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Maintaining machine replicas using machines-sets

Setting up your usage environment

Important ⚠️

Make sure that the kubernetes/machines_objects/machine-set.yaml points to the same class name as the kubernetes/machine_classes/aws-machine-class.yaml.

Similarly kubernetes/machine_classes/aws-machine-class.yaml secret name and namespace should be same as that mentioned in kubernetes/secrets/aws-secret.yaml

Creating machine-set

  • Modify kubernetes/machine_objects/machine-set.yaml as per your requirement. You can modify the number of replicas to the desired number of machines. Then, create an machine-set:
$ kubectl apply -f kubernetes/machine_objects/machine-set.yaml

You should notice that the Machine Controller Manager has immediately picked up your manifest and started to create a new machines based on the number of replicas you have provided in the manifest.

  • Check Machine Controller Manager machine-sets in the cluster
$ kubectl get machineset
test-machine-set   3         3         0       1m

You will see a new machine-set with your given name

  • Check Machine Controller Manager machines in the cluster:
$ kubectl get machine
NAME                     STATUS    AGE
test-machine-set-b57zs   Pending   5m
test-machine-set-c4bg8   Pending   5m
test-machine-set-kvskg   Pending   5m

Now you will see N (number of replicas specified in the manifest) new machines whose names are prefixed with the machine-set object name that you created.

  • After a few minutes (~3 minutes for AWS), you should notice new nodes joining the cluster. You can verify this by running:
$ kubectl get nodes
NAME                                         STATUS    AGE       VERSION
ip-10-250-0-234.eu-west-1.compute.internal   Ready     3m        v1.8.0
ip-10-250-15-98.eu-west-1.compute.internal   Ready     3m        v1.8.0
ip-10-250-6-21.eu-west-1.compute.internal    Ready     2m        v1.8.0

This shows how new nodes have joined your cluster

Inspect status of machine-set

  • To inspect the status of any created machine-set run the following command:
$ kubectl get machineset test-machine-set -o yaml
apiVersion: machine.sapcloud.io/v1alpha1
kind: MachineSet
    kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration: |
  clusterName: ""
  creationTimestamp: 2017-12-27T08:37:42Z
  - machine.sapcloud.io/operator
  generation: 0
  initializers: null
  name: test-machine-set
  namespace: ""
  resourceVersion: "12630893"
  selfLink: /apis/machine.sapcloud.io/v1alpha1/test-machine-set
  uid: 3469faaa-eae1-11e7-a6c0-828f843e4186
  machineClass: {}
  minReadySeconds: 200
  replicas: 3
      test-label: test-label
      creationTimestamp: null
        test-label: test-label
        kind: AWSMachineClass
        name: test-aws
  availableReplicas: 3
  fullyLabeledReplicas: 3
  machineSetCondition: null
    lastUpdateTime: null
  observedGeneration: 0
  readyReplicas: 3
  replicas: 3

Health monitoring

  • If you try to delete/terminate any of the machines backing the machine-set by either talking to the Machine Controller Manager or from the cloud provider, the Machine Controller Manager recreates a matching healthy machine to replace the deleted machine.
  • Similarly, if any of your machines are unreachable or in an unhealthy state (kubelet not ready / disk pressure) for longer than the configured timeout (~ 5mins), the Machine Controller Manager recreates the nodes to replace the unhealthy nodes.

Delete machine-set

  • To delete the VM using the kubernetes/machine_objects/machine-set.yaml:
$ kubectl delete -f kubernetes/machine-set.yaml

Now the Machine Controller Manager has immediately picked up your manifest and started to delete the existing VMs by talking to the cloud provider. Your nodes should be detached from the cluster in a few minutes (~1min for AWS).