need at least one worker thread for the proper functioning of etcd-druid as snapshot compaction is not a core functionality for the etcd clusters to be deployed. The compaction controller should be explicitly enabled by the user, through the --enable-backup-compaction CLI flag.

EtcdCopyBackupsTask Controller

The etcdcopybackupstask controller is responsible for deploying the etcdbrctl copy command as a job. This controller reacts to create/update events arising from EtcdCopyBackupsTask resources, and deploys the EtcdCopyBackupsTask job with source and target backup storage providers as arguments, which are derived from source and target bucket secrets referenced by the EtcdCopyBackupsTask resource.

The number of worker threads for the etcdcopybackupstask controller needs to be greater than or equal to 0 (default being 3), controlled by the CLI flag --etcd-copy-backups-task-workers. This is unlike other controllers who need at least one worker thread for the proper functioning of etcd-druid as EtcdCopyBackupsTask is not a core functionality for the etcd clusters to be deployed.

Secret Controller

The secret controller’s primary responsibility is to add a finalizer on Secrets referenced by the Etcd resource. The secret controller is registered for Secrets, and the controller keeps a watch on the Etcd CR. This finalizer is added to ensure that Secrets which are referenced by the Etcd CR aren’t deleted while still being used by the Etcd resource.

Events arising from the Etcd resource are mapped to a list of Secrets such as backup and TLS secrets that are referenced by the Etcd resource, and are enqueued into the request queue, which the reconciler then acts on.

The number of worker threads for the secret controller must be at least 1 (default being 10) for this core controller, controlled by the CLI flag --secret-workers, since the referenced TLS and infrastructure access secrets are essential to the proper functioning of the etcd cluster.