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Project Operations

This section demonstrates how to use the standard Kubernetes tool for cluster operation kubectl for common cluster operations with emphasis on Gardener resources. For more information on kubectl, see kubectl on kubernetes.io.


  • You’re logged on to the Gardener Dashboard.
  • You’ve created a cluster and its status is operational.

It’s recommended that you get acquainted with the resources in the Gardener API.

Using kubeconfig for remote project operations

The kubeconfig for project operations is different from the one for cluster operations. It has a larger scope and allows a different set of operations that are applicable for a project administrator role, such as lifecycle control on clusters and managing project members.

Depending on your goal, you can create a service account suitable for automation and use it for your pipelines, or you can get a user-specific kubeconfig and use it to manage your project resources via kubectl.

Downloading your kubeconfig

Kubernetes doesn’t offer an own resource type for human users that access the API server. Instead, you either have to manage unique user strings, or use an OpenID-Connect (OIDC) compatible Identity Provider (IDP) to do the job.

Once the latter is set up, each Gardener user can use the kubelogin plugin for kubectl to authenticate against the API server:

  1. Set up kubelogin if you don’t have it yet. More information: kubelogin setup.

  2. Open the menu at the top right of the screen, then choose MY ACCOUNT.

    Show account details

  3. On the Access card, choose the arrow to see all options for the personalized command-line interface access.

    Show details of OICD login

    The personal bearer token that is also offered here only provides access for a limited amount of time for one time operations, for example, in curl commands. The kubeconfig provided for the personalized access is used by kubelogin to grant access to the Gardener API for the user permanently by using a refresh token.

  4. Check that the right Project is chosen and keep the settings otherwise. Download the kubeconfig file and add its path to the KUBECONFIG environment variable.

You can now execute kubectl commands on the garden cluster using the identity of your user.

Note: You can also manage your Gardener project resources automatically using a Gardener service account. For more information, see Automating Project Resource Management.

List Gardener API resources

  1. Using a kubeconfig for project operations, you can list the Gardner API resources using the following command:

    kubectl api-resources | grep garden

    The response looks like this:

    backupbuckets                     bbc             core.gardener.cloud            false        BackupBucket
    backupentries                     bec             core.gardener.cloud            true         BackupEntry
    cloudprofiles                     cprofile,cpfl   core.gardener.cloud            false        CloudProfile
    controllerinstallations           ctrlinst        core.gardener.cloud            false        ControllerInstallation
    controllerregistrations           ctrlreg         core.gardener.cloud            false        ControllerRegistration
    plants                            pl              core.gardener.cloud            true         Plant
    projects                                          core.gardener.cloud            false        Project
    quotas                            squota          core.gardener.cloud            true         Quota
    secretbindings                    sb              core.gardener.cloud            true         SecretBinding
    seeds                                             core.gardener.cloud            false        Seed
    shoots                                            core.gardener.cloud            true         Shoot
    shootstates                                       core.gardener.cloud            true         ShootState
    terminals                                         dashboard.gardener.cloud       true         Terminal
    clusteropenidconnectpresets       coidcps         settings.gardener.cloud        false        ClusterOpenIDConnectPreset
    openidconnectpresets              oidcps          settings.gardener.cloud        true         OpenIDConnectPreset
  2. Enter the following command to view the Gardener API versions:

    kubectl api-versions | grep garden

    The response looks like this:


Check your permissions

  1. The operations on project resources are limited by the role of the identity that tries to perform them. To get an overview over your permissions, use the following command:

    kubectl auth can-i --list | grep garden

    The response looks like this:

    plants.core.gardener.cloud                      []                       []                 [create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
    quotas.core.gardener.cloud                      []                       []                 [create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
    secretbindings.core.gardener.cloud              []                       []                 [create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
    shoots.core.gardener.cloud                      []                       []                 [create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
    terminals.dashboard.gardener.cloud              []                       []                 [create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
    openidconnectpresets.settings.gardener.cloud    []                       []                 [create delete deletecollection get list patch update watch]
    cloudprofiles.core.gardener.cloud               []                       []                 [get list watch]
    projects.core.gardener.cloud                    []                       [flowering]             [get patch update delete]
    namespaces                                      []                       [garden-flowering]      [get]
  2. Try to execute an operation that you aren’t allowed, for example:

    kubectl get projects

    You receive an error message like this:

    Error from server (Forbidden): projects.core.gardener.cloud is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:garden-flowering:robot" cannot list resource "projects" in API group "core.gardener.cloud" at the cluster scope

Working with projects

  1. You can get the details for a project, where you (or the service account) is a member.

    kubectl get project flowering

    The response looks like this:

    NAME        NAMESPACE          STATUS   OWNER                    CREATOR                         AGE
    flowering   garden-flowering   Ready    [PROJECT-ADMIN]@domain   [PROJECT-ADMIN]@domain system   45m

    For more information, see Project in the API reference.

