4 minute read  

Connect Kubectl

In Kubernetes, the configuration for accessing your cluster is in a format known as kubeconfig, which is stored as a file. It contains details such as cluster API server addresses and access credentials or a command to obtain access credentials from a kubectl credential plugin. In general, treat a kubeconfig as sensitive data. Tools like kubectl use the kubeconfig to connect and authenticate to a cluster and perform operations on it. Learn more about kubeconfig and kubectl on kubernetes.io.


In this guide, we reference the following tools:

  • kubectl: Command-line tool for running commands against Kubernetes clusters. It allows you to control various aspects of your cluster, such as creating or modifying resources, viewing resource status, and debugging your applications.
  • kubelogin: kubectl credential plugin used for OIDC authentication, which is required for the (OIDC) Garden cluster kubeconfig
  • gardenlogin: kubectl credential plugin used for Shoot authentication as system:masters, which is required for the (gardenlogin) Shoot cluster kubeconfig
  • gardenctl: Optional. Command-line tool to administrate one or many Garden, Seed and Shoot clusters. Use this tool to setup gardenlogin and gardenctl itself, configure access to clusters and configure cloud provider CLI tools.

Connect Kubectl to a Shoot Cluster

In order to connect to a Shoot cluster, you first have to install and setup gardenlogin.

You can obtain the kubeconfig for the Shoot cluster either by downloading it from the Gardener dashboard or by copying the gardenctl target command from the dashboard and executing it.

Setup Gardenlogin

  • You are logged on to the Gardener dashboard.
  • The dashboard admin has configured OIDC for the dashboard.
  • You have installed kubelogin
  • You have installed gardenlogin

To setup gardenlogin, you need to:

Download Kubeconfig for the Garden Cluster
  1. Navigate to the MY ACCOUNT page on the dashboard by clicking on the user avatar -> MY ACCOUNT.
  2. Under the Access section, download the kubeconfig.
Configure Gardenlogin

Configure gardenlogin by following the installation instruction on the dashboard:

  1. Select your project from the dropdown on the left
  2. Choose CLUSTERS and select your cluster in the list.
  3. Choose the Show information about gardenlogin info icon and follow the configuration hints.


Use the previously downloaded kubeconfig for the Garden cluster as the kubeconfig path. Do not use the gardenlogin Shoot cluster kubeconfig here.

Download and Setup Kubeconfig for a Shoot Cluster

The gardenlogin kubeconfig for the Shoot cluster can be obtained in various ways:

Copy and Run gardenctl target Command

Using the gardenctl target command you can quickly set or switch between clusters. The command sets the scope for the next operation, e.g., it ensures that the KUBECONFIG env variable always points to the current targeted cluster.

To target a Shoot cluster:

  1. Copy the gardenctl target command from the dashboard

  2. Paste and run the command in the terminal application, for example:

$ gardenctl target --garden landscape-dev --project core --shoot mycluster
Successfully targeted shoot "mycluster"

Your KUBECONFIG env variable is now pointing to the current target (also visible with gardenctl target view -o yaml). You can now run kubectl commands against your Shoot cluster.

$ kubectl get namespaces

The command connects to the cluster and list its namespaces.

KUBECONFIG Env Var not Setup Correctly

If your KUBECONFIG env variable does not point to the current target, you will see the following message after running the gardenctl target command:

WARN The KUBECONFIG environment variable does not point to the current target of gardenctl. Run `gardenctl kubectl-env --help` on how to configure the KUBECONFIG environment variable accordingly

In this case you would need to run the following command (assuming bash as your current shell). For other shells, consult the gardenctl kubectl-env –help documentation.

$ eval "$(gardenctl kubectl-env bash)"

Download from Dashboard

  1. Select your project from the dropdown on the left, then choose CLUSTERS and locate your cluster in the list. Choose the key icon to bring up a dialog with the access options.

    In the Kubeconfig - Gardenlogin section the options are to show gardenlogin info, download, copy or view the kubeconfig for the cluster.

    The same options are available also in the Access section in the cluster details screen. To find it, choose a cluster from the list.

  2. Choose the download icon to download the kubeconfig as file on your local system.

Connecting to the Cluster

In the following command, change <path-to-gardenlogin-kubeconfig> with the actual path to the file where you stored the kubeconfig downloaded in the previous step 2.

$ kubectl --kubeconfig=<path-to-gardenlogin-kubeconfig> get namespaces

The command connects to the cluster and list its namespaces.

Exporting KUBECONFIG environment variable

Since many kubectl commands will be used, it’s a good idea to take advantage of every opportunity to shorten the expressions. The kubectl tool has a fallback strategy for looking up a kubeconfig to work with. For example, it looks for the KUBECONFIG environment variable with value that is the path to the kubeconfig file meant to be used. Export the variable:

$ export KUBECONFIG=<path-to-gardenlogin-kubeconfig>

Again, replace <path-to-gardenlogin-kubeconfig> with the actual path to the kubeconfig for the cluster you want to connect to.

What’s next?