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Access to the Garden Cluster for Extensions

Gardener offers different means to provide or equip registered extensions with a kubeconfig which may be used to connect to the garden cluster.

Admission Controllers

For extensions with an admission controller deployment, gardener-operator injects a token-based kubeconfig as a volume and volume mount. The token is valid for 12h, automatically renewed, and associated with a dedicated ServiceAccount in the garden cluster. The path to this kubeconfig is revealed under the GARDEN_KUBECONFIG environment variable, also added to the pod spec(s).

Extensions on Seed Clusters

Extensions that are installed on seed clusters via a ControllerInstallation can request gardenlet to inject a kubeconfig and a token for the garden cluster.

In order to do so, injectGardenKubeconfig must be set to true in the referenced ControllerDeployment. If it should still be disabled for an individual workload resource (Deployment, StatefulSet, etc.), they must be labeled with extensions.gardener.cloud/inject-garden-kubeconfig=false.

When enabled, extensions can then simply read the kubeconfig file specified by the GARDEN_KUBECONFIG environment variable to create a garden cluster client. With this, they use a short-lived token (valid for 12h) associated with a dedicated ServiceAccount in the seed-<seed-name> namespace to securely access the garden cluster. The used ServiceAccounts are granted permissions in the garden cluster similar to gardenlet clients.


Historically, gardenlet has been the only component running in the seed cluster that has access to both the seed cluster and the garden cluster. Accordingly, extensions running on the seed cluster didn’t have access to the garden cluster.

Starting from Gardener v1.74.0, there is a new mechanism for components running on seed clusters to get access to the garden cluster. For this, gardenlet runs an instance of the TokenRequestor for requesting tokens that can be used to communicate with the garden cluster.

Using Gardenlet-Managed Garden Access

By default, extensions are equipped with secure access to the garden cluster using a dedicated ServiceAccount without requiring any additional action. They can simply read the file specified by the GARDEN_KUBECONFIG and construct a garden client with it.

When installing a ControllerInstallation, gardenlet creates two secrets in the installation’s namespace: a generic garden kubeconfig (generic-garden-kubeconfig-<hash>) and a garden access secret (garden-access-extension). Note that the ServiceAccount created based on this access secret will be created in the respective seed-* namespace in the garden cluster and labelled with controllerregistration.core.gardener.cloud/name=<name>.

Additionally, gardenlet injects volume, volumeMounts, and two environment variables into all (init) containers in all objects in the apps and batch API groups:

  • GARDEN_KUBECONFIG: points to the path where the generic garden kubeconfig is mounted.
  • SEED_NAME: set to the name of the Seed where the extension is installed. This is useful for restricting watches in the garden cluster to relevant objects.

If an object already contains the GARDEN_KUBECONFIG environment variable, it is not overwritten and injection of volume and volumeMounts is skipped.

For example, a Deployment deployed via a ControllerInstallation will be mutated as follows:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: gardener-extension-provider-local
    reference.resources.gardener.cloud/secret-795f7ca6: garden-access-extension
    reference.resources.gardener.cloud/secret-d5f5a834: generic-garden-kubeconfig-81fb3a88
        reference.resources.gardener.cloud/secret-795f7ca6: garden-access-extension
        reference.resources.gardener.cloud/secret-d5f5a834: generic-garden-kubeconfig-81fb3a88
      - name: gardener-extension-provider-local
        - name: GARDEN_KUBECONFIG
          value: /var/run/secrets/gardener.cloud/garden/generic-kubeconfig/kubeconfig
        - name: SEED_NAME
          value: local
        - mountPath: /var/run/secrets/gardener.cloud/garden/generic-kubeconfig
          name: garden-kubeconfig
          readOnly: true
      - name: garden-kubeconfig
          defaultMode: 420
          - secret:
              - key: kubeconfig
                path: kubeconfig
              name: generic-garden-kubeconfig-81fb3a88
              optional: false
          - secret:
              - key: token
                path: token
              name: garden-access-extension
              optional: false