  2. To query the names of the members of a project, use the following command:

    kubectl get project docu -o jsonpath='{.spec.members[*].name }'

    The response looks like this:

    [PROJECT-ADMIN]@domain system:serviceaccount:garden-flowering:robot

    For more information, see members in the API reference.

Working with clusters

The Gardener domain object for a managed cluster is called Shoot.

List project clusters

To query the clusters in a project:

kubectl get shoots

The output looks like this:

geranium   aws            1.18.3    aws-eu1   geranium.flowering.shoot.<truncated>   Awake         Succeeded   100        True        True      True    True     74m

Create a new cluster

To create a new cluster using the command line, you need a YAML definition of the Shoot resource.

  1. To get started, copy the following YAML definition to a new file, for example, daffodil.yaml (or copy file shoot.yaml to daffodil.yaml) and adapt it to your needs.

    apiVersion: core.gardener.cloud/v1beta1
    kind: Shoot
      name: daffodil
      namespace: garden-flowering
      secretBindingName: trial-secretbinding-gcp
      cloudProfileName: gcp
      region: europe-west1
      purpose: evaluation
        type: gcp
          kind: InfrastructureConfig
          apiVersion: gcp.provider.extensions.gardener.cloud/v1alpha1
          apiVersion: gcp.provider.extensions.gardener.cloud/v1alpha1
          zone: europe-west1-c
          kind: ControlPlaneConfig
        - name: cpu-worker
          maximum: 2
          minimum: 1
          maxSurge: 1
          maxUnavailable: 0
            type: n1-standard-2
              name: coreos
              version: 2303.3.0
            type: pd-standard
            size: 50Gi
            - europe-west1-c
        type: calico
          begin: 220000+0100
          end: 230000+0100
          kubernetesVersion: true
          machineImageVersion: true
        enabled: true
          - start: '00 17 * * 1,2,3,4,5'
            location: Europe/Kiev
        allowPrivilegedContainers: true
          nodeCIDRMaskSize: 24
          mode: IPTables
        version: 1.18.3
          enabled: false
          enabled: false
  2. In your new YAML definition file, replace the value of field metadata.namespace with your namespace following the convention garden-[YOUR-PROJECTNAME].

  3. Create a cluster using this manifest (with flag --wait=false the command returns immediately, otherwise it doesn’t return until the process is finished):

    kubectl apply -f daffodil.yaml --wait=false

    The response looks like this:

    shoot.core.gardener.cloud/daffodil created
  4. It takes 5–10 minutes until the cluster is created. To watch the progress, get all shoots and use the -w flag.

    kubectl get shoots -w

For a more extended example, see Gardener example shoot manifest.

Delete cluster

To delete a shoot cluster, you must first annotate the shoot resource to confirm the operation with confirmation.gardener.cloud/deletion: "true":

  1. Add the annotation to your manifest (daffodil.yaml in the previous example):

    apiVersion: core.gardener.cloud/v1beta1
      kind: Shoot
        name: daffodil
        namespace: garden-flowering
          confirmation.gardener.cloud/deletion: "true"
  2. Apply your changes of daffodil.yaml.

    kubectl apply -f daffodil.yaml

    The response looks like this:

    shoot.core.gardener.cloud/daffodil configured
  3. Trigger the deletion.

    kubectl delete shoot daffodil --wait=false

    The response looks like this:

    shoot.core.gardener.cloud "daffodil" deleted
  4. It takes 5–10 minutes to delete the cluster. To watch the progress, get all shoots and use the -w flag.

    kubectl get shoots -w

Get kubeconfig for a Shoot Cluster

To get the kubeconfig for a shoot cluster in Gardener from the command line, use one of the following methods:

  1. Using shoots/admin/kubeconfig Subresource:

    • You can obtain a temporary admin kubeconfig by using the shoots/admin/kubeconfig subresource. Detailed instructions can be found in the Gardener documentation here.
  2. Using gardenctl and gardenlogin: gardenctl simplifies targeting Shoot clusters. It automatically downloads a kubeconfig that uses the gardenlogin kubectl auth plugin. This plugin transparently manages Shoot cluster authentication and certificate renewal without embedding any credentials in the kubeconfig file.

    • When installing gardenctl via Homebrew or Chocolatey, gardenlogin will be installed as a dependency. Refer to the installation instructions here.
    • Both tools can share the same configuration. To set up the tools, refer to the documentation here.
    • To get the kubeconfig, use either the target or kubeconfig command:
      • Target Command: This command targets the specified Shoot cluster and automatically downloads the kubeconfig.

        gardenctl target --garden landscape-dev --project my-project --shoot my-shoot

        To set the KUBECONFIG environment variable to point to the downloaded kubeconfig file, use the following command (for bash):

        eval $(gardenctl kubectl-env bash)

        Detailed instructions can be found here.

      • Kubeconfig Command: This command directly downloads the kubeconfig for the specified Shoot cluster and outputs it in raw format.

        gardenctl kubeconfig --garden landscape-dev --project my-project --shoot my-shoot --raw