The generic garden kubeconfig will look like this:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Config
- cluster:
    certificate-authority-data: LS0t...
    server: https://garden.local.gardener.cloud:6443
  name: garden
- context:
    cluster: garden
    user: extension
  name: garden
current-context: garden
- name: extension
    tokenFile: /var/run/secrets/gardener.cloud/garden/generic-kubeconfig/token

Manually Requesting a Token for the Garden Cluster

Seed components that need to communicate with the garden cluster can request a token in the garden cluster by creating a garden access secret. This secret has to be labelled with resources.gardener.cloud/purpose=token-requestor and resources.gardener.cloud/class=garden, e.g.:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: garden-access-example
  namespace: example
    resources.gardener.cloud/purpose: token-requestor
    resources.gardener.cloud/class: garden
    serviceaccount.resources.gardener.cloud/name: example
type: Opaque

This will instruct gardenlet to create a new ServiceAccount named example in its own seed-<seed-name> namespace in the garden cluster, request a token for it, and populate the token in the secret’s data under the token key.

Permissions in the Garden Cluster

Both the SeedAuthorizer and the SeedRestriction plugin handle extensions clients and generally grant the same permissions in the garden cluster to them as to gardenlet clients. With this, extensions are restricted to work with objects in the garden cluster that are related to seed they are running one just like gardenlet. Note that if the plugins are not enabled, extension clients are only granted read access to global resources like CloudProfiles (this is granted to all authenticated users). There are a few exceptions to the granted permissions as documented here.

Additional Permissions

If an extension needs access to additional resources in the garden cluster (e.g., extension-specific custom resources), permissions need to be granted via the usual RBAC means. Let’s consider the following example: An extension requires the privileges to create authorization.k8s.io/v1.SubjectAccessReviews (which is not covered by the “default” permissions mentioned above). This requires a human Gardener operator to create a ClusterRole in the garden cluster with the needed rules:

apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: ClusterRole
  name: extension-create-subjectaccessreviews
    authorization.gardener.cloud/extensions-serviceaccount-selector: '{"matchLabels":{"controllerregistration.core.gardener.cloud/name":"<extension-name>"}}'
    authorization.gardener.cloud/custom-extensions-permissions: "true"
- apiGroups:
  - authorization.k8s.io
  - subjectaccessreviews
  - create

Note the label authorization.gardener.cloud/extensions-serviceaccount-selector which contains a label selector for ServiceAccounts.

There is a controller part of gardener-controller-manager which takes care of maintaining the respective ClusterRoleBinding resources. It binds all ServiceAccounts in the seed namespaces in the garden cluster (i.e., all extension clients) whose labels match. You can read more about this controller here.

Custom Permissions

If an extension wants to create a dedicated ServiceAccount for accessing the garden cluster without automatically inheriting all permissions of the gardenlet, it first needs to create a garden access secret in its extension namespace in the seed cluster:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: my-custom-component
  namespace: <extension-namespace>
    resources.gardener.cloud/purpose: token-requestor
    resources.gardener.cloud/class: garden
    serviceaccount.resources.gardener.cloud/name: my-custom-component-extension-foo
    serviceaccount.resources.gardener.cloud/labels: '{"foo":"bar}'
type: Opaque

❗️️Do not prefix the service account name with extension- to prevent inheriting the gardenlet permissions! It is still recommended to add the extension name (e.g., as a suffix) for easier identification where this ServiceAccount comes from.

Next, you can follow the same approach described above. However, the authorization.gardener.cloud/extensions-serviceaccount-selector annotation should not contain controllerregistration.core.gardener.cloud/name=<extension-name> but rather custom labels, e.g. foo=bar.

This way, the created ServiceAccount will only get the permissions of above ClusterRole and nothing else.

Renewing All Garden Access Secrets

Operators can trigger an automatic renewal of all garden access secrets in a given Seed and their requested ServiceAccount tokens, e.g., when rotating the garden cluster’s ServiceAccount signing key. For this, the Seed has to be annotated with gardener.cloud/operation=renew-garden-access-secrets.